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Assignment on Legal Issues and Risk Management Plan

Introduction of Legal Issues and Risk Management Plan            It is important for any business to have a risk assessment and management plan to avoid any kind of legal issues associated with its business. There are various kinds of risks, which may be posing a potential threat for the business organization, …
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Category Financial Management
Paper Type Assignment Writing
Reference Type APA
Words 1500

Assignment on Scholarship Reflection Speech

  Sometimes, it is hard to explain inner feelings in words to give it true meaning, but at least we can try. So, this is what I am going to do here. I may not be able to express everything, but still, I will speak my heart out to give …
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Category Education
Paper Type Assignment Writing
Reference Type APA
Words 550

Assignment on Psychological Test

Locus of Control Scale of Psychological TestThe Instrument of Psychological Test            It is important to know that I have used the instrument named “locus of control scale”, which is one of the famous scales associated with the research of personality. In 1966, Julian Rotter is the man, who developed this …
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Category Psychology
Paper Type Assignment Writing
Reference Type APA
Words 900

Assignment on E-Mail and Internet Policy

To: All Staff From: Sybil Montrose <smontrose@syracuse.com> Subject: Problematic Internet Usage by Employees Cc: Attached: E-Mail and Internet Policy In the past, I had told you to limit the usage of internet only for business and work-related tasks. However, I did not get the results that I was expecting. So, …
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Category Business Communication
Paper Type Assignment Writing
Reference Type APA
Words 300

Assignment on Car type classification

Introduction of Car type classificationIn this report, there is some comprehensive information about the system that can easily identify the type of car through the help of a picture. For that case, the user will input a picture of a car and it will go towards the system and the …
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Category Engineering
Paper Type Assignment Writing
Reference Type APA
Words 1200

Assignment on In Canon 4 engineers act in professional matters for each employer or client and avoid conflict.

They do not accept compensation from more than one party for services on the same project. They do not solicit or accept gratuities, directly or indirectly, from contractors, their agents, or other parties. They advise their employers or clients when they believe a project will be unsuccessful.  They do not …
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Category Business & Management
Paper Type Assignment Writing
Reference Type APA
Words 1250

Assignment on Business Law

Part 1: Scenario 2 - Torts and CrimesIn order to identify whether Michael has committed crime or tort, it is important to understand the difference between tort and crime. The tort can be described as a wrong against an individual whereas a crime is a wrong against the state. If …
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Category Business Law
Paper Type Assignment Writing
Reference Type APA
Words 1150

Assignment on OS Vulnerability

Defensive tools            Windows and Linux are both different types of operating systems because their architectures are completely different than each other. But they both need security to protect the information saved in the computer. There are several types of the proactive and reactive security tools for both of them which …
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Category Arts & Education
Paper Type Assignment Writing
Reference Type APA
Words 750

Assignment on Cyber Security

Abstract of Cyber SecurityCyber security has been known as the practice along with protecting system, various programs and networks from digital attack. Despite from this cyber-attack which is mainly with the purpose of evaluating, modification for damage of sensitive information and extracting money from user. As well as here are …
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Category Computer Sciences
Paper Type Assignment Writing
Reference Type APA
Words 700

Assignment Literature Review of Corporate social responsibility (CSR)

Introduction of Corporate social responsibility (CSR)             Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is an activity performed by corporations for the betterment of society and the environment. Companies involve themselves ethically in philanthropic activities to build a positive image of their brand. CSR activities positively impact the company brand image and potentially …
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Category Business Communication
Paper Type Assignment Writing
Reference Type APA
Words 3950

Assignment Literature review of marine world

Abstract of marine world:In order to ensure the safety of marine world, Port Stata Control (PSC) inspection is something that actually help. In this paper we are going to elaborate the risk management approach in Port State Control (PSC). Before conducting on bord PSC inspection, risk management approach helps in …
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Category Business & Management
Paper Type Assignment Writing
Reference Type APA
Words 4150

Assignment on Psychology and Psychiatry (Comparing /Contrasting)

Psychology has been defined as the study of human behavior scientifically. As well as it can also be described as the study of behavior and mind along with the relation of specific field of knowledge or activity. The word psychology had been obtained from a Greek word psyche which mean …
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Category Psychology
Paper Type Assignment Writing
Reference Type APA
Words 750

Assignment on the House on Mango Street

Summary of the House on Mango Street            Sandra Cisneros is the author of The House on Mango Street and this novel was published in 1984. Actually, the novel covers 12 months of the life of a Mexican-American girl, Esperanza. When the novel begins, she is only twelve years old and …
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Category Arts & Education
Paper Type Assignment Writing
Reference Type APA
Words 650

Assignment on Benefits of IT Performance Management

Many organizations now a days use Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) to measure the performance of their IT services. Here are some benefits of Performance management systems:·         It is to ensure that the IT infrastructure is working in line with the company’s goals·         Performance metrics helps company in analysing its business …
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Category Management
Paper Type Assignment Writing
Reference Type APA
Words 1200

Assignment on Effect of Coronavirus on Economy

Introduction of Designing of photovoltaic systemThe world is facing the biggest enemy of the recent era in the shape of Coronavirus. It is a viral disease that started late Dec 2019 in China, hitting the country as one of the worst epidemics. Things started to get worst more, when Coronavirus …
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Category Economics
Paper Type Assignment Writing
Reference Type APA
Words 1300

Assignment on Designing of photovoltaic system

Table of contents1.      Introduction. 12.      Power/Energy Estimation/Assessment: 2a.      Tucson Irradiance data. 2b.     PV with fixed orientation. 3c.      Comparing both orientations. 33.      Research the PV Components Required for the System.. 3d.     PV module types. 34.      PV module layout 5e.      Schematics of PV.. 5f.      Area calculation. 55.      Power output assessment 6g.     Monthly …
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Category Electrical Engineering
Paper Type Assignment Writing
Reference Type APA
Words 2100

Assignment Exercises for Applying Conceptual Blockbusting

Problem to solve is managing people in a teamThe problem I am going to solve is managing people in a team. The role of manager is not an easy one. As a manager you have to inspire and lead a person to accomplish goals which is not an easy task. …
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Category Business & Management
Paper Type Assignment Writing
Reference Type APA
Words 1050

Assignment on Academic Sources Citations and Bibliography

Academic Sources1.      (Sinobad, 2007)http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download?doi=      (Plantos, 2009)https://www.ceeol.com/search/article-detail?id=2224683.      (Foster, 2013)https://books.google.com.pk/books?hl=en&lr=&id=Uh-PAgAAQBAJ&oi=fnd&pg=PP1&dq=+various+aspects+of+the+Kingdom+of+noric&ots=iDJCLN8C2S&sig=u7PAPVTuucknI_I9UU1dAFkAIW8&redir_esc=y#v=onepage&q&f=false4.      (Culetto, 2009)https://www.culetto.at/private_research_associates/Culetto_2009_NoricBonanza.pdf5.      (Gardner, 2014)https://www.jstor.org/stable/43185984?seq=16.      (Nafziger & Gioannini, 2002)https://books.google.com.pk/books?hl=en&lr=&id=efhCkBhf7PIC&oi=fnd&pg=PA1&dq=Kingdom+of+noric&ots=9ZFLwJygqp&sig=SOx84XfIPn21b7QIRQfk6aj9Nro&redir_esc=y#v=onepage&q=Kingdom%20of%20noric&f=false7.      (Smerdel, 2006)https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1179/flk.2006.45.1.1038.      (Dolenz, 2013)https://search.informit.com.au/documentSummary;dn=970302501;res=IELAPA;type=pdf9.      (Aberle & Distl, 2004)https://pdfs.semanticscholar.org/9eab/d871dda5155e7dfeb483b0d8b90656d8f403.pdf10.  (Hochschild, Weaver, & Burch, 2012)https://books.google.com.pk/books?hl=en&lr=&id=BeTeF3iWG9sC&oi=fnd&pg=PP1&dq=Kingdom+of+noric&ots=vjadQokT5e&sig=8onUX8nfJ7xTdMAp9zzl0qS6QLY&redir_esc=y#v=onepage&q&f=false11.  (Piccottini, 2000)https://austriaca.at/0xc1aa5576%200x00021e50.pdf12.  (Shuhidan & Nori, 2015)https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S221256711501186713.  (Kranjc, 2014)https://www.ceeol.com/search/article-detail?id=64383714.  (BRAND, 2007)https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/lichenologist/article/llimonaea-sorediata-a-new-lichen-ascomycota-widely-distributed-in-western-europe/9619F24F9749C6847D8AE3168739AFC715.  (Grey, 2011)https://books.google.com.pk/books?hl=en&lr=&id=h8Rn_bMXHdQC&oi=fnd&pg=PR5&dq=Kingdom+of+noric&ots=KI0_oiV0Ql&sig=xUstaEJXQ9vykONpKieJjhCjef4&redir_esc=y#v=onepage&q&f=falseBibliography Aberle, K. S., & Distl, O. (2004). Domestication of …
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Category Health Education
Paper Type Assignment Writing
Reference Type APA
Words 400

Assignment on Cultural Context of Pharaoh

Cultural Context of Pharaoh RamessesIntroduction of Cultural Context of Pharaoh            Ramesses II, a great leader, his popularity is evident in all his statutes which have been developed in Egypt. Actually, art is the technique of creating masterpieces which have a story to tell on their own. Although they are unable …
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Category Child Education
Paper Type Assignment Writing
Reference Type APA
Words 1700

Assignment on Why Tech Needs the Humanities

Why Tech Needs the Humanities            After analysing the speech of Berridge, it can be said that he relied on logic the most. In addition to using logic, he also relied on the emotional appeal to make his argument effective. For instance, he gave the statistics of how much money is …
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Category Arts & Education
Paper Type Assignment Writing
Reference Type APA
Words 600