Research paper( Final Paper) with different topics ( social movements) to chose from.
Details and instructions for FINAL PAPER below
Final paper: You will write a thesis-driven research paper of 1500-2000 words that demonstrates your ability to formulate a precise research question, identify relevant academic sources, and present information in accordance with the standards of the American Sociological Association. I will provide you in Week 3 with a list of suggested topics and sources, and model papers. You are responsible for choosing your own topic and potential research question in Week 5. You will then conduct a literature review on your chosen topic and submit an annotated bibliography of at least 6 outside sources by week 7.
Societies in the World Final Paper
Globally and locally, countless organizations dedicate time and resources to raising public awareness regarding matters of social, political, economic, and ecological justice and effecting social change to reduce harms. Politics and life in our own neighborhoods, as well as those at a global scale, have been directly impacted by individuals and organizations that have lent their strength to #MeToo, Black Lives Matter, and "green" (renewable) energy movements.
This semester, you will write a research paper on a transnational social movement of your choice. Transnational social movements are groups of people who share a similar discourse and who are trying to remedy certain problems by mobilizing support. Transnational movements include the mobilization of people in different countries, and in this they are different from social movements that operate primarily within a single country.
Describe the main historical, ideological, institutional, organizational and cultural aspects of a single transnational social movement from the following list (below). Talk about the history of the movement. When and where did the discourse emerge? Discuss the ways in which the issues, ideas and organizational activities of your movement intersect with those of other movements. Especially discuss other movements that share complementarities and similarities, and/or focus on movements with big differences and possible areas of competition, disagreement or even conflict.
Also, please be mindful of differences in grassroots "civil society" movements, and movements that originate from charity organizations, which often have links to--or receive funding from politically and economically powerful groups such as political figures or corporations. You may wish to address in your essay how connections (or a lack of connections) to politically and economically powerful groups has influenced the history, discourse, agenda, and other aspects of your movement.
Transnational social movements often involve people from both the global north and the global south and this may lead to disagreements. Discuss these differences and efforts to overcome them. There are also well-known disagreements between different movements over goals, tactics and strategies. For example, the labor movement wants jobs but the environmental movement wants to protect the biosphere. Examine issues of this sort and efforts to overcome them to allow the movements to engage in cooperative action and to become effective in world politics.
- Each student should prepare a short proposal that briefly specifies the chosen transnational social movement along with your projected research question. (You may change your research question as you move forward in the assignment.) This should be turned in during Week 5. Please see my expectations for the proposal HERE.
- You will also submit an annotated bibliography of prospective sources during Week 7. Please see an explanation of the annotated bibliography HERE.
- The final paper should be between 1500-2000 words, not including the bibliography, maps and other graphics. A rough draft is due during Week 12. You will exchange drafts with a classmate and mutually conduct a peer review.
- The final paper—with a bibliography—is due during the last week of class. You may use as many sources as you like in your final paper, but there should be a minimum of at least 3 sources from our class and at least 6 outside sources.
Refer to these instructions repeatedly while you are working on your paper. I expect all tasks to be completed as described.
Some suggested fields relating to social movements:
- Alternative media/culture
- Animal Rights
- Anti-poverty/Occupy
- Anti-racism
- Development aid/Economic development
- Environmental/Ecological
- Fair Trade/Trade Justice
- Food Rights/Slow Food
- LGBTQIA (or any single group, including, for example, Black trans folks)
- Health/HIV
- Housing rights/anti-eviction/squatters
- Human Rights
- Indigenous
- Jobless workers/welfare rights
- Labor
- Migrant/immigrant rights
- National Sovereignty/National Liberation
- Open-Source/Intellectual Property Rights
- Peace/Anti-war
- Peasants, Farmers, Landless, Land-reform
- Prison Abolition
- Women's/Feminist
You may, of course, pick specific movements such as #MeToo and focus on their role in and impact on society and politics in just a few particular regions globally. For example, please see THIS ARTICLE
on #MeToo as a transnational movement stirring change in Asia. Your movement does not need to originate in the US.
Also, I recommend that you read THIS ARTICLE
or peruse THIS BOOK
to ensure you understand the global context of these movements from a sociological point of view. (You may use the sources given here as your sources, if you like.)
You may want to adopt the following format when writing your final paper. (However, you are not required to.)
- Introduction - Explain the contemporary global and local relevance of your movement and/or the issue it addresses. Your thesis and/or research question should appear in this section.
- Body - Explain what academic research says about the movement and/or its related issues and themes. Find select quotes which emphasize these themes. For example, if you are writing about movements centered on domestic violence, you may include literature on the history of such movements, the prevalence of domestic violence today (such as in particular countries/households/etc), challenges facing survivors, the efficacy--or inefficacy--of various interventions, or other elements.
Remember: You should limit your resources to those RELEVANT to your thesis or research question. You may include primary sources, such as public statements and research reports, released by your organizations/movements of interest.
Also remember: The first sentence of each paragraph should state the main point that the paragraph will make.
- Conclusion - Recap your findings and highlight how they supported your thesis, or answered your research question.
For a more detailed explanation of how to organize a research paper, please visit THIS website (Links to an external site.).