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EA 031 816

Fullan, Michael

Leading in a Culture of Change.


2001-00-00 172p.

Jossey-Bass, 989 Market Street, San Francisco, CA 94103-1741 ($25). Tel: 415-433-1740; Fax: 415-433-0499; Web site: http://www.josseybass.com. Books (010) Guides Non-Classroom (055) EDRS Price MF01/PC07 Plus Postage.

Elementary Secondary Education; *Leadership; Leadership Qualities; *Leadership Styles; *Leadership Training

The more complex society gets, the more sophisticated leadership must become. This book is about how leaders can focus on certain key change themes that will allow them to lead effectively under messy conditions. Chapter 1 identifies theoretical reasons why change occurs as it does. They include moral purpose, understanding change, developing relationships, knowledge building, and coherence making; they have developed independently but are deeply compatible. Chapters 2 through 6 take each theme in turn and examine in more detail its inner workings. Through these five chapters, a comprehensive theory of leadership is developed. The matter of becoming a leader and how systems can foster leadership development are taken up in chapter 7. In recent times, the knowledge base for what makes for success under conditions of complexity is getting better--deeper and more insightful. Case examples of large-scale transformation in both business and education provide an ever-increasing body of experiences from which to gain insight. This book draws from these new ideas and finds remarkable convergences in what is being discovered about how to lead in a culture of complex change. (Contains 71 references and an index.) (RT)

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sector leaders are facing new and

daunting challengesrapid-paced developments in technology, sudden shifts in

the marketplace, and crisis and contention in

the public arenaif they are to survive in this

chaotic environment, leaders must develop the

skills they need to lead effectively no matter

how fast the world around them is changing.

Leading in a Culture of Change offers new

and seasoned leaders' insights into the

dynamics of change and presents a unique and

imaginative approach for navigating the

intricacies of the change process. Author

Michael Fullanan internationally acclaimed

expert in organizational changeshows how

leaders in all types of organizations can accomplish their goals and become exceptional

leaders. He draws on the most current ideas

and theories on the topic of effective

leadership, incorporates case examples of

large scale transformation, and reveals a

remarkable convergence of powerful themes

or, as he calls them, the five core

competencies. By integrating the five core competencies

attending to a broader moral purpose, keeping

on top of the change process, cultivating

relationships, sharing knowledge, and setting a

vision and context for creating coherence in

organizationsleaders will be empowered to

deal with complex change. They will be

transformed into exceptional leaders who

consistently mobilize their compatriots to do

important and difficult work under conditions

of constant change. 3

More Praise for Leading in a Culture of Change

"The sign of outstanding and inspired leadership is the ability to

lead rather than be led by the forces of change. How do leaders

in private, public, and not-for-profit sectors meet the challenges

of today's complex world? This book shows the way."

Veronica Lacey, president and CEO, The Learning Partnership

"Michael Fullan debunks the notion that there is a 'one-size-fits-

all' blueprint for managing change. Leading in a Culture of

Change is an excellent book for all educators and business lead-

ers. Readers will gain powerful new insights into developing the

core capabilities required for effective leadership under condi-

tions of complex change." Kenneth Lalonde, executive vice president,

Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce

"A great book for leaders everywhere who are truly interested in

learning and cultivating the leadership potential in others."

Marilyn Knox, president, Nutrition, Nestle Canada Inc.

"Michael Fullan has no truck with simplistic solutions or super-

heroes. Instead he helps leaders understand the paradoxes of

complex cultural changeleaders from all sectors will learn from

his insights." Heather Duquesnay, director and chief executive,

National College for School Leadership, England

"Leading in a Culture of Change describes vividly the kind of

leadership necessary to bring about successful change in modern

times. At its heart is building capacitya powerful message."

Michael Barber, head, Standards and Effectiveness Unit,

Department for Education and Employment, London, England






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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Fullan, Michael.

Leading in a culture of change : being effective in complex times / Michael Fullan.

p. cm. Includes bibliographical references (p. ) and index.

ISBN 0-7879-5395-4 (alk. paper) 1. Educational leadership. 2. School management and organization.

3. Educational change. I. Title. LB2806 .F794 2001 371.2dc21 2001002014


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Preface ix

1. A Remarkable Convergence 1

2. Moral Purpose 13

3. Understanding Change 31

4. Relationships, Relationships, Relationships 51

5. Knowledge Building 77

6. Coherence Making 107

7. The Hare and the Tortoise 121

References 139

About the Author 145

Index 146 vii





ticated leadership must become. Complexity means change, but specifically it means rapidly occurring, unpre- dictable, nonlinear change. Moreover, the pace of change is ever increasing, as James Gleick, the author of Chaos, point- ed out in a recent book called Faster, which he subtitled The Acceleration of Just About Everything (Gleick, 1999). How do you lead in a culture such as ours, which seems to spe- cialize in pell-mell innovation?

This is the leader's dilemma. On the one hand, failing to act when the environment around you is radically changing leads to extinction. On the other hand, making quick deci- sions under conditions of mind-racing mania can be equally fatal. Robert Steinberg said it best: "The essence of intelli- gence would seem to be in knowing when to think and act




quickly, and knowing when to think and act slowly" (cited in Gleick, 1999, p. 114).

This book is about how leaders can focus on certain key change themes that will allow them to lead effectively under messy conditions. The book is also about how leaders foster leadership in others, thereby making themselves dispensable in the long run. And it is about how we can produce more "leaders of leaders."

The good news is that society has not been evolving as recklessly as it seems. As we shall see, there are deep theoret- ical reasons why change occurs as it does. If we can come to understand these powerful themes, we will be able to influ- ence (but not control) them for the better. I identify these themes in Chapter One, which I call "A Remarkable Convergence" because certain powerful factors have emerged that have developed independently but that are deeply com- patibleindeed, synergistic. There are five themes in particu- lar: moral purpose, understanding change, developing rela- tionships, knowledge building, and coherence making. Chapters Two through Six take each theme in turn and exam- ine in more detail its inner workings. Through these five chap- ters I develop a comprehensive theory of leadership. In Chapter Seven, I take up the matter of becoming a leader and how systems can foster leadership development, which turns out to be more of a tortoise than a hare proposition. Leadership must be cultivated deliberately over time at all lev- els of the organization.

Two things have happened in recent times that aid our pursuit of effective leadership. One is that the knowledge base for what makes for success under conditions of complexity is

getting betterdeeper, more insightful. The other is that there


are many more case examples of large-scale transformation in both business and education. There is literally more to learn today than ever before. Since the early 1990s we have begun to study and learn from more and more examples of pur- poseful reform. We are uncovering fantastic new insights from these experiences. This book draws from these new ideas in both business and education, and in so doing finds remarkable convergences in what we are discovering about how to lead in a culture of complex change.

Leadership in business and in education increasingly have more in common. As we shall see, businesses are realiz- ing more and more that having moral purpose is critical for sustainable success. In this respect they have much to learn from schools. Schools are beginning to discover that new ideas, knowledge creation, and sharing are essential to solving learning problems in a rapidly changing society. Schools can learn from how the best companies innovate and get results. At the most basic level, businesses and schools are similar in that in the knowledge society, they both must become learn- ing organizations or they will fail to survive. Thus, leaders in business and education face similar challengeshow to culti- vate and sustain learning under conditions of complex, rapid change.

Fortunately, there are many more examples of organiza- tions that are engaged in successful change. I have benefited from working with a growing number of colleagues in Toronto and around the world helping bring about (and study) large-scale reform. The most interesting initiative is our

critical friend evaluation of the National Literacy and Numeracy Strategy in England, in which dramatic improve- ments in student performance are being attempted in all the


primary schools in the country (twenty thousand) over a five- year period (1997 to 2002); actually, more schools will be involved, because the results must extend beyond the primary schools into secondary schools and into the infrastructure. I thank my colleagues Lorna Earl, Ken Leithwood, Ben Levin,

Nancy Watson, Doris Jantzi, Blair Mascall, and Nancy Torrance for their work on the England evaluation.

We are also working on several other fronts: school dis- trict reform, such as the literacy project involving ninety-three

schools in the Toronto District School Board; the study of lit- eracy reform in the York Region District School Board; the development of "assessment literacy" in all eighty-four schools (and thus in the system) in the Edmonton Catholic School District; the Manitoba School Improvement Program; and the evaluation of school improvement in the Guilford County School District in Greensboro, North Carolina. We are also trying our hand at the redesign of teacher education, both in Toronto in our own program and in Louisiana, where comprehensive reform of teacher education and school improvement is being attempted. At the same time, we have monitored large-scale change projects conducted by others around the world. Andy Hargreaves and Carol Rolheiser have been particularly helpful in working through many of the ideas as we drew lessons from educational reform initia- tives.

Clearly these are exciting timesthere is a lot going on. Not the least of these developments is the new realization that leadership is key to large-scale improvement yet must be rad- ically different than it has been. Further, effective leadership is in very short supply. We can therefore expect to see leadership development initiatives dominating the scene over the next decade.


Leadership required in a culture ofchange, however, is not straightforward. We are living in chaotic conditions. Thus leaders must be able to operate under complex, uncertain cir- cumstances. For this reason, I dedicate this book to a chaos theory concept, "wildness lies in wait." Bernstein (1996, p. 331) quotes G. K. Chesterton: "The real trouble with this world of ours is not that it is an unreasonable world, or even that it is a reasonable one. The commonest kind of trouble is that it is nearly reasonable, but not quite. Life is not an illog- icality; yet it is a trap for logicians. It looks just a little more mathematical and regular than it is; its exactitude is obvious, but its inexactitude is hidden; its wildness lies in wait."

Not a bad mantra for leaders in complex times: seek out and honor hidden inexactitudes.

April 2001 Michael Fullan

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Chapter One

A Remarkable Convergence

C RANGE IS A DOUBLE-EDGED SWORD. ITS RELENTLESS pace these days runs us off our feet. Yet when things are

unsettled, we can find new ways to move ahead and to create breakthroughs not possible in stagnant societies. If you ask people to brainstorm words to describe change, they come up with a mixture of negative and positive terms. On the one side, fear, anxiety, loss, danger, panic; on the other, exhilara- tion, risk-taking, excitement, improvements, energizing. For better or for worse, change arouses emotions, and when emo- tions intensify, leadership is key.

This is not a book about superleaders. Charismatic leaders inadvertently often do more harm than good because, at best, they provide episodic improvement followed by frustrated or despondent dependency. Superhuman leaders also do us another

disservice: they are role models who can never be emulated



by large numbers. Deep and sustained reform depends on many of us, not just on the very few who are destined to be extraordi- nary.

This book, then, is about how all of us can improve our leadership by focusing on a small number of key dimensions. Each and every leader, whether the CEO of a multinational corporation or a school principal, can become more effec- tivemuch more effectiveby focusing on a small number of core aspects of leadership and by developing a new mind-set about the leader's responsibility to himself or herself and to those with whom he or she works.

I have never been fond of distinguishing between leader- ship and management: they overlap and you need both quali- ties. But here is one difference that it makes sense to highlight: leadership is needed for problems that do not have easy an- swers. The big problems of the day are complex, rife with paradoxes and dilemmas. For these problems there are no once-and-for-all answers. Yet we expect our leaders to pro- vide solutions. We place leaders in untenable positions (or, al- ternatively, our system produces leaders who try to carry the day with populist, one-sided solutions that are as clear as they are oversimplified). Homer-Dixon (2000b, p. 15) makes a similar observation: "We demand that [leaders] solve, or at least manage, a multitude of interconnected problems that can develop into crises without warning; we require them to navigate an increasingly turbulent reality that is, in key as- pects, literally incomprehensible to the human mind; we buf- fet them on every side with bolder, more powerful special interests that challenge every innovative policy idea; we sub- merge them in often unhelpful and distracting information; and we force them to decide and act at an ever faster pace."



Heifetz (1994) accuses us of looking for the wrong kind of leadership when the going gets tough: "in a crisis . . . we call for someone with answers, decision, strength, and a map of the future, someone who knows where we ought to be goingin short someone who can make hard problems sim- ple. . . . Instead of looking for saviors, we should be calling for

leadership that will challenge us to face problems for which there are no simple, painless solutionsproblems that require us to learn new ways" (p. 21).

An alternative image of leadership, argues Heifetz (1994, p. 15), is one of "mobilizing people to tackle tough prob- lems." Leadership, then, is not mobilizing others to solve problems we already know how to solve, but to help them confront problems that have never yet been successfully ad- dressed.

There is, I will argue, a recent remarkable convergence of theories, knowledge bases, ideas, and strategies that help us confront complex problems that do not have easy answers. This convergence creates a new mind-seta framework for thinking about and leading complex change more powerfully than ever before. Figure 1.1 summarizes the framework.

There are strong reasons to believe that five components of leadership represent independent but mutual reinforcing forces for positive change. Chapters Two through Six are de- voted to building the case for the powerful knowledge base represented by these five components of effective leadership. In the following paragraphs I will discuss Figure 1.1, provid- ing a brief overview of the components.

Briefly, moral purpose means acting with the intention of making a positive difference in the lives of employees, cus- tomers, and society as a whole. This is an obvious value with





Commitment (External and Internal)

More good things happen; fewer bad things happen.

Figure 1.1. A Framework for Leadership.

which many of us can identify, but I will argue in Chapter Two that there may be inevitable evolutionary reasons why moral purpose will become more and more prominent and that, in any case, to be effective in complex times, leaders


must be guided by moral purpose. In Chapter Two we will take up case studies from both business and education that will demonstrate that moral purpose is critical to the long- term success of all organizations.

Second, it is essential for leaders to understand the change process. Moral purpose without an understanding of change will lead to moral martyrdom. Moreover, leaders who com- bine a commitment to moral purpose with a healthy respect for the complexities of the change process not only will be more successful but also will unearth deeper moral purpose. Understanding the change process is exceedingly elusive. Management books contain reams of advice, but the advice is often contradictory, general, and at the end of the day confus- ing and nonactionable. Chapter Three identifies these prob- lems and offers six guidelines that provide leaders with concrete and novel ways of thinking about the process of change: (1) the goal is not to innovate the most; (2) it is not enough to have the best ideas; (3) appreciate early difficulties of trying something newwhat I call the implementation dip; (4) redefine resistance as a potential positive force; (5) recul- turing is the name of the game; (6) never a checklist, always complexity.

Third, we have found that the single factor common to every successful change initiative is that relationships im- prove. If relationships improve, things get better. If they re- main the same or get worse, ground is lost. Thus leaders must be consummate relationship builders with diverse people and groupsespecially with people different than themselves. Effective leaders constantly foster purposeful interaction and problem solving, and are wary of easy consensus.

Fourth, the new work on knowledge creation and sharing



reflects an amazing congruence with the previous three themes. We live, after all, in the knowledge society, but that term is a cliche. What is deeply revealing is that new theoreti-

cal and empirical studies of successful organizations unpack the operational meaning of the general term "knowledge or- ganization." I will show how leaders commit themselves to constantly generating and increasing knowledge inside and outside the organization. What is astonishing (because it comes from an independent theoretical tradition) is how inti- mately the role of knowledge relates to the previous three themes. What has been discovered is that, first, people will not voluntarily share knowledge unless they feel some moral commitment to do so; second, people will not share unless the dynamics of change favor exchange; and, third, that data without relationships merely cause more information glut. Put another way, turning information into knowledge is a so- cial process, and for that you need good relationships. So Chapter Five focuses on knowledge building, but we will see that we need moral purpose, an understanding of the change process, and good relationships if we are to create and share knowledge.

All this complexity keeps people on the edge of chaos. It is important to be on that edge because that is where creativity resides, but anarchy lurks there too. Therefore, effective lead-

ers tolerate enough ambiguity to keep the creative juices flow-

ing, but along the way (once they and the group know enough), they seek coherence. Coherence making is a peren- nial pursuit. Leadership is difficult in a culture of change be- cause disequilibrium is common (and valuable, provided that patterns of coherence can be fostered).

In summary, moral purpose is concerned with direction


and results; understanding change, building relationships, and knowledge building honor the complexity and discovery of the journey; and coherence making extracts valuable patterns worth retaining. But, alas, none of this is quite so linear and fixed as it would seem when one reads a simple description of each component.

There is another set of seemingly more personal character- istics that all effective leaders possess, which I have labeled the

energy-enthusiasm-hopefulness constellation. I do not think it is worth debating whether this constellation is a cause or an effect of the five leadership components. No doubt there is a dynamic, reciprocal relationship between the two sets. Energetic-enthusiastic-hopeful leaders "cause" greater moral purpose in themselves, bury themselves in change, naturally build relationships and knowledge, and seek coherence to consolidate moral purpose. Looking at the dynamic from the "other side," we can see that leaders immersed in the five as- pects of leadership can't help feeling and acting more ener- getic, enthusiastic, and hopeful. Whatever the case, effective leaders make people feel that even the most difficult problems can be tackled productively. They are always hopefulcon- veying a sense of optimism and an attitude of never giving up in the pursuit of highly valued goals. Their enthusiasm and confidence (not certainty) are, in a word, infectious, and they are infectiously effective, provided that they incorporate all five leadership capacities in their day-to-day behavior.

Note also how the five capacities together operate in a checks and balances fashion. Leaders with deep moral pur- pose provide guidance, but they can also have blinders if ideas are not challenged through the dynamics of change, the give and take of relationships, and the ideas generated by new



knowledge. Similarly, coherence is seen as part and parcel of complexity and can never be completely achieved. Leaders in a culture of change value and almost enjoy the tensions inher- ent in addressing hard-to-solve problems, because that is where the greatest accomplishments lie.

Figure 1.1 also shows how leaders who are steeped in the five core capacities by definition evince and generate long- term commitment in those with whom they work. Effective leaders, because they live and breathe the five aspects of lead- ership, find themselves committed to stay the course (in a sense, they are also inspired by others in the organization as they interact around moral purposes, new knowledge, and the achievement of periodic coherence), and, of course, they mo- bilize more and more people to become willing to tackle tough problems. We have to be careful when we talk about commitment. In the past, we have written about blind com- mitment or groupthinkwhen the group goes along uncriti- cally with the leader or the group (Fullan & Hargreaves, 1992). Leaders can be powerful, and so can groups, which means they can be powerfully wrong. This is why the five di- mensions of leadership must work in concert. They provide a check against uninformed commitment.

Even when commitment is evidently generated, there are qualifiers. Argyris (2000, p. 40) has helped us make the cru- cial distinction between external and internal commitment: "These differ in how they are activated and in the source of energy they utilize. External commitment is triggered by man-

agement policies and practices that enable employees to ac- complish their tasks. Internal commitment derives from energies internal to human beings that are activated because getting a job done is intrinsically rewarding." Argyris notes



that "when someone else defines objectives, goals, and the steps to be taken to reach them, whatever commitment exists will be external" (p. 41).

Moral purpose is usually accompanied by a sense of ur- gency. Leaders in some such cases are in a hurry. If they are in

too much of a hurry, they will completely failyou can't bull- doze change. If leaders are more sophisticated, they may set up a system of pressure and support, which in the short run will obtain noticeable desired results, but these will mainly be derived from external commitment. Remember that external commitment is still commitment; it is the motivation to put one's effort into the task of change. It can include excitement and satisfaction of accomplishment. It is valuable. Later, I will

present case studies of change projects that generated a good deal of external commitment with impressive short-term re- sults. But we will also discuss the ins and outs of developing internal commitment on a large scalean extremely difficult proposition.

At this stage of the discussion, we need only make the point essential to the framework illustrated in Figure 1.1. The litmus test of all leadership is whether it mobilizes people's commitment to putting their energy into actions designed to improve things. It is individual commitment, but it is above all

collective mobilization. We will also see in subsequent chap- ters that collective action by itself can be short-lived if it is not based on or does not lead to a deep sense of internal purpose among organizational members. Generating internal over ex- ternal commitment and external over blind commitment is the mark of effective leadership.

What are the outcomes of all this effective leadership and commitment? In Figure 1.1, I have deliberately referred to


results very generally as causing "more good things to hap- pen" and "fewer bad things to happen." I will be presenting case studies from both business and education. In the case of business, good things are economic viability, customer sat- isfaction, employee pride, and a sense of being valuable to society. In schools, good things are enhanced student per- formance, increased capacity of teachers, greater involvement of parents and community members, engagement of students, all-around satisfaction and enthusiasm about going further, and greater pride for all in the system. In both cases, the re- duction of bad things means fewer aborted change efforts; less

demoralization of employees; fewer examples of piecemeal, uncoordinated reform; and a lot less wasted effort and re- sources.

This book delves into the complexities of leadership evi- denced in Figure 1.1. It provides insights, strategies, and, ulti- mately, better theories of knowledge and action suited to leadership in complex times. In the final chapter we will ex- amine more directly the question of how new leaders can be developed. How to become more effective as a leader is of growing concern for all those in positions to make a differ- ence; how to foster large numbers of leaders in all areas of so- ciety is a system question more worrisome today than ever before. If leadership does not become more attractive, doable, and exciting, public and private institutions will deteriorate. If the experience of rank-and-file members of the organization

does not improve, there will not be a pool of potential leaders to cultivate. A classic chicken-and-egg problem. Good leaders

foster good leadership at other levels. Leadership at other lev- els produces a steady stream of future leaders for the system as a whole.


The conclusion, then, is that leaders will increase their ef- fectiveness if they continually work on the five components of

leadershipif they pursue moral purpose, understand the change process, develop relationships, foster knowledge building, and strive for coherencewith energy, enthusiasm, and hopefulness. If leaders do so, the rewards and benefits will be enormous. It is an exciting proposition. The culture of change beckons.

Chapter Two

Moral Purpose


moral purpose. Some people are deeply passionate about improving life (sometimes to a fault, if they lack one or more of the other four components of leadership: understand- ing of the change process, strong relationships, knowledge building, and coherence making among multiple priorities). Others have a more cognitive approach, displaying less emo- tion but still being intensely committed to betterment. Whatever one's style, every leader, to be effective, must have and work on improving his or her moral purpose.

Moral purpose is about both ends and means. In educa- tion, an important end is to make a difference in the lives of students. But the means of getting to that end are also crucial. If you don't treat others (for example, teachers) well and fairly, you will be a leader without followers (see Chapter



Four, in which I describe how effective leaders constantly work on developing relationships at all levels of the organiza- tion). Of course, a case can be made that leading with in- tegrity is not just instrumental. To strive to improve the quality of how we live together is a moral purpose of the high-

est order. Sergiovanni (1999, p. 17) draws the same conclu- sion about what he calls the lifeworld of leadership.

Ask the next five people you meet to list three persons they

know, either personally or from history, who they consider

to be authentic leaders. Then have them describe these lead-

ers. Chances are your respondents will mention integrity, re-

liability, moral excellence, a sense of purpose, firmness of

conviction, steadiness, and unique qualities of style and sub-

stance that differentiate the leaders they choose from others.

Key in this list of characteristics is the importance of sub-

stance, distinctive qualities, and moral underpinnings. Authentic leaders anchor their practice in ideas, values, and

commitments, exhibit distinctive qualities of style and sub-

stance, and can be trusted to be morally diligent in advanc-

ing the enterprises they lead. Authentic leaders, in other

words, display character, and character is the defining char-

acteristic of authentic leadership.

At the loftiest level, moral purpose is about how humans evolve over time, especially in relation to how they relate to each other. Ridley (1996) and Sober and Wilson (1998) trace the evolution of self-centered and cooperative behavior in an- imals, insects, and humans. What makes humans different, says Ridley, is culture. Ideas, knowledge, practices and beliefs,

and the like enter consciousness and can be passed on "by di-


rect infection from one person to another" (p. 179). Ridley raises the interesting evolutionary hypothesis that "coopera- tive groups thrive and selfish ones do not, so cooperative so- cieties have survived at the expense of others" (p. 175). Thus leaders in all organizations, whether they know it or not, con- tribute for better or for worse to moral purpose in their own organizations and in society as a whole.

Sober and Wilson (1998) also state that it is futile to argue whether people are driven by egoistic (self-centered) or altru- istic (unselfish) motives. The fact is that all effective leaders are driven by bothwhat Sober and Wilson call "motiva- tional pluralism[, which] is the view that we have both egois- tic and altruistic ultimate desires" (p. 308). This is why everyday leaders shouldn't expect to be like Mother Theresa. (And who knows, maybe she got a lot of pleasure out of help- ing others). Most of us have mixed motives, and that is per- fectly fine.

I will also show that moral purpose doesn't stand alone. We will see that leaders who work on the five qualities in this booknot just the obvious first quality, which is moral pur- pose itself, but all four other componentswill, by definition, find themselves steeped in moral purpose. Whether you are an insurance executive or a school principal, you simply can- not be effective without behaving in a morally purposeful way. And if you follow the lessons in this book, you won't have to plan to be more moral in your pursuit; it will come naturally. Moral purpose is profoundly built into the five components of leadership as they are carried out in practice.

The complexity of pursuing moral purpose in a culture of change can be best illustrated through case examples. I select cases equally from education and from business to show that



the issues of leadership are increasingly common across both types of organizations. A major education example comes from our current multiyear large-scale evaluation of the National Literacy and Numeracy Strategy in England.

The Case of the National Literacy and Numeracy Strategy

Let us descend from this elevated abstract level and consider a real case, a very large scale case involving a whole country (twenty thousand schools with seven million students up to age eleven), namely the case of the National Literacy and Numeracy Strategy (NLNS) in England. Here is the proposi- tion: a new government comes into power in 1997, and the prime minister declares that his three priorities are "educa- tion, education, education." We have heard that before, but this government goes further. It says that the initial core goal is to raise the literacy and numeracy achievement of children up to age eleven. The government sets specific targets. The baseline they observe is that the percentage of eleven-year- olds scoring 4 or 5 on the test of literacy was 57 percent in 1996 (level 4 being the level at which proficiency standards are met); for numeracy the baseline was 54 percent. The min-

ister announces that the targets for 2002 are 80 percent for literacy (up from 57 percent) and 75 percent for numeracy (up from 54 percent). He makes a commitment that he will resign as secretary of state if those targets are not met.

Further, the leaders of the initiative in the Department for Education and Employment set out to "use the change knowl- edge base" to design a set of pressure-and-support strategies to accomplish this remarkable feat. Finally, they know they


are going to be watched carefully as this highly political and highly explicit initiative unfolds. A team of us at the Univer- sity of Toronto are monitoring and assessing the entire NLNS strategy as it unfolds during the 1998 to 2002 period.

The main elements of the implementation strategy are summarized by Michael Barber (2000, pp. 8-9), head of the government initiative:

A nationally prepared project plan for both literacy

and numeracy, setting out actions, responsibilities,

and deadlines through to 2002;

A substantial investment sustained over at least six

years and skewed toward those schools that need

most help;

A project infrastructure involving national direction

from the Standards and Effectiveness Unit, 15 re-

gional directors, and over 300 expert consultants at

the local level for each of the two strategies;

An expectation that every class will have a daily

math lesson and daily literacy hour;

A detailed teaching programme covering every

school year for children from ages 5 to 11;

An emphasis on early intervention and catch up for

pupils who fall behind;

A professional development programme designed to

enable every primary school teacher to learn to un-

derstand and use proven best practices in both cur-

riculum areas;


The appointment of over 2,000 leading math teach-

ers and hundreds of expert literacy teachers who

have the time and skill to model best practice for

their peers;

The provision of "intensive support" to circa half of

all schools where the most progress is required;

A major investment in books for schools (over 23

million new books in the system since May 1997);

The removal of barriers to implementation (espe-

cially a huge reduction in prescribed curriculum

content outside the core subjects);

Regular monitoring and extensive evaluation by our

national inspection agency, OFSTED;

A national curriculum for initial teacher training re-

quiring all providers to prepare new primary school

teachers to teach the daily math lesson and the liter-

acy hour;

A problem-solving philosophy involving early iden-

tification of difficulties as they emerge and the pro-

vision of rapid solutions or intervention where


The provision of extra after-school, weekend, and

holiday booster classes for those who need extra

help to reach the standard.

The impact of the strategies on achievement, measured as a percentage of pupils reaching levels 4 or 5, is in many ways astounding (recall that twenty thousand schools are in-


volved). By the year 2000, the whole country had progres- sively moved from 57 percent proficient achievement in liter- acy in 1996 to 75 percent; and from 54 percent to 72 percent in numeracy. We have no doubt that the targets of 80 percent and 75 percent will be achieved by 2002, although I do not present it as a problem-free case because a preoccupation with

achievement scores can have negative side effects, such as nar- rowing the curriculum that is taught and burning people out as they relentlessly chase targets.

There is a lot more than moral purpose operating in this case, and we will draw on it again in subsequent chapters. I use it here to illustrate the value and dilemmas of moral pur- pose. In terms of moral purpose, there are several points to be made. First, getting thousands of students to be literate and numerate who otherwise would not be so is not a bad day's work. This is bound to make a difference in many lives.

Second, moral purpose cannot just be stated, it must be accompanied by strategies for realizing it, and those strate- gies are the leadership actions that energize people to pursue a desired goal. In a recent interview in the Times Education Supplement, "Charisma and Loud Shouting" (2000, p. 28), Sir Michael Bichard, the permanent secretary at the Department for Education and Employment in England, said it this way: "For me leadership is about creating a sense of purpose and direction. It's about getting alignment and it's about inspiring people to achieve. . . . [There is a] need to en- thuse staff and encourage a belief in the difference their or- ganization is makingwhether it is a school or a government department. We can do a lot by making heroes of the people who deliver. It's important to make people feel part of a suc- cess story. That's what they want to be."


Third, pluralistic motives abound. The government wants to be reelected, and leaders may get a lot of personal gratifi- cation if it is successful, and their careers may be enhanced, and there is an explicit measurable purpose.

Fourth, who knows whether this is a right purpose? Is there collateral damage: do other subjects like the arts suffer? Are schools becoming preoccupied only by the test results? Are teachers getting burnt out? Will short-term success be fol-

lowed by deeper failure? And so on. Fifth, is the strategy really inspiring people (principals and

teachers, for example) to do better? How deep is their com- mitment? I have written about this case elsewhere (Fullan, 2001), and there are numerous legitimate questions about the National Literacy and National Numeracy Strategy case. Our conclusion at this stage is that the strategy has indeed caught the interest and energy of the majority of principals and teach- ers and that they are getting a sense of pride and accomplish- ment from the results so far. Nevertheless, to use Argyris's terms, the leadership strategy has generated only external commitment on the part of school educatorsalbeit real commitment that got real results. In order to go deeper, for example, to get at the creative ideas and energies of teach- ers, additional leadership strategies will be neededstrategies that will foster internal commitment (that is, commitment ac- tivated by intrinsically rewarding accomplishments).

In summary, leadership, if it is to be effective, has to (1) have an explicit "making-a-difference" sense of purpose, (2) use strategies that mobilize many people to tackle tough prob- lems, (3) be held accountable by measured and debatable in- dicators of success, and (4) be ultimately assessed by the extent to which it awakens people's intrinsic commitment,


which is none other than the mobilizing of everyone's sense of moral purpose.

The Case of Monsanto

Pascale, Millemann, and Gioja (2000) report on the case of Monsanto, a life science company that underwent a remark- able transformation in the years 1993 to 1999 under the di- rection of its new CEO, Robert Shapiro. Shapiro used a series of "town hall meetings" to introduce the new direction and to begin a dialogue. Pascale et al. (pp. 80-81) quote at length from one of Shapiro's presentations in 1995, attended by three hundred of the company's informal leaders:

Here's what bothers me. There are almost six billion people

in the world but the global economy works for only one bil-

lion of them. Even for the favored group (and the two bil-

lion that are about to join it), there are rising expectations

as to the amounts, choice, quality, and health of food. At the

other end of the continuum, at least one and a half billion

of the world's population are in real trouble. Eight hundred

million of these are so malnourished that they cannot par-

ticipate in work or family life and are on the edge of starva-

tion. Finally, over the next thirty years, most of the additional people joining the planet will be born in poorer


The system we have is unsustainable. We burn a lot of

hydrocarbons and waste a lot of stuff. There is not enough

acreage on earth to provide for humanity's food needs using

traditional technology. In developed countries there is the

interesting challenge of aging. The elderly consume a lot of


health care as technology offers more costly interventions.

Fewer people in the workforce end up supporting the higher

bill for those who are old. This, too, is politically unsustain-


Food is shifting from an issue of fuel and calories to an

issue of choice. With growing nutritional and environmen-

tal consciousness, food must inevitably command a larger

share of mind.

These problems for humanity can also be seen as a trillion-dollar opportunity. These are all unresolved prob-

lems. It isn't just a question of modular extensions of what

we have (via technology and innovations in distribution).

We need to reinvent our approach fundamentally. Biotechnol-ogy is a profoundly different avenue for agricul-

ture and human health. And information technology pro-

vides enough of a difference in degree that it represents a

nanotechnology. Biotechnology is really a subset of infor-

mation technology. It does not deal with the information

that's encoded electronically in silicon but with the informa-

tion that is encoded chemically in cells, not used for E-mail

or spreadsheets but information that tells what proteins to

make, when to make them, and how to make them. The rate

of increase of knowledge in this field puts Moore's Law to

shame, doubling every twelve to eighteen months. We will

map the entire human genome by 2005, and will understand

most of the functionality of the genome in this same period.

I believe our agriculture and health care systems will be

revolutionized by the intersection of biotechnology and infor-

mation technology. There is something of great consequence

in the convergence of these technologies with our market

knowledge, and I want you to help me discover what it is.


Pascale and his colleagues portray the interplay between Shapiro, as leader, and the employees: "Shapiro points to pieces in the puzzle (life sciences breakthroughs, agriculture, information technology, market knowledge); listeners relate his words to their own experience and fill in the blanks with their detailed knowledge of the business; Shapiro focuses on the unsustainable problems facing humanityimmense chal- lenges that cry out for nontraditional solutions" (p. 81). The authors observe: "many in the room are moved at the prospect of contributing to the elimination of world hunger and chronic suffering" (p. 83). All of this sounds very much like moral purpose. Ideas, energy, and action follow, with some ten thousand of Monsanto's thirty thousand employees becoming involved. Through leadership that mobilized the energies and ideas of employees, Monsanto made a rapid im- pact in the market. The consulting firm McKinsey called it one of the most thoroughgoing transformations in business history (p. 86).

Pascale et al. note: "Within three years following Monsanto's introduction of genetically modified seeds, farms had shifted 50 percent of all cotton and 40 percent of all soy- beans grown in the United States to disease- and herbicide- resistant crops. American cotton growers alone reduced her- bicide consumption by $1 billion" (p. 6). The share price, they report, "rocketed from $16 to $63" (p. 86).

It would be too simple if we concluded that Monsanto was an out and out success. There was growing objection on envi- ronmental grounds to genetically modified seeds; Monsanto initially regarded this objection as political backlash and as a public relations problem. Shapiro and his colleagues still felt that they were making a valuable contribution to the world,


but by 1999 Shapiro finally acknowledged: "Our confidence in this technology and our enthusiasm for it has, I think, widely been seen, and understandably so, as condescension or indeed arrogance. Because we thought it was our job to persuade, too often we forget to listen" (Pascale et al., 2000, p. 87).

Today, Monsanto has merged with Upjohn to form Pharmacia, with Shapiro as nonexecutive chairman. It is too early to tell how well Pharmacia will pursue the moral issues embedded in its biotechnology goals. It is still a strong finan- cial competitor, but what are the lessons here? First, a sense of moral purpose on the part of employees is important and can make a huge difference in the performance of the organi- zation. Second, and of growing significance in the global economy, moral purpose applies outside as well as inside the company. Pascale et al. put it this way:

[H] ow a system connects with its external world is also a

key source of that system's health. Connectivity is not just

about good relations with those outside the company. It im-

pacts the quality of strategy and design and has direct bear-

ing on a company's success.

Biotechnology presents just one example of issues that

are too complex to address without a design for broadening

the participation of people with diverse concerns and stakes

in the questions. Seeking out the views of scientists and gov-

ernment regulators, people affected in different ways by the

product help everyone imagine and design for unintended

consequences. To talk only to oneself as a company will lead

to strategic vulnerability [Pascale et al., 2000, p. 91].


Commitment to the environment and to the broader global community as part and parcel of the long-term success of the organization is moral purpose writ large. Pascale and his colleagues conclude, "we can no longer afford to look at our business as atomistic agents alone in a world to which we connect only through competition" (2000, p. 92). If you want more than short-term gains, moral purpose sincerely sought is good for business. Pluralistic motives can coexist: do good, worry about the environment, and derive a profit. But leaders have to be explicitly aware of the interplay of these three forces.

I do not for a minute think that moral purpose automati- cally attracts people to do good things. Acting with moral purpose in a complex world is, as we have just seen, highly problematic. First, there are many, many competing "goods," which cannot all be pursued. This is why coherence making is such an important quality for effective leadership, as we will discuss in Chapter Six. Coherence making, which in- volves prioritizing and focusing, is greatly facilitated when guided by moral purpose.

Second, and more fundamentally, moral purpose is prob- lematic because it must contend with reconciling the diverse interests and goals of different groups. Diversity means dif- ferent races, different interest groups, different power bases, and basically different lots in life. To achieve moral purpose is to forge interactionand even mutual purposeacross groups. Yet the problem is that people are not equal, and the privileged have a vested interest in the status quo as long as it works in their favor.

Still, profit-minded businesses do better when they pay


attention to moral purpose. De Gues (1997) worked for Royal Dutch/Shell for almost forty years and studied "long- living companies." He found that in many countries, 40 per- cent of newly created companies last less than ten years and that even "the big solid companies" do not hold out for more than an average of forty years (p. 2). By contrast, long-lived companies (those lasting more than fifty years) had a strong sense of purpose and were adaptive to their environments without compromising core ideals.

De Gues (1997) talks about both the negative and the pos- itive case: "Companies die because their managers focus on the economic activity of producing goods and services, and they forget their organizations' true nature is that of a com- munity of humans" (p. 3). In contrast,

A healthy living company will have members, both humans

and other institutions, who subscribe to a set of common

values and who believe that the goals of the company allow

them and help them to achieve their own individual goals.

Both the company and its constituent members have basic

driving forces; they want to survive, and once the conditions

for survival exist, they want to reach and expand their po-

tential. The underlying contract between the company and

its members (both individuals and other institutions) is that

the members will be helped to reach their potential. It is un-

derstood that this, at the same time, is in the company's self-

interest. The self-interest of the company stems from its

understanding that the members' potential helps create the

corporate potential [p. 200].

Whether we are talking about a biotechnical company or


a school, having moral purposeboth in terms of contribu- tion to society and development of commitment in employ- eesmakes excellent business sense in the middle to long run. Organizations without such purpose die sooner than later. At best, they win the odd early battle and steadily lose the war thereafter.

The message of this chapter is that moral purpose is worthwhile on just about every meaningful criterion; it may not become activated on its own accord, but it is there in nas- cent form to be cultivated and activated. I have argued else- where that moral purpose has a tendency to become stronger as humankind evolves (Fullan, 1999). Thus, in evolutionary terms, moral purpose has a predestined tendency to surface. Effective leaders exploit this tendency and make moral pur- pose a natural ally. Although moral purpose is natural, it will flourish only if leaders cultivate it.

There are signs that moral purpose is on the ascendency in schools and businesses. A good example is Palmer's The Courage to Teach (1998), in which he shows how the best teachers integrate the intellectual, emotional, and spiritual as- pects of teaching to create powerful learning communities. With respect to businesses, Garten (2001) interviewed forty prominent men and women around the world who held CEO, president, and chairperson positions in major companies. Garten describes how some executives have made the direct link between social responsibility and the morale, productiv- ity, and loyalty of employees, such as Jarma 011ila, chairman and CEO of Nokia Corporation, whom Garten quotes:

People want their company to be a good citizen. They want

it to show true concern for the world, for the environment.



They want it to have a social conscience. There is now a very

clear expectation which is coming from political life as well

as our employees, that companies will have to have a soul, a

state of mind which represents a social conscience. That's

very different from the early 1990s when we were applauded

just for employing more people. There is a very high expec-

tation, something I did not see when I started as CEO in 1992 [p. 184].

Similarly, Bolman and Deal (2000, p. 185) predict that "culture and core values will be increasingly recognized as the vital social glue that infuses an organization with passion and purpose. Workers will increasingly demand more than a pay- check. They'll want to know the higher calling or enabling purpose of their work."

Garten (2001, p. 192) goes on to say, however, that most leaders "are badly understanding the rise of global problems that will affect their firms and the environment in which they operate. They are failing to see the gap between society's ex- pectations of what they should do and what they seem pre- pared to do."

The most fundamental conclusion of this chapter is that moral purpose and sustained performance of organizations are mutually dependent. Leaders in a culture of change real- ize this. Pascale, Millemann, and Gioja (2000, p. 92) found elements of this kind of leadership in the seven companies they studied, and call "sustainability" the challenge of the century: "The theory of sustainability is that it is constituted by a trinity of environmental soundness, social justice, and economic viability. If any of these three are weak or missing,


the theory of sustainability says that that practice [what the organization is doing] will not prove sustainable over time."

We are now ready to extend our thinking, because in a non- linear world it is easy to lose one's way, even if one is moti- vated by moral purpose. If we live in a culture of changeand we certainly doto understand the change process is a vital quality of all leaders.

Chapter Three

Understanding Change


great rapidity and nonlinearity on the one hand and equally great potential for creative breakthroughs on the other. The paradox is that transformation would not be pos- sible without accompanying messiness.

Understanding the change process is less about innovation and more about innovativeness. It is less about strategy and more about strategizing. And it is rocket science, not least be-

cause we are inundated with complex, unclear, and often con-

tradictory advice. Micklethwait and Wooldridge (1996) refer to management gurus as witch doctors (although they also acknowledge their value). Argyris (2000) talks about flawed advice. Mintzberg, Ahlstrand, and Lampel (1998) take us on a Strategy Safari. Drucker is reported to have said that people



refer to gurus because they don't know how to spell charla- tan!

Would you know what to do if you read Kotter's Leading Change, in which he proposes an eight step process for initi- ating top-down transformation (1996, p. 21)?

1. Establishing a Sense of Urgency

2. Creating a Guiding Coalition

3. Developing a Vision and Strategy

4. Communicating the Change Vision

5. Empowering Broad-Based Action

6. Generating Short-Term Wins

7. Consolidating Gains and Producing More Change

8. Anchoring New Approaches in the Culture

Would you still know what to do if you then turned to Beer, Eisenstat, and Spector's observations (1990) about drawing out bottom-up ideas and energies?

1. Mobilize commitment to change through joint diagno- sis [with people in the organization] of business prob- lems

2. Develop a shared vision of how to organize and man- age for competitiveness

3. Foster concerns for the new vision, competence to enact it, and cohesion to move it along

4. Spread revitalization to all departments without push- ing it from the top

5. Institutionalize revitalization through formal policies, systems, and structure


6. Monitor and adjust strategies-in response to problems in the revitalization process [cited in Mintzberg et al.,

1998, p. 338]

What do you think of Hamel's advice (2000) to "lead the revolution" by being your own seer?

Step 1: Build a point of view

Step 2: Write a manifesto

Step 3: Create a coalition

Step 4: Pick your targets and pick your moments

Step 5: Co-opt and neutralize

Step 6: Find a translator

Step 7: Win small, win early, win often

Step 8: Isolate, infiltrate, integrate

And, after all this advice, if you did know what to do, would you be right? Probably not. Some of the advice seems contradictory. (Should we emphasize top-down or bottom-up strategies?) Much of it is general and unclear about what to dowhat Argyris (2000) calls "nonactionable advice." This is why many of us have concluded that change cannot be managed. It can be understood and perhaps led, but it cannot be controlled. After taking us through a safari of ten manage- ment schools of thought, Mintzberg et al. (1998) draw the same conclusion when they reflect that "the best way to 'man- age' change is to allow for it to happen" (p. 324), "to be pulled by the concerns out there rather than being pushed by the concepts in here" (p. 373). It is not that management and leadership books don't contain valuable ideasthey dobut



rather that there is no "answer" to be found in them. Nevertheless, change can be led, and leadership does make a difference.

So our purpose in this book is to understand change in order to lead it better. The list that follows summarizes this chapter's contribution to understanding the change process. As with all five components in Figure 1.1, the goal is to de- velop a greater feel for leading complex change, to develop a mind-set and action set that are constantly cultivated and re- fined. There are no shortcuts.

Understanding the Change Process

The goal is not to innovate the most.

It is not enough to have the best ideas.

Appreciate the implementation dip.

Redefine resistance.

Reculturing is the name of the game.

Never a checklist, always complexity.

Before delving into a discussion of each of the items on this list, let's consider Goleman's findings (2000) about lead- ership that gets results, because they relate to several elements of the list. Goleman analyzed a database from a random sam- ple of 3,871 executives from the consulting firm Hay/McBer. He examined the relationship between leadership style, orga- nizational climate, and financial performance. Climate was measured by combining six factors of the working environ- ment: flexibility, responsibility, standards, rewards, clarity, and commitment. Financial results included return on sales, revenue growth, efficiency, and profitability.



The following are the six leadership styles Goleman iden-

tified (2000, pp. 82-83):

1. Coercivethe leader demands compliance. ("Do what I tell you.")

2. Authoritativethe leader mobilizes people toward a vision. ("Come with me.")

3. Affiliativethe leader creates harmony and builds emotional bonds. ("People come first.")

4. Democraticthe leader forges consensus through par- ticipation. ("What do you think ? ")

5. Pacesettingthe leader sets high standards for per- formance. ("Do as I do, now.")

6. Coachingthe leader develops people for the future. ("Try this.")

Two of the six styles negatively affected climate and, in turn, performance. These were the coercive style (people re- sent and resist) and the pacesetting style (people get over- whelmed and burn out). All four of the other styles had a significant positive impact on climate and performance.

With this basic introduction to leadership styles, let us now turn to the list items.

The Goal Is Not to Innovate the Most

The organization or leader who takes on the sheer most num- ber of innovations is not the winner. In education, we call these organizations the "Christmas tree schools" (Bryk, Sebring, Kerbow, Rol low, .& Easton, 1998). These schools


glitter from a distanceso many innovations, so little time but they end up superficially adorned with many decorations, lacking depth and coherence.

Relentlessly taking on innovation after innovation is Goleman's pacesetter leader (2000, p. 86):

The leader sets extremely high performance standards and

exemplifies them himself. He is obsessive about doing things

better and faster, and he asks the same of everyone around him. He quickly pinpoints poor performers and demands

more from them. If they don't rise to the occasion, he re-

places them with people who can. You would think such an

approach would improve results, but it doesn't. In fact, the

pacesetting style destroys climate. Many employees feel

overwhelmed by the pacesetter's demands for excellence,

and their morale dropsguidelines for working may be clear in the leader's head, but she does not state them clearly;

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