AP STAT last minute reminders:Multiple Choice:Answer EVERY question–you DO NOT lose points for wrong answersDo not waste too much time on one question. If you are getting stuck, skip it and come back at the endIf you do not know how to complete a problem, try to eliminate some answers before guessingFree Response:Do not leave anything blankoIf you get stuck, at least identify a relevant formula, state the test you would use and the conditions that go along with that test.Organize your work –make sure that your work is legible and that your thought process is easy to followReminders:Binomial vs. GeometricoBinomial refers to the probability finding a number of successes out of a fixed number of trialsoGeometric refers to the probability of getting the first success on a particular trialPDF vs.CDFoPDF refers to the probability of a particular outcomeUsed with binomial, geometricoCDF refers to a cumulative probabilityFor normal and t distributions you can set the upper and lower boundFor Chi2it automatically calculates the area above that given valueFor binomial and geometric it automatically calculates the area below the given value (inclusive)Degrees of FreedomoOne sample mean OR Matched Pairsdf = n-1oTwo sample mean (Independent samples)df = n1 + n2 –2oChi2GOFdf = number of cells –1oChi2Independence or Homogeneitydf = (number of rows –1)(number of columns –1)oLin Regdf = n-2
Conditionso1 proportionRandom/ RepresentativeSuccess/ Failure10% conditiono2 proportion (conditions 1-3 must be checked for EACH sample)Random/ RepresentativeSuccess/ Failure10% conditionIndependent sampleso1 meanRandom/ RepresentativeNearly Normal (show histogram)population is approximately normal OR large sample size so the CLT states the samplingdistribution is approximately normal10% conditiono2 mean (conditions 1-3 must be checked for EACH sample)Random/ RepresentativeNearly Normal (show histogram)population is approximately normal OR large sample size so the CLT states the sampling distribution is approximately normal10% conditionSamples are independentomatched pairs1 -to -1 relationship between samplesRandom/ RepresentativeNearly Normal (show histogram)population is approximately normal OR large sample size so the CLT states the sampling distribution is approximately normal10% conditionoChi2Two categorical variables with datain countsRandom/ RepresentativeExpected cell frequencies of at least 5 (show table of expected values)oLin RegStraight enough (Show scatterplot of original data)Equal variance and random scatter in residual plot (Show sketch of residual plot)Nearly normal (Show sketch of histogram for residuals)