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Linguistics for Everyone

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Instructor’s Manual and Answer Key

Linguistics for Everyone

An Introduction

Kristin Denham Western Washington University

Anne Lobeck Western Washington University

Australia • Brazil • Japan • Korea • Mexico • Singapore • Spain • United Kingdom • United States

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Part 1 Instructor’s Resource Manual and Answer Key 1 Features of the Book 1

Possible Course Organization and Schedules 3

Chapter Overview 3

Part 2 Answer Key 13 1 What Is Language and How Do

We Study It? 14

2 The Human Capacity for Language 19

3 Phonetics: Describing Sounds 25

4 Phonology: The Sound Patterns of Language 33

5 Morphology: Words and Their Parts 43

6 Morphological Typology and Word Formation 55

7 Syntax: Heads and Phrases 61

8 Syntax: Phrase Structure and Syntactic Rules 71

9 Semantics: Making Meaning with Words 82

10 Semantics and Pragmatics: Making Meaning with Sentences 94

11 The Early Story of English 103

12 English Goes Global 112

13 Representing Language: The Written Word 116

14 The Life Cycle of Language 123

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1 © 2013 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part.

1 As we point out in the Preface to Linguistics for Everyone, linguis- tics isn’t just for linguists anymore. More and more interdisciplin- ary linguistics programs and departments are cropping up across the country, and introductory linguistics courses often include students from a variety of majors, many of whom have had no prior expo- sure to the scientific study of language described in this book. Nev- ertheless, as the many features of this book illustrate, linguistics has broad application across a number of different fields, in addition to being an area of study in and of itself. As we mention in the Preface, “[l]inguistics contributes to our understanding of anthropology, soci- ology, computer science, speech pathology, communications, journal- ism, history, political science, you name it.” You may be relatively new to this field of teaching introductory linguistics, and your students may or may not be linguistics majors; for these reasons, we have designed this book to pique the interest of students regardless of major and experience, and to be very “teachable,” with multiple features that you can use to design assignments and promote exploration of language.

I. Features of the Book

Several innovative features will help you organize material and de- sign classroom activities and assignments. • The “At a Glance” and “Key Concepts” features will help you

organize your approach to each chapter and will prime your students to address its concepts; they offer the opportunity for lively discussions that engage students’ natural interest in language and tie that to their study of linguistics. These features are a way to prepare students for the chapter’s topics and get them focused, as well as giving you a preview of the chapter topics to help with organization.


Instructor’s Resource Manual and Answer Key

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2 • PA RT 1 Instructor’s Resource Manual and Answer Key

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• Students will find the “Language Alive!” “Did You Know . . .?” and “Linguistics in the News” features both interesting and instructive. They are intended to spark students’ curiosity, and to answer some questions about language and the ways we communicate (“So that’s why we say…” “I always wondered about that.” “Now it makes sense.”) and to lend a sense of immediacy to their study of linguistics. You can use these to prompt small group discussion and debate about, for example, cultural influences on language, sexism in language, animal communication—topics that relate linguistics to the world around us. Many of these are also good topics for research assignments.

• The “Accent On” feature focuses on careers in which linguistics is necessary or advantageous and shows students the practical applications of linguistics (and maybe entices a few to major in linguistics). The “Accent On” can also be the focus of an assignment or discussion; for example, students could select one of the “Accent On” professions and write an essay on it, using the resources in “For More Information” in the feature box and in the “Sources and Resources” list. Or they might interview a person in a language-related job and ask them to identify other professional areas where knowledge of linguistics is useful.

• The “Hwæt!” features are pure gravy. They are peripheral bits of information that are interesting or curious and not necessarily “linguistic”— fun facts related to material in the chapter. You could challenge students to contribute their own features, indicating their (valid) sources, of course. Perhaps these could be used in future editions of the text.

• The marginal definitions of terms (boldfaced in the text) will help you construct quizzes and exams; at a glance, you can see where terms have been introduced, which indicates the topics students have studied. The marginal glosses will help your students review the terms for exams and quizzes and can serve as a check for understanding of key points and terminology. Ask them to provide examples/evidence for the margin definitions in order to encourage discovery rather than memorization.

• The “Review, Practice, and Explore” sections contain a variety of exercises and activities—basic practice of linguistic analysis, general and specific topics for discussion, research ideas for short essays and papers, analysis of other languages, and problem-solving exercises that extend the concepts introduced in the chapter. The large number and varied types of activities allow you to choose those that suit your students and your goals for this course.

• All exercises are keyed to the relevant areas in the text so that you can assign them as students progress through the chapter for immediate review and reinforcement, or you can assign some or all of them at the end of the chapter for a comprehensive review and an opportunity to pursue points of particular interest. We recommend taking advantage of the exercise keys and assigning the RPE (or a selection thereof) along with class reading assignments. This encourages students to come to class prepared and promotes more active

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Chapter Overview • 3

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learning; students not only complete daily reading assignments but also must actively engage the material prior to coming to class.

• Group Work/Research Presentations: the “Accent On,” “Linguistics in the News,” and research topics in the “Review, Practice, and Explore” sections offer excellent options for collaborative assignments (written assignments that are either handed in or given as presentations).

• The chapter summary offers a quick review of the main points. • The “Sources and Resources” list contains specific places to investigate to

deepen and broaden knowledge of any of the chapter’s topics, so offers an excellent place to begin research projects on any of the chapter’s topics. It is not just the citations from the chapter, but also related relevant sources.

II. Possible Course Organization and Schedules

Different instructors will choose, of course, to organize the course material in dif- ferent ways, depending on the length of the term, the goals of the course, and the goals of the instructors. As discussed above, the core material of any introduction to linguistics course is included in Chapters 3–9 (phonetics, phonology, morphol- ogy, syntax, semantics), which is one possible focus, and which could involve teaching these chapters in some detail. Another more general focus (an overview of the areas of linguistic study) would involve picking and choosing material from the core, but also including discussion of additional chapters (Chapter 11 on the history of English, Chapter 12 on language variation, and Chapter 13 on writing systems). Chapter 14 is designed as a capstone chapter, bringing together threads introduced in other chapters, and can be included as material covered in class, or as a resource for final research projects and presentations. Below, we highlight features of each chapter that will help you organize the material along these two general lines: with a focus on the grammatical system itself, or with a more general focus, an overview of topics of study in linguistics.

III. Chapter Overview

We devote two chapters to each core area (phonetics/phonology, morphology, syntax, and semantics), which allows several options: You can teach both chap- ters as a unit, pick and choose sections from each to make up a single unit, or teach sections and assign others to students for presentations, group work, and so on. We also weave language change and variation throughout each chapter, in addition to including chapters that focus on these topics.

Chapter 1: “What Is Language and How Do We Study It?” addresses the na- ture of human language (versus other communication systems) and also includes a

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4 • PA RT 1 Instructor’s Resource Manual and Answer Key

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discussion of the origins of linguistic science (a topic other textbooks often omit) and an introduction to how linguistics differs from other approaches to the study of language. This chapter provides an accessible overview of the general questions that linguistics seeks to answer: What is language? What is grammar? How does the human language system differ from other communication systems? It’s im- portant to have students read it, because it is a good introduction to the course and contains nothing that will baffle them. Students can even read the chapter before the first day of class in preparation for discussion (if you are constrained by time even before your class begins); or, of course, they can read it during the first week of class. The Research, Practice, and Explore exercises in this chapter are also ac- cessible to students with no prior knowledge of linguistics, and can be assigned in advance of (and as a prerequisite to) class discussion.

Chapter 2: “The Human Capacity for Language” is an important chapter for in- troducing students to the study of linguistics, which is why we have included it as the second chapter in the book. This chapter provides an overview of the contri- butions of both psycholinguistics and neurolinguistics to the study of language. The material presented is an excellent “hook” for students, piquing their curiosity about the biological foundations of language, which is precisely what students are not only unaware of, but what they typically find immediately fascinating. In ad- dition, this chapter lays an important foundation for discussion of the more techni- cal aspects of grammatical structure in later chapters, by introducing students to evidence of the biological foundations of language (through their own intuitions about grammar, first and second language acquisition, linguistic savants, language and the brain, pidgins and creoles, and language genesis). We find that regard- less of students’ majors, beginning the course with this material provides a solid foundation upon which to tackle other more theoretical aspects of language. This material is also easily supplemented with excellent video resources, such as Chris- topher the linguistic savant on the Linguistic Society of America video archive, and the first two sections of Gene Searchinger’s Human Language video series.

Chapter 3: “Describing Sounds” provides an introduction to English phonet- ics, with a unique twist: an emphasis on language change and variation. In addi- tion to providing an overview of English consonants and vowels, minimal pairs, and allophones and phonemes, the chapter illustrates language change over time and space exemplified by both historic and contemporary vowel shifts: the Great Vowel Shift of the sixteenth century, and the ongoing Northern Cities Vowel Shift (among others, discussed in the Research, Practice, and Explore section). You therefore have different options available for teaching this chapter: focusing on the phonetics of English and phonetic transcription and/or including in the unit a discussion of the historical and sociolinguistic aspects of language change and variation, in the form of vowel shifts. We find that introducing students to phonetic

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