Required Resources
· Barnes, L. & Bowles, M. (2014). The American story: Perspectives and encounters from 1877 . San Diego, CA: Bridgepoint Education, Inc.
· Chapter 7: Tradition and Modernity in the 1920s
· Chapter 8: The New Deal
· Chapter 9: The Second World War
· Bliven, B. (1925, Sept. 9). Flapper Jane. New Republic. Retrieved from
· A magazine article originally published in 1925 about flappers. This is a primary source and is acceptable to use as a source for the Final Project.
· Hardenbergh, M. (1923, Aug. 12). Taking the hand off the cradle to catch devil-fish: How modern woman is delving into the sacred precincts of male occupation and is now found in the role of bandit, judge, bricklayer, hunter, and race horse jockey [PDF file]. The Atlanta Constitution, 2-3. Retrieved from
· A newspaper article published in 1923 about women working in formerly all-male jobs. This is a primary source and is acceptable to use as a source for the Final Project.
· Hartt, R. L. (1921, Jan. 15). “The new Negro”: “When he’s hit, he hits back!” Independent, 76, 59-60. Retrieved from
· A newspaper article published in 1921 about a new determination among African Americans to achieve equality and respect. This is a primary source and is acceptable to use as a source for the Final Project.
· Indian Thorpe Greatest Sport Marvel of All Time. (1922, Feb. 18). The Evening World. Retrieved from
· A newspaper article published in 1922 about Jim Thorpe, a famous Native American athlete. This is a primary source and is acceptable to use as a source for the Final Project.
· Marshall, C. C. (1927). Should a Catholic be president?: A contemporary view of the 1928 election. Atlantic Monthly, 139, 540-544, 548-549. Retrieved from
· A magazine article published in 1927 arguing that Catholic Americans’ first loyalty was to the Pope and not country, making them unacceptable for holding high public office. This is a primary source and is acceptable to use as a source for the Final Project.
· McDougald, E. J. (1925). Elise Johnson McDougald on “The double task: The struggle of Negro women for sex and race emancipation”. In A. Locke (Ed.), The New Negro: An Interpretation. Retrieved from
· An essay published in 1925, discussing the challenges faced by African-American women in different economic groups. This is a primary source and is acceptable to use as a source for the Final Project.
· Smith, E. (1924, Apr. 9). “Shut the door”: A senator speaks for immigration restriction. Congressional Record, 68th Congress, 1st Session (Washington DC: Government Printing Office, 1924), Vol. 65, 5961–5962. Retrieved from
· An excerpt from a congressional debate on the Immigration Act of 1924 that illustrates attitudes toward different groups of immigrants at that time. This is a primary source and is acceptable to use as a source for the Final Project.
· U.S. Supreme Court. (1923). Not all Caucasians are White: The supreme court rejects citizenship for Asian Indians. Retrieved from
· An excerpt from a Supreme Court ruling from 1923 in which the Justices ruled that only free whites could be US citizens. This is a primary source and is acceptable to use as a source for the Final Project.
· Jacobs, R. (Writer), & Paley, C. (Director). (1994). World War II: Breadlines to boomtimes [Documentary film]. Retrieved from
· A video chronicling the American experience during the Great Depression and World War II.
· Library of Congress. (n.d.). Primary source analysis tool. Retrieved from
· A tool developed by the Library of Congress to help students analyze primary sources.
· Online Classroom TV. (Producer). (2009). Credibility: Critical thinking [Series episode]. In Critical thinking. Retrieved from
· A video that discusses how students can determine the credibility of historical sources, especially primary sources.
Recommended Resources
· Crosby, E. (2005). A taste of freedom. In A little taste of freedom: the Black freedom struggle in Claiborne County, Mississippi (pp. 15-27). Retrieved from the ebrary database.
· An e-book of oral histories related to the struggle for equality for African Americans in Claiborne County, Mississippi. This is a primary source and is acceptable for use in the Final Project.
· Honey, M. K. (1999). From country to city: Jim Crow at work. In Black workers remember: An oral history of segregation, unionism, and the freedom struggle (pp. 43-49). Retrieved from the eBook Collection (EBSCOhost) database.
· An e-book of oral history interviews related to the experiences of African American workers as they endured discrimination and segregation. This is a primary source and is acceptable for use in the Final Project.
· Terkel, S. (1970). Honor and humiliation. In Hard times: An oral history of the Great Depression (pp. 478-500). New York: Pantheon Books. Retrieved from the ACLS Humanities E-Book database.
· An e-book of oral history interviews that reveal the challenges that Americans faced during the Great Depression. This is a primary source and is acceptable for use in the Final Project.
· Vargas, Z. (1999). Proletarians of the north: A history of Mexican industrial workers in Detroit and the Midwest, 1917-1933 . Retrieved from the eBook Collection (EBSCOhost) database.
· A scholarly book that examines the conditions experienced by Mexican industrial workers in the Midwest between 1917 and 1933. This is a scholarly secondary source and is acceptable to use in the Final Project.
· Walker, M. (2004). French Carpenter Clark. In Women's diaries and letters of the South: Country women cope with hard times: A collection of oral histories (pp. 57-62). Retrieved from the ebrary database.
· An e-book of oral history interviews related to the experiences of rural women in 20th century United States. This is a primary source and is acceptable for use in the Final Project.
· Wunder, J. R., Kaye, F. W., & Carstensen, V. (1999). Letters from the Dust Bowl. In Americans view their Dust Bowl experience (pp. 93-112). Retrieved from the ebrary database.
· An e-book of personal letters written by Americans living in the Dust Bowl region of the Great Plains during the Great Depression. This is a primary source and it is acceptable to use in the Final Project.
· Petrow, R. (Producer & Writer), & Moyers, B. (Writer). (1984). The twenties [Series episode]. In M. Koplin (Executive producer), A walk through the 20th century with Bill Moyers. Retrieved from
· A video that examines the social changes of the 1920s.
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