IT163 Database Concepts Using Microsoft Access
Question Description
IT163-2: Create relational databases with multiple tables to collect data.
Assignment Overview
In this Assignment, you will apply what you learned in your Reading and in Seminar to translate your logical model created in Unit 3 to a physical model, an actual Access database.
Microsoft Access is widely used in small businesses.
You are adding a valuable skillset in being able to design and implement a Microsoft Access database.
You must have the Access Database system installed for this assignment. You will implement the logical design you created in the last unit.
Create a physical model using the Access Database system.
You will compose a paper with the following:
An explanation of how you implemented the physical model from your logical model.
An explanation of how you identified your tables.
An explanation of how you identified your columns.
A description of how you chose the data types for each column.
A screen shot showing the columns for each table.
A drawing of your physical model. Here are the paper requirements:
APA format which includes a title page, reference page, and at least 2 pages for the body of the paper.