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Fourteenth Edition

J. Paul Peter University of Wisconsin-Madison

James H. Donnelly Jr. Gatton College of Business and

Economics University of Kentucky


Published by McGraw-Hill Education. 2 Penn Plaza, New York, NY 10121. Copyright© 2015 by McGraw-Hill

Education. All rights reserved. Printed in the United States of An1erica. Previous editions © 2013, 2011, and

2008. N o part of this publication may be reproduced or distributed in any forrn or by any means, or stored in a

database or retrieval systen1, without the prior written consent of McGraw-Hill Education, including, but not

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ISBN 978-0-07-786106-3

MHLD 0-07-786106-X

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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Peter, J. Paul.

A preface to marketing management/ J. Paul Peter, University of Wisconsin-Madison, James H. Donnelly, Jr., Gatton College of Business and Economics, University of Kentucky.-Fourteenth edition.

pages cm

ISBN 978-0-07-786106-3 (alk. paper)

1. Marketing-Management. I. Donnelly, Ja,nes H. II. Title.

HF5415.13.P388 2013



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To Rose and Angie

J. Paul Peter

To Gayla

Jim Donnelly



J. Paul Peter has been a faculty member at the University of Wisconsin since 1981. He was a member

of the faculty at Indiana State, Ohio State, and Washington University before joining the

Wisconsin faculty. While at Ohio State, l1e was named Outstanding Marketing Professor

by the students and has won the John R. Larson Teaching Award at Wisconsin. He has

taught a variety of courses including Marketing Management, Marketing Strategy, Con­

sumer Behavior, Marketing Research, and Marketing Theory, among others. Professor Peter's research has appeared in t11e Journal of Marketing, the Journal of

Marketing Research, the Journal of Consumer Research., the Journal of Retailing, and the

Academy o,f Management Journ.ctl, among others. His article on construct validity won the

prestigious William O'Dell Award from the Journal of Marketing Research, and he was a

finalist for this award on two other occasions. Recently, he was the recipient of the ChurchilJ Award for Lifeti1ne Achievement in Marketing Research, given by the American Marketing

Association and the Gaumnitz Distinguished Faculty Award from the School of Business,

University of Wisconsin-Madison. He is an author or editor of over 30 books, including A

Preface to Marketing Management, Fourteenth edition; Marketing Management: Krtowledge and Skills, ninth edition; Consumer Behavior and Marketing Strategy, ninth edition; Strategic

Management: Concepts and Applications, third edition; and Marketirig: Creating Value .for

Custom.ers, second edition. He is one of the most cited authors in the marketing literature.

Professor Peter has served o n the review boards of the Journal of· Marketing, Jour­

nal of Marketi11g Research, Journal of Corisumer Research, and Journal of Business Research and was measurement editor for JMR and professional publicatio11s editor for tl1e

American Marketing Association. He has taught in a variety of executive programs and

consulted for several corporations as well as the Federal Trade Commission.

James H. Donnelly Jr. has spent his academic career in the Gatton College of Business a11d Econo1nics at the

University of Kentucky. In 1990 he received the first Chancellor's Award for Outstanding

Teaching given at the university. Previously, he had twice received the UK Alumni Associa­

tion's Great Teacher Award, an award one can only be eligible to receive every 10 years. He

has also received two Outstanding Teacher awards from Beta Gamma Sigma, national busi­

ness honorary. In 1992 he received an Acorn Award recognizing "those who shape the future"

from the Kentucky Advocates for Higher Education. In 2001 and 2002 he was selected as

"Best University of Kentucky Professor." In 1995 he became one of six charter members

elected to the American Bankers Association's Bank Marketing Hall of Fame. He has also

received a "Distinguished Doctoral Graduate Award" from the University of Maryland.

During his career he has published i n the Journal of Marketing Research,, Journ.al o,f

Marketing, Journal of· Retailing, Administrative Science QiJ-arterly, Academy of Man­

agemerit Jourrtal, Journal of Applied Psychology, Personnel Psychology, Jourrial of

Business Researcli, and Operatio,is Research a1nong others. He has served on the edito­

rial review boa.rd of the Journal o,f Marketing. He i s the author of more than a dozen

books, which include widely adopted academic texts as well as professional books.

Professor Donnelly is very active in the banking industry where l1e l1as served on the board of directors of tl1e Institute of Certified Bankers and tl1e ABA's Marketing Network. He has

also served as academic dean of the ABA' s School of Bank Marketing and Management.

re ace

We are proud to introdt1ce the fourteenth edition of A Pre.face to Marketin.g Man,agement.

Our plan has always been to deliver a clear and concise presentation of the basic princi­

ples of marketing in such a way that the core concepts and ideas are covered in sufficient

depth to ensure in-depth understanding, By offering an engaging, clear, and conceptu­

ally sound text, our book has been able to maintain its position as a leading marketing

management text.

Througl1ot1t the history of the book, feedback from botl1 students and instructors has

suggested that our plan is a good one. Our book has been used in a wide variety of set­

tings and is the best-selling book of its kind. We introduce the fourteenth edition knowing

that our book and its eight foreign translations have been used around the world vvhenever

courses require an overview of the critical aspects of marketing manage1nent.

With this edition, we seek to n1ore effectively implement our plan by building on a

strong foundation, maintaining the attributes and elements of the book tl1at make i t a very

teachable text, updating existir1g content, adding new content, and focusing the presenta­

tion. We seek to emphasize qttality content and examples and avoid excess verbiage, pic­

tures, and description.

As usual, each time we revise the book there is a11 e1nphasis on responding to feedback

from students and instructors. These two constituencies plus our own intuitions drive each

revision, Marketing is an exciting and dynamic field of study, We want to capture the

sense of excitement and at the same time respect its history.

Our book has become known simply as tl1e Preface. We want to believe a major reason

it has endured is that because marketing is figuring out how to do a superior job of satisfy­

ing customers, we simply try to practice what we preach. Welcorne to the Pre.face.


Every elem.ent of content in our book is designed with one thought in mind: to assist stu­

dents in analyzing marketing problems and cases and developing and writing marketing

plans. Section I of the book consists of 13 concise chapters that cover the essentials of mar­

keting management. We think of it as the "must know" content of the field. It is divided

into four parts that foct1s on strategic planning and marketing planning, ttnderstanding tar­

get markets, tl1e marketing mix, and marketing in special fields. These 13 chapters should

provide students a clear understanding of the tenninology, techniques, tools, and strategies

for effective 1narketing management and marketing strategy development.

In addition to revising and updating the text chapters, this edition contains new content as

well. There are discussions of internal and external secondary data sources, the use of social

media monitoring, a]ten1ative searcl1 in consumer behavior, key characteristics of organi z a ­

tional buyers, e-procurement, global virtual teams, brand equity, using distinctive compe­

tencies in new product development, consumer databases, business-to-business databases,

mobile marketing, online retailing and multichannel marketing, franchising, the effects of t11e Internet on pricing, global account 1nanagers, and ]earning about different cultures.

In the twelfth edition, we altered two of the text elements. The changes have been well

received by instructors and stt1dents. First, "Marketing Insights" are included to assist students

as they solve marketing problems, analyze marketing cases, and develop marketing plans.

Second, we know that our book is often used with case problems, writing assignments,

and constructing marketing plans. Accordingly, there i s an "Additional Resources" section


viii Preface

at the end of each chapter. Our purpose is to highlight current resoLLrces that students can

use in writing assign111ents and oral presentations. The resources have been selected with

students in mind. Tl1ey include resources accessible to students at various stages of 111ar­

keting education given the wide spectrum of courses in which the book is utilized.


Chapter 1: Strategic Planning and The Marketing Management

Process • Revised basic questions that 1nust be asked when developing a 1nission state1nent. • Marketing Insight 1-3 now contains five actual mission statements for firms of varying

sizes and industries. It provides students with a better mix of alternatives when com­

pleting the exercise in Marketing h1sight 1-4. • Updated additional resources.

Chapter 2: Marketing Research: Process and Systems for Decision

Making • Revised section on secondary data to include both internal and external sources

• Added new figure "Common Types of Information Available in a Secondary Data

Search" • Added a new Marketing Insight, "Social Media Monitoring for Marketing Insights" • Updated additional resources

Chapter 3: Consumer Behavior

Updated discussion of consumer and marketer reactions to recession • Revised and updated discussion of Alternative Search • Updated additional resources

Chapter 4: Business, Government, and Institutional Buying • Revised Marketing Insight on "Key Characteristics of Organizational Buying Behavior" • New Marketing Insight, "Organizational Buying on the Internet: E-Procurement" • Revised Discussion of "Organizational Needs" • Updated additional resources

Chapter 5: Market Segmentation • New Marketing Insight, "Segmenting the Mobile Phone Market"

Revised and updated discussion of VALS

Chapter 6: Product and Brand Strategy • Marketing Insight 6-3 now contains the latest information on the value of the top twenty

brands in the world • Contains a new section on branding and brand equity • Revised and updated Marketing Insight 6-6 • Added a new section on global virtual teams • New key terms and concepts • Updated additional resources

Preface Ix

Chapter 7: New Product Planning and Development • New Marketing Insight 7-4 which focuses on utilizing corporate strengths in the new

product development process. It includes eight firms with strengths in either technol­ ogy or markets

• Updated additional resources

Chapter 8: Integrated Marketing Communications • Revised Marketing Insight 8-1 which presents up-to-date information on the top ten

websites in Brazil, Portugal and South Korea Revised section on direct marketing as part of the pro1notion mix

• Revised Marketing Insight 8-6 • New section on direct marketing • New Marketing Insight 8-7 on the contents of a comprehensive database included are

both consumer and business-to-business databases • Added new Key Tem1s and Concepts • Updated additional resources

Chapter 9: Personal Selling, Relationship Building, and Sales


New Marketing Insight 9-1 wl1ich focuses on what a salesperson actually does A new discussion of an increasingly important customer organization structure, the

global account manager

Added new Key Terms and Concepts • Updated additional resources

Chapter 10: Distribution Strategy • Added New Marketing Insight, "Advantages and Disadvantages of Franchising" • New section on "Online and Mobile Retailing" • Updated additional resources • New "Key Terms and Concepts": online retailing, mobile retailing, multichannel marketing

Chapter 11: Pricing Strategy

Added a new discussion of the Internet as an external influence on pricing decisions • A new Marketing Insight, "Ten Tips for Managing Pricing Strategy"

Chapter 12: The Marketing of Services • The chapter has been significantly revised and has been shortened for this edition • A new section on the importance of all the elernents of the marketing mix in the market­

ing of services has been added • Updated additional resources

Chapter 13: Global Marketing • Marketing Insight 13-1 has been updated with the latest data on selected U.S. companies

and their international sales • The section on cultural misunderstanding as a problem i n foreign rnarkets has been

replaced with an entirely new section

x Preface

• Marketing Insight 13-3 has been replaced with a new Marketing Insight which focuses

on ways to lea111 about new cultures

• Updated additional resources

Section 11: Analyzing Marketing Problems and Cases • New Marketing Insight, "Objectives of Case Analysis" • Revised and updated discussion of SWOT analysis • Updated additional resources

Section Ill: Financial Analysis for Marketing Decisions

• Updated dates and additional resources

Section IV: Developing Marketing Plans • Updated dates and additional resources


Knowing tl1at our book is used for a variety of course levels, programs, and students, we

have assembled several elements that we believe will support students for whatever pur­

pose they use our book.

Key Terms and Concepts

New to the previous edition, we decided to add a section of key terms and concepts at the conclusion of each chapter. There was mucl1 debate as to wl1ere they sl1ould be placed in

the book. We decided to place them at the end of the chapter in which they appear. In this

way, they are more visible to students than as an appendix at the end of the book. More

than a glossary, it also presents key concepts covered in the chapter.

Analyzing Marketing Problems and Cases

Section TI presents a very practical and comprehensive framework for analyzing, prepar­

ing, a.nd presenting case analyses. It includes discussions of what a case is, preparing for

the class discussion and written analysis, pitfalls to avoid i n case analysis, and preparing

to do an oral presentation. It has been praised by both instructors and students.

For courses utilizing marketing problems and cases, w e encourage students to read this

guide before discussing a problem or case. Tl1us, it could l1ave been placed at the begin­

ning of the book, but because it is often referred to throughout the semester, we have

placed it after the text chapters. And for those courses that do not utilize cases, the book

1nay be used without reference to tl1is section.

Financial Analysis for Marketing Decisions

It is absolutely critical for marketing students to understand. and appreciate the fact that

the ultimate objectives of marketing are usually expressed in financial terms. Section ill

enables students to assess a company's financial position. It presents important financial

calculations that are useful in evaluating the financial position of a finn and the financial

impact of various decisions and strategies. Included are discussions of breakeven analysis,

net present value, and ratio analysis.

Developing Marketing Plans

Given the purpose of this book and the needs of users, Section IV enables students to develop practical planning skills so they are able to construct a quality marketing plan for

Preface xi

any product or service. It provides a complete format for structuring and presenting one,

including specific questions to ask in competitive analysis, the development of well-stated

objectives, analyzing custo1ners, and implementation and control. A s with Section II, we

know that this section has become a valuable take-away resource for many students long

after their course has been completed.

A Value-Added Website

We encourage students to view the student section of tl1e Online Leaming Center (OLC)

at website www.mhhe.com/peterdonnelly14e, which contains a number of useful aids for

facilitating learning and supporting student achievement. We believe you will find i t a

useful resource.


The Preface has been used as a resotrrce in college courses and professional development

programs that require an overview of the critical "need-to-know" aspects of marketing

management and marketing strategy development. It has been used:

As the primary introductory text at the undergraduate level.

• At both the undergraduate and MBA level, where several AACSB core curriculum

courses are team-taught as one multidisciplinary 9- to 12-hour course.

• At the advanced undergraduate and MBA level where it is used as the content founda­

tion in courses that utilize marketing cases.

• In short courses and executive development programs.

The instructor section of www.mhl1e.com/peterdonne1Jy14e inc]udes an instructor's

manual and other support material. It includes two expanded suppletnents. They were

developed in response to instructors' requests. We offer a test bank of nearly 1,300

multiple-choice, true-false, and brief essay questions. It is available in both print and

EZ Test Online. We also offer Power Point slides that highlight key text material. Your McGraw-Hill representative can also assist in the delivery of any additiona1 instructor

support materia1.



Our book i s based on the works of many acade1nic researchers and marketing practitioners.

We want to thank those individuals who conuibuted tl1eir ideas to develop the field of m a r ­ keting throughout the years. Indeed, our book would not b e possible without their contri­

butions. We would also like to thank our teachers, colleagues, and students for their many

contributions to our education. We would also like to publicly acknowledge those individu­

als who served as reviewers of this and previous editions. We appreciate their advice and counsel and have done our best to reflect their insightful com111ents.

Roger D. Absmire

Sam Houston State University

Anna Andriasova

University of Ma,ylarid University College

Catherine Axinn

Syracuse University

Mike Ballif

University o_f Utah

Andrew Bergstein

Pennsylvania State University

Edward Bond

Bradley University

Donald Brady

Millersville Universitv

Tim Carlson

Judson University

Glenn Chappell

Meridith College

Newell Chiesl

Indiana Stc,te University

Reid P. Claxton

East Caroline, University

Larry Crowson

University of· Central Florida

Mike Dailey

University of Texas, Arlington

Linda M. Delene

Western Michigan University

Gera.rd DiBartolo

Salisbury University

Casey Donoho

North.ern Arizona University

James A. Eckert

Western Mich.igan University

Matthew Elbeck

Troy University Dothan

Karen A. Evans

Herkimer County Community College

R. E. Evans

University of· Oklahoma

Lawrence Feick

University of· Pittsbitrgli

Robert Finney

California State University, Hayward

Stephen Goldberg

Fordham University

David Good

Grand Valley State University

David Griffith

University of Oklahoma

Perry Haan

Tiffin University

Lawrence Hamer

DePaul University

Harry Harmon

Central Missou,ri

Jack Healey

Golden State University

Betty Jean Hebel

Madonncl University

Catherine Holderness

University of North Carolina-Greensboro

JoAnne S. Hooper

Western Carolina University

David Horne

Wayne State University

Nasim Z. Hosein

Northwood University

Nicole Howatt


Fred Hughes

Fciulkner U,iiversity



Chris Joiner

George Mason University

Benoy Joseph

Cleveland State University

Sol Klein

Northeastern Uriiversity

Robert Brock Lawes

Cha,ninade University of Hc)nolulu.

Eunkyu Lee

Syracuse University

Tina Lowrey

University of Texas at San Antonio

Franklyn Manu

Morgan State Un.iversity

Edward J. Mayo

Western Michigan. University

Edward M. Mazze

University o_f Rhode Island

Donald J. Messmer

College of William & Mary

Albert Milhomme

Texas State Vn.iversity

Chip Miller

Drake University

David L. Moore

LeMoyne College

Johannah Jones Nolan

University of.Alabama, Birmingham

R. Stephen Parker

Southwest Missouri State University

Joan Phillips

Uriiversity of'Notre Dame

Thomas Powers

University o.f Alabama at Birmingham

Debu Purohit

Ditke Un,iversity

John Rayburn

University o_f Ten.nessee

Martha Reeves


Ga.ry K. Rhoads

Brigh.am Young University

Lee Richardson

University of Baltimore

Henry Rodkin

DePaul University

Ritesh Saini

Gec>rge Mason U11iversity

Matthew H. Sauber

Eastern Michigcin University

Alan Sawyer

University of' FlcJrida

Ronald L. Schill

Brig/iam Young University

Mark Spriggs

University of· St. Tho,nas

Vernon R. Stauble

Cal(fomia State Polytechnic University

David X. Swenson

College of· St. Scholastica

Ann Marie Thompson

Northern. Illin.ois U11iversity

John R. Thompson

Memphis State University

Gordon Urquhart

Cornell College

Sean Valentine

University of· Wyoming

Ana Valenzuela

Baruch College, CUNY

Stacy Vollmers

University of.St. Thomas

Jacquelyn Warwick

Andrews University

Kevin Webb

Drexel Urziversity

Kathleen R. Whitney

Central Michigan University

J.B . Wilkinson

University of Akron

Dale Wilson

Micliigan State University

It is always easy to work with professionals. That is why working with tl1e profession­

als at McGraw-Hill is always enjoyable for us. Sankha Basu, publisher, and Jane Mohr,

project manager, support what we do and we are very grateful. Thank you Heather Darr,

develop1nent editor, and welcome to our team. We also wish to acknowledge Francois

Ortalo-Magne, dean of the School of Business at the University of Wisconsin, and David

Blackwell, dean of the Gatton College of Business and Economics at the University of

Kentucky, who support what we do.

J. Paul Peter

James H. Donnelly, Jr.






Chapter Strategic Planning and the Marketing Man­ agement Process 4

The Marketi11g Concept 4

What Is Marketing? 5

What Is Strategic Planning? 6

Strategic Planning and Marketing Manage,nent 6

The Strategic Planning Process 7

The Complete Strcitegic Plan 16

The Marketing Management Process 16

Situation Analysis· 16

Marketing Planning 19

Implementation and Control of the Marketing Plan 20

Marketing lnforniation Systems and Marketing

Research 21

The Strategic Plan, tl1e Marketing Plan, and

Other Functional Area Plans 21

Marketing's Role in Cross-Functional Strategic

Planning 21

Summary 22


Portfolio Models 27



Chapter 2

Marketing Research: Process and Systems

for Decision Making 32

Tl1e Role of Marketing Research 32

The Marketing Research Process 33


Purpose o,f the Research 33

Plan of· the Research 34

Pe,formance o,f the Research 37

Processing of Researcli Data 39

Preparation of' the Research Report 40

Limitcitions o,f the Reselirc/1 Process 40

Marketing Information Systems 42

Summary 43

Chapter 3 C onsumer Behavior 45

Social Influences on Consumer Decision

Making 46

Culture and Subculture 46

Social Class 47

Re,ference Groups and Fa,nilies 48

Marketing Influences on Consumer Decision

Making 48

Product lnfluences 48

Price Influences 4 8

Promotion Influences 49

Place Influences 4 9

Situational Int1uences on Consumer Decision Making 51

Psychological Influences on Conswner Decision

Making 51

Product Kno�vledge 51

Product Involvement 52

Consruner Decision Making 52

Need Recognition 53

Alternative Search 54

Alternative Evaluation 55

Purchase Decision 55

Postpurchase Evctluation 56

Summary 58

Chapter 4 Business, G overnment, and Institutional Buying 60

Categories of Organizational Buyers 60 Prollucers 60

Intermediaries 61

Government Agen.cies 61

Other Institutions 61

The Organizational Buying Process 61

Purchase-Type Influences on Organizational

Buying 62

Straight Rebuy 62

Modi f

ied Rebuy 62

New Task Purchase 62

Structt1ral Influences on Organizational Buying 63

Purchasing Roles 63

Organization-Specific Factors 64

Purchasing Policies ancl Procedures 65

Behavioral Influences on Organizational Buying 65

Personal Motivations 65

Role Perceptions 66

St.ages in the Organizational Buying

Process 68

Or < (?anizational Need 68

Vendor Analysis 68

Purchase Activities 69

Postpurchctse Evaluation 70

Summary 70

Chapter 5 Market Segmentation 72

Delineate the Firm's Current

Situation 72

Detenuine Consumer Needs and Wants 73

Divide Markets on Relevant Dimensions 73

A Priori versus Post Hoc Segnientation 74

Relevance of Segmentation Diniensions 75

Bases for Segmentation 75

Develop Product Positioning 81

Decide Segmentation Strategy 82

Design Marketing Mix Strategy 84

Summary 84



Chapter 6 Product and Brand Strategy 86

Basic Issues in Product Ma11agement 86

Product Definition 86

Procluct Classification 87

Product Quality and Value 88

Procluct Mix and Product Line 89

Bran.cling and Brand Equity 90

Packaging 96

Product Life Cycle 97

Product Adoption and Diffusion 99

Tl1e Product Audit 100

Deletions 100

Product lmprovenient 101

Organizing for Product Management 10 l

Su1nmary 103

Chapter 7 New Product Planning and Development 105

New Product Strategy 106

New Product Planning and Development

Process 108

Idea Generation 108

Idea Screening 110

Project Planning 111

Product Develop,n.ent 112

Test Marketing 112

Comniercialization 113

The /1nportance l?f Ti,ne 113

Contents xv

Some Important New Produ.ct Decisions 114

Quality Level 114

Product Features 115

Product Design I 16

Product Safety 116

Causes of New Product Failure 116

Needfor Research 117

Summary 118

Chapter 8 Integrated Marketing Communications 120

Strategic Goals of Marketing

Co1n111unication l 20

Create A ivareness 120

Build Positive Images 120

Identify Prospects 120

Build Channel Relationships 121

Retain Custoniers 121

The Promotion Mix 121

Integrated Marketing Communications 122

Advertising: Planning and Strategy 124

Objectives of Advertising 724

Advertising Decisions 126

The Expenditure Question 126

The Allocation Question 127

Sales Promotion 132 Push versus Pull Marketing 132

Trade Sales Proniotions 133

Consunier Pro,notions 133

What Sales Promotion Can and Can't Do 134

Public Relations 135

Direct Marketing 136

Summary 137


Major Federal Agencies Involved in Control

of Advertising 139

xvi Contents

Chapter 9 Personal Selling, Relationship Building, and Sales Management 140

Importance of Personal Selling 140

The Sales Process 141

Objectives of the Sales Force 141

The Sales Relationship-Buildirig Process 142

People Who Support the Sales Force 146

Managing the Sales and Relationship-Building

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