Exploitation of WPA Authentication
Pranav S. Ambavkar, Pranit U. Patil, Prof. Pamu Kumar Swamy VJTI, Matunga, Mumbai, India.
ABSTRACT These days wireless communication is basic need of people. Users want to secure their important information.
For security purpose different kinds of protocols are available. But fast development in codes, standards and
technology gives opportunity to hack and steal the important information over wireless network. Therefore
the security of network should be in consideration. Today there exist different kinds of tools and programs
inbuilt in operating system. By using them and analyzing weaknesses of protocol used, cracking of protocol is
easy. In this paper we will learn authentication WPA standard and way to crack WPA.
Keywords - WPA, WEP, MAC layer, attacks, 4-way handshake.
I. INTRODUCTION The whole world of wireless communications, as we
know it today, started in 1895, when Guglielmo
Marconi transmitted the Morse code for letter "S"
(three-dots) over a distance of 3 kms by
electromagnetic waves. From this time, wireless
communications have grown up into a key element of
modern society. WiFi - Wireless LAN (Local Area
Network) is the main technology for wireless
connection to computer networks.Electronics devices
can exchange information over network by using
Wifi. [1]These devices can connect to each other
also to Internet,router,bluethooth devices. Routers
has a range of about 20 meters (65 ft) indoors and a
greater range outdoors.“Wi-Fi” is a trademark of the
Wi-Fi Alliance and the brand name for products
using the IEEE 802.11 family of standards.
Portable devices such as mobile, laptop,
tablet can connect to Internet, wireless network, Wi-fi
and share information among themselves. The
information might be related to their personal,
organization, national security. So for security
purpose they have authentication protocols are
designed.Without which no one can access network.
There exist several standards for secure
communication protocols in WiFi like WEP (Wired
Equivalent Privacy), WPA (WiFi Protected Access)
and WPA2. Different kinds of programs and tools are
used to crack these standards such as operating
system used for penetration.By using such tools
cracker or hackers get practice to find weaknesses of
authentication protocols.and by analyzing these
weakenesses they hack the wireless network and
steal the important information. Today for
authentication used for good security is WPA.WPA
cracking is done by by only brute force attack. But it
takes a lot of time to crack WPA.In these paper we
will also study how to crack WPA by using brute
force attack.
In this paper we will discuss IEEE 802.11
architecture, general frame format, different kinds of
attack on wireless network, authentication used for
security and how WPA cracking is possible.
II. IEEE 802.11 ARCHITECTURE A.Architecture Component[2] : IEEE 802.11
architecture is subdivided into cells. Each cell is
called as basic service set (BSS).Each BSS has one
access point and it controls the BSS. Every BSS is
connected to each other by a single backbone line
structure called as distribution system.
Fig1. Architecture Component
B. IEEE 802.11 Layers Description : IEEE 802.11 is
covered by mainly two layers data link layer and
physical layer. The physical layer of the original
802.11 standardized three wireless data exchange
Pranav S. Ambavkar, Pranit U. Patil, Prof . Pamu Kumar Sw amy / IOSR Journal of
Engineering (IOSRJEN) www .iosrjen.org ISSN : 2250 -3021
Vol. 2 Issue 2, Feb.2012, pp. 320-324
www.iosrjen.org 321 | P a g e
-Infrared (IR)
-Frequency hopping spread spectrum (FHSS)
-Direct sequence spread spectrum (DSSS)
Fig.2 IEEE 802.11 Layers Description
[3]The 802.11 standard specifies a common
medium access control (MAC) Layer, which provides
a variety of functions that support the operation of
802.11-based wireless LANs. In general, the MAC
Layer manages and maintains communications
between 802.11 stations (radio network cards and
access points) by coordinating access to a shared
radio channel and utilizing protocols that enhance
communications over a wireless medium. Often
viewed as the "brains" of the network, the 802.11
MAC Layer uses an 802.11 Physical (PHY) Layer,
such as 802.11b or 802.11a, to perform the tasks of
carrier sensing, transmission, and receiving of 802.11
C. Introduction to 802.11 wireless frames : The best
way to understand how any type of network protocol
work is to look at it from the packet level. We’ll first
be describing how we can capture wireless frames
that are flying through the air and then talk about
dissecting and analyzing these frames for purposes of
understanding how these packets look like under
normal traffic conditions. Both the station and AP
radiate and gather 802.11 frames as needed. The
format of frames is illustrated below. Most of the
frames contain IP packets. The other frames are for
the management and control of the wireless
D. General Frame Format : Each frame consists of
- A MAC Header: frame control, duration, address,
and sequence control information
- A variable length frame body
- A frame check sequence (FCS), contains IEEE 32-
bit cyclic redundancy code (CRC)
Fig.3 General Frame Format
E. Capturing wireless packets : In case of wireless
technology data or information is send or receive
over air. Air makes a role as a mediator between two
or more wireless devices. So that cracker can easily
capture the packet over air and sniff the information.
To capture wireless packets sniffing device
should know detail knowledge of capturing network
and to this it should have proper hardware and
software build over it. And that hardware should be
Network Interface Card(NIC).
Under normal circumstances when your
wireless NIC are sending and receiving wirelessly,
they’re placed into a mode called managed mode, and
in this mode, the wireless NIC will not pick up any
wireless packets which are not destined for it, thus
defeating the purposes of being a sniffing station. In
order for the wireless NIC to pick up all packets
regardless of who the packet is for, the NIC will have
to be placed in rfmon mode.
From the point of view of intrusion detection and
response, we need to observe and analyze the
anomalies due to both the consequence and technique
of an attack. While the consequence gives evidence
that an attack has succeeded or is unfolding, the
technique can often help identify the attack type and
even the identity of the attacker. Attacks in MANET
can be categorized according to their consequences as
the following:
A.Drop Attack: An attacker can drop received
routing messages, instead of relaying them as the
protocol requires, in order to reduce the quantity of
routing information available to the other nodes
Pranav S. Ambavkar, Pranit U. Patil, Prof . Pamu Kumar Sw amy / IOSR Journal of
Engineering (IOSRJEN) www .iosrjen.org ISSN : 2250 -3021
Vol. 2 Issue 2, Feb.2012, pp. 320-324
www.iosrjen.org 322 | P a g e
B.Routing Loop: A loop is introduced in a route
C.Network Partition: A connected network is
partitioned into k (k >= 2) sub networks where nodes
in different sub networks cannot communicate even
though a route between them actually does exist.
D.Selfishness: A node is not serving as a relay to
other nodes.
E.Sleep Deprivation: A node is forced to exhaust its
battery power.
F.Denial-of-Service: A node is prevented from
receiving and sending data packets to its destinations
Some of the common attacking techniques are:
G.Cache Poisoning: Incorrect routes to be stored in
the routing table of legitimate nodes
H.Fabricated Route Messages: Route messages
(route requests, route replies, route errors, etc.) with
malicious contents are injected into the network.
Specific methods include: a) False Source Route: An
incorrect route is advertised into the network, e.g.,
setting the route length to be 1 regardless where the
destination is. b) Maximum Sequence: Modify the
sequence held in control messages to the maximal
allowed value. Due to some implementation issues, a
few protocol implementations cannot effectively
detect and purge these “polluted" messages timely so
that they can invalidate all legitimate messages with a
sequence number falling into normal ranges for a
fairly long time
I.Rushing: An offensive that can be carried out
against on-demand routing protocols
J.Wormhole: A tunnel is created between two nodes
that can be utilized to secretly transmit packets.
K.Packet dropping: A node drops data packets
(conditionally or randomly) that it is supposed to
L.Spoofing: Inject data or control packets with
modified source addresses.
M.Malicious Flooding: Deliver unusually large
amount of data or control packets to the whole
network or some target nodes
PROTOCOLS AND WPA BREAKING[7] These protocols are important and provides
fundamental knowledge of the following: i) WiFi
security standards, how they work, where the weak
points are, methods and approaches for hacking
secured WiFi networks; ii) description of the
techniques for password cracking and especially
brute force password cracking; iii) an introduction to
existing tools and algorithms for WPA cracking.
A. WiFi Authentication Protocols[5] : This section
provides an overview of WiFi encryption standards.
These standards are certificated by the WiFi Alliance
much like the devices, which incorporate those
standards. The main reason is interoperability
between all certificated devices. All devices with the
WiFi trademark have been certified by the WiFi
Alliance and meets all the requirements. In these
security standards stand security options like MAC
(Media Access Control) / MAC ID / MAC address
filtering. In the AP (Access Point) the list of MAC
addresses is stored and only clients with a MAC
address in the list are allowed to connect to the AP.
Unfortunately, spoofing any MAC address (i.e.,
making a fake MAC address) is fairly easy. Another
additional option is SSID (Service Set Identification)
disabling. SSID is the identifier of the WLAN
(Wireless LAN) which is broadcasted by the AP in
the beacon frame to enable easy selection of the
WLAN by the user. Disabling the SSID makes the
network invisible for the ordinary users and SSID has
to be set in the client's network manager. However,
there are tools for sniffing the network
communication, which can detect the WLAN with
disabled SSID broadcasting.
Besides the two previously mentioned
mechanisms, some encryption techniques can be
applied to further secure wireless connections. In the
following part of this section, the WEP, WPA and
WPA2 standards are described.
B.WEP Encryption[4][15] : WEP has three
settings: Off (no security), 64-bit (weak security),
128-bit (a bit better security). WEP is not difficult to
crack, and using it reduces performance slightly. If
you run a network with only the default security,
where WEP is turned off, any of your neighbors can
immediately log on to your network and use your
Internet connection. For wireless devices to
communicate, all of them must use the same WEP
setting. (40-bit and 64-bit WEP encryption are the
same thing 40-bit devices can communicate with 64-
bit devices.) While there is no extra performance cost
Pranav S. Ambavkar, Pranit U. Patil, Prof . Pamu Kumar Sw amy / IOSR Journal of
Engineering (IOSRJEN) www .iosrjen.org ISSN : 2250 -3021
Vol. 2 Issue 2, Feb.2012, pp. 320-324
www.iosrjen.org 323 | P a g e
to encrypting the longer key, there is a cost to
transmitting the extra data over the network. 128-bit
security is not much more difficult than 64-bit to
crack, so if you are concerned about performance,
consider using 64-bit. If you're very concerned about
security, use WPA, which replaces WEP with a
protocol that is given current technology, impossible
to crack. The WEP concept of passphrase is
introduced so that you do not have to enter
complicated strings for keys by hand. The passphrase
you enter is converted into complicated keys. Choose
passphrases with the same care you would important
With 128-bit encryption, you need to enter a passphrase to generate each key.
All four keys must be specified, because WEP switches between them to make your
traffic more difficult to break.
All devices within your LAN must use the same passphrases (i.e., the same keys).
C. WPA/WPA2 Encryption[7] : WPA stands for
WiFi Protected Access. WPA has been accepted in
2002 as a temporary solution by the WiFi Alliance,
as a response to delayed development of the IEEE
802.11i standard (nowadays known as WPA2) WPA2
has replaced WPA. WPA2, which requires testing
and certification by the Wi-Fi Alliance, implements
the mandatory elements of IEEE 802.11i. In
particular, it introduces CCMP, a new AES-based
encryption mode with strong security.Certification
began in September, 2004; from March 13, 2006,
WPA2 certification is mandatory for all new devices
to bear the Wi-Fi trademark.. WPA2, which offers
government- and enterprise-grade security, is
available in all products that the alliance has anointed
as "WiFi Certified." The security standard replaces
the original WPA and has stronger security than
WPA and other protocols, including WEP (Wired
Equivalent Protocol), which is still an option with
most routers. WEP was introduced in 1997 and was
largely supplanted by WPA and WPA2.
E. WPA-PSK Cracking : It has been found out that
WPA-PSK cracking is the only possible way to crack
this security standard. To successfully crack
WEP/WPA, you first need to be able to set your
wireless network card in "monitor" mode to passively
capture packets without being associated with a
network. This NIC mode is driver-dependent, and
only a relatively small number of network cards
support this mode under Windows. One of the best
free utilities for monitoring wireless traffic and
cracking WEP/WPA-PSK keys is the aircrack-ng
suite, which we will use throughout this article. It has
both Linux and Windows versions (provided your
network card is supported under Windows). The
aircrack-ng site has a comprehensive list of supported
network cards available here: NIC chipset
compatability list.Here we will use aircrack-ng
version 1.0 on a Linux partition (blackbuntu 2) on
Dell Inspiron 4050 laptop, using the built-in Intel
network card.
The aircrack-ng suite is a collection of command-line
programs aimed at WEP and WPA-PSK key
cracking. The ones we will be using are:
airmon-ng - script used for switching the wireless
network card to monitor mode
airodump-ng - for WLAN monitoring and capturing
network packets
aireplay-ng - used to generate additional traffic on the
wireless network
aircrack-ng - used to recover the WEP key, or launch
a dictionary attack on WPA-PSK using the captured
4-Way Handshake is also one of the thing to learn as
it is related to wireless network. The information in
the first two messages are enough for password
cracking. Even though it is enough, it is important to
eavesdrop the whole 4-Way handshake to be sure that
the handshake was successful and that the
information in the first two messages is valid. Host A
sends a TCP SYNchronize packet to Host B, Host B
receives A's SYN, Host B sends a SYNchronize-
ACKnowledgement, Host A receives B's SYN-ACK,
Host A sends ACKnowledge, Host B receives ACK.
TCP socket connection is ESTABLISHED,
SYNchronize and ACKnowledge messages are
indicated by a bit inside the header of the TCP
segment. TCP knows whether the network TCP
socket connection is opening, synchronizing,
established by using the SYNchronize and
ACKnowledge messages when establishing a
network TCP socket connection. When the
communication between two computers ends, another
3-way communication is performed to tear down the
TCP socket connection. This setup and teardown of a
TCP socket connection is part of what qualifies TCP
a reliable protocol. TCP also acknowledges that data
Pranav S. Ambavkar, Pranit U. Patil, Prof . Pamu Kumar Sw amy / IOSR Journal of
Engineering (IOSRJEN) www .iosrjen.org ISSN : 2250 -3021
Vol. 2 Issue 2, Feb.2012, pp. 320-324
www.iosrjen.org 324 | P a g e
is successfully received and guarantees the data is
reassembled in the correct order.
Fig.4 Way handshaking
a. WPA Cracking Tools : From the time of releasing
WPA there are teams of security experts and hackers,
who try to break it and some developers have even
released tools for cracking WPA.
The list of used HW for this test: AP: D-Link, Client
laptop OS: Blackbuntu2, WiFi card,
Monitoring/capturing: laptop OS: Blackbuntu2, WiFi
Thus we have successfully surveyed the important
terms in the world of Wireless and acknowledged the
important work done in these field. We also have
studied the important attacks and their modus
operandi. The study of authentication protocols led us
to knowledge of WPA breaking and cracking. This
study may lead us to harden our protocol system and
making it resistant to cracking tools. Our future work
will be mainly aimed at simulating various attacks on
WPA by cracking it. Successful simulations will
guide through hardening the present day protocols.
1. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wi-Fi
2 .A technical tutorial on IEEE 802.11 protocol by
Pablo Brenner
5. WPA password cracking by Master thesis, AAU,
Applied Signal Processing and Implementation
Spring 2009
6. A Practical Message Falsification Attack on
WPA by Toshihiro Ohigashi1 and Masakatu
Morii2 1 Hiroshima University
7. A Survey on Wireless Security protocols
(WEP,WPA and WPA2/802.11i) by ARASH
8. Practical attacks against WEP and WPA by
Martin Beck, TU-Dresden, Germany
9. Enhanced TKIP Michael Attacks by Martin
Beck, TU-Dresden, Germany
10. MAC Layer Anomaly Detection in Ad Hoc
11. Weakness Analysis and Attack Test for WLAN
by LIU Wu
12. Your 802.11 Wireless Network has No Clothes
William A. Arbaugh
13. Impact of Wireless IEEE802.11n Encryption
Methods on NetworkPerformance of Operating
Systems by Shaneel Narayan
14. New Protocol Design For Wireless Network
Security by Prof. Dr. Gamal Selim
15. Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP) versus Wi-Fi
Protected Access (WPA) by ARASH HABIBI