Airline Midterm Strategic Audit Report Outline – Due November 11th
The following is an outline for your midterm audit. Complete each section in the order I have presented it below. Be sure to include the headings in the papers you hand in to me. Be sure to include a title page for your Strategic Audit with your company name, number, and logo as well as the names of all group members. Audits missing complete and accurate title pages will lose 10 points of their grade.
I. Introduction: Include a short paragraph stating where you wanted your company to be by now (end Q5) and where you are now. (worth up to 5 points)
II. Corporate governance
· Top management – explain to me how you are now organized now that you know how to “play” the game. At first, you may have assigned each other roles that were not the best for each of your skills. At this point, you should step back, look at what each actually does, and reassess your roles and titles (if necessary). (worth up to 5 points)
III. In the next section explain the threats and opportunities in the external environmental for the airline industry and YOUR airline at the end of Q5. DO NOT JUST REPEAT WHAT YOU INCLUDED IN YOUR INITIAL STRATEGIC PLAN AS THE INDUSTRY HAS CHANGED AND NOW IS COMPRISED OF THE COMPANIES IN YOUR CLASS! Information about what to look at to determine threats and opportunities mainly comes from Chapter 4 and class discussions. (worth up to 10 points)
· Separate societal (macro) and task (industry) level opportunities and threats that you perceive for your airline.
· DO NOT just repeat the same threats and opportunities you listed for your Initial Strategic Plan unless you can confirm that they still exist.
IV. In this fourth section, explain your company’s internal environmental assessment (S, W), which includes your airline’s current strengths and weaknesses. Be sure to carefully assess how your company is doing now in all of the following dimensions. See Chapter 5 for guidance on what areas in your company to assess. (worth up to 10 points)
· Your corporate structure—is your current structure helping or hurting your airline?
· Corporate culture –what is the culture (style) of the airline you have developed since Q1, and is it helping you succeed?
· Functional strengths and weaknesses which areas are strong for your airline, and where do you have weaknesses?
V. What is your airline’s mission statement? If you have changed it since the Initial Strategic Plan, tell me what they both are, and explain why you made the change. (worth up to 5 points)
VI. In this sixth section, list your management teams’ three objectives for Q1-Q5 and explain whether or not you achieved them and why/why not. Use concrete data to do so. If the Q1-Q5 objectives you included in your Initial Strategic Plan were not measurable or quantifiable, then rewrite them so that you can complete this section accurately. (worth up to 10 points for analysis of each objectives)
· Include a line or bar graph for each objective, showing what your results have been for each of the first 5 quarters. (If you have information for all the other teams, you may include it in the graphs.)
· For each objective, explain the reasons for your performance.
VII. In the seventh section, list your management team’s three objectives for Q6-10, and include 3 strategies you will employ for each objective. You may change your objectives from Q1-5 or the data you will use to evaluate your performance (measures). Use the same format given for your company’s Initial Strategic Plan. (worth up to 10 points for each set of objectives plus supporting strategies)
· State how you will measure performance for each of your objectives. (This means, what data from your quarterly results will you analyze for each objective?)
· State the name and title of the member of your management team who is responsible for tracking this data.
VIII. What are your policies? Are these the same policies you had for Q1-Q5? (worth up to 5 points)