Running head: NOVICE TO EXPERT
Novice to Expert: The Nurse’s Role in Research and Evidence-based Practice
Svetlana Alpin, Fantasia Batchelor, Evelin Andujar, Holly Booker
NUR 4165
Broward College
ASL Objectives:
6.1 Outline the Fundamental Principals of Evidence-Based Practice
6.2 Describe the Relationship between Research and Evidence-Based Practice
Novice to Expert: The Nurse’s Role in Research and Evidence-based Practice
Nursing is a field of practice with processes, policies, and procedures that are constantly evolving. Such changes do not come about by mere chance but rather on the shoulders of the many nurse researchers who lend a hand in nursing research and the fruition of such research is implemented as evidence-based practice (EBP). Throughout this reflection the terms nursing research and evidence-based practice will be utilized quite often, what do these terms really denote? Polit and Beck (2018) explain nursing research as an inquiry that is designed to retrieve trustworthy evidence about issues relevant to nurses and their clients. Evidence-based practice is identified as using the best evidence to guide patient care decisions and such evidence is typically generated from nurses and other health care professionals who engage in research (Polit and Beck, 2018).
Relevant and Meaningful Service within the Community
Knowing how important research is to the continued quality improvement within our field our group set out on a mission to educate fellow nurses about the need to engage in such research and aid in the implementation of evidence-based practice. The opportunity presented itself on April 16th, 2019 at the Hallandale Outpatient Surgical Center (HOSC). Our primary goal was to educate the nurses of the HOSC about the need to involve themselves in nursing research and evidence-based practices and to seek out opportunities around their workplace where extra research may lead to quality improvement.
Enhanced Academic Learning
Our ASL group utilized objectives: 6.1 Outline the fundamental principles of evidence-based practice, and 6.2 Describe the relationship between research knowledge and evidence-based practice. The theory that served as the backbone to our presentation was Patricia Benner’s theory of Novice to Expert. Nursing theorist Patricia Benner adapted the Dreyfus theory to nursing clinical practice and utilized the same five stages novice, advanced beginner, competent, proficient and expert to evaluate the progression of a nurse (Fishman, 2018). As nurses obtain the necessary experience from years on the job they become assets in the recognition of areas within the field that has room for change or improvement and may even be able to offer well-established solutions if they are able to involve themselves in nursing research. Using objective 6.1 we analyzed a few key principles to evidence-based practice some of which include identifying the best research evidence, listening to patient preferences and utilizing clinical expertise. Objective 6.2 allowed us to dig deeper and show our audience the connection between knowledge gained from research and implementing such knowledge by means of evidence-based practice.
Purposeful Civic Learning and Reflection
By enrolling in this baccalaureate program and learning about how much nursing thrives off research we are driven to share this information with our fellow nurses and others who work alongside them. Our audience was thrilled with our presentation and we had good participation in our question and answer segments because some already had an idea as to what nursing research and EBP involves. By the end of our presentation, we noticed we had added to the knowledge base of our audience because the participation and answers we received for the final question and answer section proved it.
Critical Thinking
It is often said with increased knowledge comes greater responsibility and this is true in our case. We have learned a lot from both our class material and our ASL project. We all see the need to not just occupy a job position but rather become active members in our field. We also implored our audience to do the same, make a difference. In identifying qualities that are used to distinguish an excellent nurse Paans, Robbe, Wijkamp, and Wolfensberger (2017) highlight that such a nurse should be analytical able to critically think and reason on complex situations as well as evidence-driven, willing to improve interventions and analyze research. Being able to critically think, do research and advance through Benner’s stage all work hand in hand.
In a field that is never stagnant there is always room for growth. As nurses, we help to advance or practice by participating in research and adhering to evidence-based practice. Never do we wish to become complacent but rather we wish to always seek out the opportunity to help other members within our field to see the value behind research.
Fishman, G. A. (2018). Attending registered nurses: Evolving role perceptions in clinical care teams. Nursing Economics, 36(1), 12-17,22. Retrieved from
Paans, W., Robbe, P., Wijkamp, I., & Wolfensberger, M. V. C. (2017). What establishes an excellent nurse? A focus group and delphi panel approach. BMC Nursing, 16 doi:
Polit, D., F., & Beck, C., T. (2018). Essentials of Nursing Research. Appraising Evidence For
Nursing Practice (9th Ed). Philadelphia. Wolters Kluwer.
Running head:
Novice to Expert:
The Nurse’s Role in
Research and Evidence
based Practice
Svetlana Alpin
Fantasia Batchelor
Evelin Andujar
Holly Booker
NUR 4165
Broward College
ASL Objectives:
6.1 Outline the Fundamental Principals of
Based Practice
6.2 Describe the Relationship between Research and Evidence
Based Practice
Running head: NOVICE TO EXPERT
Novice to Expert: The Nurse’s Role in Research and Evidence-based Practice
Svetlana Alpin, Fantasia Batchelor, Evelin Andujar, Holly Booker
NUR 4165
Broward College
ASL Objectives:
6.1 Outline the Fundamental Principals of Evidence-Based Practice
6.2 Describe the Relationship between Research and Evidence-Based Practice