For this assignment, you will be working individually to write a sample Materials & Methods section and generate your PCR and Restriction Digest Figures & Figure legends for lab report 2.
This notebook check assignment will be completed as a 3pg word doc:
First page: Materials & Methods sample sub-section
Determine what the first sub-section of your lab report 2 Materials & Methods will be and include a draft of that sub-section here
It may help to think about:
Organization of all procedures for this research project into sub-sections first, but only include your 1st M&M sub-section draft here
What was the first procedural step in our experimental approach to address the research question you identified on pg18 of your notebook?
Are there any other procedural steps you would like to group together with this step in your first M&M sub-section?
Include a subheading for this sub-section
This sub-section will be descriptive of what was done, but brief because the first procedural (and most procedural) steps have been done for you in the online course format, so you will simply state which procedures for what samples were performed and cite the lab manual without including all of the detailed steps you did not perform yourself.
See Lab Report 2 Instructions PDF for details for this online course specific handling of procedures you did not perform yourself.
How to write about methods you did not perform yourself.pptxPreview the document
Second & third pages: PCR & Digest Figures/Legends
These correspond to pg 21 and 28 of your lab notebook.
One figure + legend per page
Data images are provided in the Molecular Module Data Images module below the weekly modules
Add any additional labels needed in ppt, copy, and paste the labeled gel image from ppt into a word doc. Use a text box to create your figure legend directly below your labeled gel image. If a single figure has multiple images (panels), you can label them A,B,C, etc. as needed, defining each panel in the legend.