Digital literacy training
MKTG7260 Marketing and Stakeholder Communication
Information Resources
ANU Library
© The Australian National University This work by The Australian National University is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 Australia License.
Digital literacy training
Table of Contents Analyse your topic ...................................................................................................... 1
Break down your assignment question .......................................................................... 1
Brainstorm related terms and synonyms ....................................................................... 1
SuperSearch ............................................................................................................... 2
Subject Guides ........................................................................................................... 2
Databases ................................................................................................................... 3
Business Source Complete ........................................................................................... 4
Emerald Emerging Markets Case Studies ....................................................................... 4
Data and Statistical Sources ....................................................................................... 5
Other resources .......................................................................................................... 8
Digital literacy training
Analyse your topic In order to formulate a search strategy and choose keywords for searching, you must first understand and analyse your topic.
Break down your assignment question Break it into instructions (what to write) limiters (defining the boundaries of your research) and key concepts (these will be your search terms).
Example question: “Experts and celebrities are good media to create market trust in our brand because they know therefore they make the right choice. We can therefore make the same choice because they were right.”
Instructions: Write a Critical Appraisal of a topic (CAT)
Limiters: Usually geographic (e.g. only in Australia; only in OECD countries) or temporal (e.g. research published in the last 10 years)
Key concepts: celebrities, market, trust, brand, choice, correct
Brainstorm related terms and synonyms Not all journal articles will use the exact same terminology; and the terminology in the published research may be different from the terminology in your assignment question.
Related terms:
• Endorsement
• Celebrity endorsement
• Consumer perception
• Consumer decision making
• Consumer choice
• Source credibility
• Consumer behaviour
• Stars
• Star power
• Advertising
• Promotion
• Product
• Selection
Alternate spelling
Take into account American spellings. Wildcard symbols (usually a question mark) can be used to pick up both American and British spelling:
E.g. Behavi?r will find both behaviour and behavior
Digital literacy training 1
SuperSearch provides a single search across the Library’s collections and databases. SuperSearch finds journal articles, newspaper articles, books, book chapters, theses, dissertations, audio-visual content, book reviews and more. It can be a useful place to start searching as it will search almost all databases and will give an idea of what information has been published on a particular topic. For more refined searching, search within subject specific databases. Example search: celebrit* endors* consumer perception The asterisk is a truncation symbol that picks up all alternate endings to a word. Use the left hand side menu to refine your search.
Subject Guides A useful starting point for literature searching are the Library’s online Subject Guides.
From the Library’s homepage > Subject Guides (under Library information) > Arts & social sciences
The most relevant guide is:
• Business, Management & Accounting
2 Digital literacy training
Databases Most databases function in very similar ways. Below, two databases are given as examples, but there are other useful databases as well. Reading the description of a database will help decide if it will be useful for your research.
There are two main ways to find databases relevant to marketing/business/management:
• Visit the Databases page of the Business, Management & Accounting subject guide
• From the Library’s home page, click on the E-Resources & databases link, then select the appropriate subject from the ‘Search by subject’ drop down menu and click ‘GO’
Digital literacy training 3
Business Source Complete BSC is full-text content and peer-reviewed business journals. It covers all disciplines of business, including marketing, management, accounting, banking, finance and more.