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Apa citation for strengthsfinder 2.0

22/11/2021 Client: muhammad11 Deadline: 2 Day


Books :

· Emotional Intelligence 2.0 by Jean Greaves, 2009 (ISBN-13: 978-0974320625). Must have web access code, so must be a new book.

· StrengthsFinder 2.0 by Tom Rath, 2007 (ISBN-13: 978-1595620156). Must have web access code, so must be a new book.

· APA: The Easy Way! A quick and simplified guide to the APA writing style by Houghton and Houghton 2nd Edition, 2009. (ISBN-13: 978-0923568962)

· The Golden Personality Type Profiler by John P. Golden, 2010 (ISBN -13: 978-0137066544): Must have web access code.

Readings and Resources: (Available through the Business Research Guide, go to http://ohiodominican.libguides.com/business to access the Business databases. Most articles can be found using the databases: Business Source Complete, Business Abstracts with Full Text, and, Vocational and Career Collection”. Click on the database and then type in the article title in the search panel. Note that you can also scroll down and type in the journal title if needed.)

Articles for assignments

· Feedback as a Gift, by Friedrich, T+D, 2012

· Difficult Conversations 2.0: Thanks for the Feedback by Stone & Heen, Rodman Management, 2014

· Max Performance Feedback by Sadri & Seto, Industrial Management, 2011

· Work + Home + Community + Self by Friedman, Harvard Business Review, 2014

· Manage Your Work, Manage Your Life by Groysberg & Abrahams, Harvard Business Review, 2014

Articles for Presentation (each student must choose one)

· Manage Your Emotional Culture, HBR, by Barsade and O’Neill, 2016

· Courage as a Skill, in Harvard Business Review by Reardon, 2007

· Can Employees Really Speak Freely, in Harvard Business Review by Detert and Burris, 2016

· Outsmart Your Own Biases, in Harvard Business Review by Soll, Milman, & Payne, 2015

· The Authenticity Paradox, in Harvard Business Review, Ibarra, 2015

· The Art of Giving and Receiving Advice, in Harvard Business Review by Garvin and Margolis, 2015

· Rethink What You “Know” about High-Achieving Women, in Harvard Business Review by Ely, Stone & Ammerman, 2014

· The Limits of Empathy, in Harvard Business Review by Waytz, 2016

· Building Resilience, in Harvard Business Review by Seligman, 2011


This course focuses on personal skill development and management competency assessment. It applies a set of assessment instruments and techniques to help students strengthen self-understanding and identify areas for development and growth. The assessment process culminates in the creation of a personal development plan that will be revisited in the final course of the MBA program in order to determine progress and recast an updated plan. Additionally, the course contains multiple skill modules addressing capabilities relevant to success in organizations and in the MBA/MHA programs. Skills addressed include teaming, giving & receiving feedback, writing, research, presentation, software, and citation skills.

LEARNING OBJECTIVES: Students successfully completing this course should be able to…


1. Examine and apply principles relevant to effective team functioning.

1. Explore and critique approaches related to effective communication – both oral and written.

1. Identify developmental opportunities and challenges resulting from review of a set of assessment instruments.

1. Utilize the principles of Emotional Intelligence theory in professional development planning.

1. Utilize the principles of leveraging your strengths in professional development planning.

1. Synthesize and apply principles related to workplace self-development


1. Apply personal assessment results and personal development knowledge to the creation of an implementable Personal Development Plan.

1. Deliver effective feedback to others and receive feedback without defensiveness.

1. Communicate effectively in both written and oral presentation form.

1. Synthesize content from a variety of business publications to construct a reflective essay.

1. Effectively utilize business research data bases.

1. Appropriately cite sources both in-text and bibliography using APA citation style.

1. Effectively utilize and apply relevant strategic research and analysis tools to organizations operating in a variety of industries and competitive situations.

1. Appropriately use technology in the satisfaction of course assignments to include competence in Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, Excel, and Business Research Data Bases.


1. Exhibit appreciation for the importance of ongoing personal and professional development.

1. Demonstrate respect for diversity and opposing viewpoints.

1. Demonstrate interest and engagement in course activities and discussions.

1. Demonstrate the ability to engage in civil discourse.

Office Hours

Instead of traditional or virtual office hours, I believe that leveraging technology to your advantage is best, therefore, I make myself available at any time you need assistance or have a question (during normal waking hours please). Feel free to text me on my cell phone listed above (I prefer text since it is less disruptive if I am doing something else when you try to reach me). I will respond via text as quickly as possible and we can arrange a phone call if needed as well. If you would like to talk with me at any time between live chat sessions, send me an email message at any time, day or night, with your questions or to set up a meeting. You should expect a response from me fairly quickly, within 24 hours most of the time, but no later than 48 hours. Of course, you can also contact me via telephone. If I am unavailable, feel free to leave voicemail on my cell phone, I check that frequently. Follow up your voicemail with a quick email message to let me know it is there, in case there is some glitch and I do not get the voicemail in a timely manner.

Get Acquainted Postings:
It is very helpful to know something about the other students enrolled in this course. Post your brief bio to the classroom Discussion Board no later than the end of the 1st week of class. This DB can be found in folder titled “Week One”. You will see a sample there in the form of my introduction.
Interaction Tools
Familiarize yourself with the course website by taking the time to review all of the features. Click on all of the tabs, open all of the folders, and look for ways to help you feel a part of the community that is this class. Begin with the “Start Here” folder. Here you can work through the process of learning your way around the site. In addition, several features in this course website are designed to purposefully aid you in interacting with your classmates and your faculty member. A few of these features include the course announcements, the “Get Acquainted Discussion”, email, and of course the Collaborate Live Conferencing function that will allow us to ‘hold live chats’ weekly. Be sure to read the announcements posted by me throughout each week.

A minimum of one, 60 minute live chat session will be scheduled each week on Wednesday evenings from 7-8 PM. To access the live chat sessions you will simply need to click on the Live Chat tab . When you do this a box will open with a section titled “Collaborate”. Click here and you will be able to access the live chat as it is going on or the archives of a chat you missed. Although these sessions are optional, this live interactive forum can provide you with the opportunity to ask questions about the assignments, share ideas with other students and faculty, and delve a bit deeper into the content area. Though not mandatory, your active participation in the live chat sessions do allow you to accumulate “participation/engagement’ points in the course. The purpose of the chat session is to allow for directed discussion of assignments and some aspects of course content. If you are unable to attend Live Chats you can still earn those participation/engagement points. To do so you must watch/listen to the recorded chat. When you are done, upload a 2-paragraph discussion of what we talked about in the live chat to the “Live Chat-Missed Session” dropbox in the folder for the week you missed. In addition, list any questions I asked and your response to those questions. I need to have this prior to the start of the next live chat. One other reminder; do not sign into the live chat if you are in a face-to-face course at that time. You will lose participation points in both classes if you do so.

Remember: All Live Chat Sessions are archived for students to watch/listen to at a later time. Bring your questions, your experiences, your sense of humor, and your insights!

Submit Assignments
The Discussion Board assignments are posted directly into the discussion board found in the folders for weeks assigned. You do not need to submit these assignments elsewhere. Do however be careful to post directly into the Discussion Board. Do not attach your DB work . All other assignments will be submitted to the Turnitin Drop Box for the week assigned. These are visible under the Lessons Tab and in the folder for the week each is due.

1) All assignments cannot have more than 10% of your work in quoted content. If you submit a document with more than that you will receive a deduction as follows:

(a) 16-20%: 50%

(b) Above 20%: zero on the assignment

2) I do not accept late work . If you submit something past the due date/time I will not grade it and you will receive a zero for the assignment.

3) I do not accept any work that has been submitted in another course .

4) I am very serious about source citations, APA format, and plagiarism . This is a master’s level course. As a minimum, you will cite sources as you use them and provide references. All words taken directly from another source will be in quotation marks and cited as required for APA. This is true for all assignments. In APA if you do not cite the source in the body of your work, you cannot list it as a source. If you do not cite sources/reference at all you will receive a zero for your work, I will not grade it.

5) Wikipedia , changingminds.com, dictionaries, or other sources that are not scholarly are not to be used in this course. If you are unsure if it is a scholarly resource or not, ask a librarian. Do not list any sources that are not scholarly in your work.

Assignments, Format, and Grading:
I will work to answer all emails within 24 hours. In addition all work submitted will be graded within 72 hours of the closure of the due date/time frame. If I am to be late on that for any reason, I will email the class and let you know the issue and expected time for completion.

All written work, including the DB postings should be constructed using MS Word, Times New Roman Font of 12. Double-space your answers for readability and double space between paragraphs. I do not allow for listing, numbered, alphabetized or bulleted lists as a part of your answers in the work in this course. Pay attention to spelling and grammar. Information from all sources must be denoted as such through the use of proper citations. Pay special attention to the approximate length of the assignment. If it says 3-4 pages, I’ll be looking for a minimum of 3 pages. If you are not hitting that mark, your grade will suffer. Cover pages, abstracts, executive summaries, charts, graphics and photos do not count in the page or paragraph minimums.

Assignment Deadlines:
In the learning environment as well as in the work environment, due dates are essential. The course assignments have due dates to ensure that the student can in fact successfully complete the class within the course timeframe while also benefiting from instructor input before preparing each new assignment. Also important is timely participation in the interactive components of the classroom.

No late work will be accepted, it will not be reviewed, and will receive an automatic zero.

Turnitin Usage

Turnitin is used via the drop boxes for all written papers. The faculty member may also at any point submit DB postings for review in Turnitin in this course. The drop boxes allow the student to submit the paper within the weekly folders. In addition, the faculty member can access the work there, grade it, and when completed, the work with faculty comments is made available to student within the same weekly folder. Turnitin therefore acts as an assignment depository, a place for faculty to pick up, review, grade and offer feedback to students, and as a plagiarism check point. I will grade and review work in the Turnitin drop box. I will review every paper for plagiarism by taking out the bibliography, the work in quotation marks, and then ascertaining whether there are issues or not. I will contact you if I have a concern. I have set the system up so that you are able to see the same report I see in Turnitin. Please review the content on academic integrity below and feel free to ask questions.

Student Code of Conduct
All students must communicate in a professional manner in this classroom. The classroom refers to any technological mechanism used including the Discussion Board areas and Chat Rooms. All communications and interactions must be done in a respectful manner. Treat everyone professionally and with respect. Use of inappropriate language will not be tolerated.

Academic Honesty

Ohio Dominican considers plagiarism and academic dishonesty a serious offense. Academic Integrity is key to learning and personal growth. The Student Handbook, Course Catalog, and each course syllabus define plagiarism and explain academic honesty. Please refer to the policies set forth in those publications.

Academic Integrity

All policies on academic honesty will be strictly enforced. Along with preparing for and attending classes, each student has the responsibility of promoting high academic standards.

Academic dishonesty includes: (a) cheating, (b) fabrications and falsifications, (c) multiple submissions, (d) plagiarism, (see comments below), (e) complicity in academic dishonesty. Proven cases of dishonesty will result in a grade of F in the course and possible dismissal.


Each student is expected to present his or her own work. All papers, examinations, and other assignments must be original or explicit acknowledgment must be given for the use of another person’s ideas or language. Examples of plagiarism as it might occur in term papers, research projects, group projects, or other written assignments are listed below.

1. Failure to use quotation marks:

a. All work that is quoted directly from a source should be enclosed in quotation marks and followed by proper reference notation. Failure to use quotation marks, even when footnotes are provided, is plagiarism.

2. Failure to document ideas:

a. When a student uses one or more ideas from and/or paraphrases a source, he or she must appropriately reference such material. Failure to provide an exact reference is plagiarism.

3. False documentation:

a. falsifying or inventing sources or page references is plagiarism.

In addition, when team assignments are given, it is considered to be a violation of academic integrity to place someone’s name on a project that they did not participate fully in completing. If you allow your name to be placed on a team assignment when you did not participate, it will be construed as falsely indicating that you worked on a submission and therefore a violation of academic integrity. On the other hand, if you place someone’s name or allow someone’s name to be placed on a submission when you know they did not contribute, you will be violating academic integrity as defined here. If you didn’t work on it, don’t allow someone to put your name on the submission. If someone on the team did not contribute to the submission then do not allow that person’s name to be placed on the submission to protect yourself.

Disability Services and Support
It is the policy and practice of Ohio Dominican University to provide reasonable accommodations for students with properly documented disabilities. Students who need accommodations for a disability must first register with the Office of Disability Services to verify the disability and to establish eligibility for accommodations. Students who have questions about Disability Services are invited to contact Leia Arnold, Director of Disability Services in Erskine Hall, Room 214, by email ArnoldL@ohiodominican.edu or phone 614-251-4233 for a confidential discussion.

Written Assignment Expectations:

All written work should be presented in a professional style and follow basic principles of effective written communication. In addition the following format requirements are mandatory:

· Double-spaced

· 1-inch margins

· 12 pt. Times New Roman Font

· APA style standards (without the use of abstracts for this course)

· Free from grammatical and/or typographical errors

· Demonstrated graduate-level critical thinking, reflection, synthesis and analysis skills

· All written work submitted will be graded on both composition and content.

· All work must be developed utilizing MS Word.

· You may not submit any work from another course.

· Failure to use APA citations and references will result in a zero

Assignment Details (See end of syllabus for details on article critique requirements, research paper requirements, case study write up, and PDP requirements).

Discussion Boards

You will complete discussion board assignments in weeks 1 through 8. All discussion board assignments are to be framed as academic work. They should not be informal in language or presentation. I grade two things in the discussion board: Your answers to the questions I have posted AND your participation in the discussion board through quality interaction with your classmates around the content we are studying that week. The DB grade you receive will reflect the quality of your post content, writing and your attention to the written work expectations listed above. The quality of your participation will be reflected in your “participation/engagement’ score for the course.

Do not attach files in the Discussion Board . It simply takes too much time for us all to open them and read them. I will NOT open an attachment in the DB. You must post your response in the space provided in the discussion board area. To do so, click on the new post. In the DB you are to provide the question, then your answer. If you are responding to a classmate’s work, you read the post then scroll to the bottom of the page and click on reply. Be sure to include the name of the person you are writing to and your own name in your replies.


Personal Development Plan 100

Industry Analysis 50

Discussion Board Posts 46

Essays (35,50,75) 160

Live Chat Participation/Engagement (8X3) 24

Article Presentation 20

Total 400 Points


95%-100% A

90%-94% A-

87%-89% B+

84%-86% B

80%-83% B-

77%-79% C+

74%-76% C

73% and below F

Fall I 2017 MBA 510 - OL: Tentative Schedule



Week 1


Introduction to the course

Giving & Receiving Feedback

Read: articles by:

Stone & Heen (2014), Friedrich (2012), and Sadri & Seto (201)

Competency Sort Materials Discussed

Live Chat #1:

Wednesday, August 23rd 7-8 pm

Discussion board post due on Sunday by midnight (5pts)


Feedback Articles & You due by midnight on 8/26.

Week 2


Industry Analysis Assignment Overview

PDP Assignment Overview

Competency Sort

Live Chat #2:

Wednesday, August 30th 7-8 pm

Discussion board post due on Sunday by midnight (20 pts)

Week 3


Golden Personality Profiler: MBTI

Live Chat #3:

Wednesday, September 6th 7-8pm

Discussion board post due on Sunday by midnight (6 pts)

Complete your

Golden Personality (MBTI) assessment and e-mail results to instructor by midnight on 09/09.

Week 4


For Emotional Intelligence 2.0 : you will complete the assessment tool THEN read pages 1-50.

Live Chat #4:

Wednesday, September 13th 7-8pm

Discussion board post due on Sunday by midnight (5 pts)

Industry Analysis Due by midnight on 09/16

Be prepared to discuss Your EQ for Live Chat

Week 5


Presentation Skills

Live Chat #5:

Wednesday, September 20th 7-8pm

Discussion board post due on Sunday by midnight (5 pts)

Essay on the article you are presenting next week due by midnight on 09/23.

Week 6


For Strength Finders: You will read the first 33 pages in Strengths Finders 2.0 THEN complete the assessment tool.

Live Chat #6:

Wednesday, September 27th 7-8pm

Discussion board post due on Sunday by midnight (5 pts)

Upload presentation video to DropBox by midnight on 09/30

Week 7


Discussion on Work, Life and Balance

Read: Work & Life Articles: Groysberg & Abrahams (2014) And Friedman (2014)

Live Chat #7:

Wednesday, October 4th 7-8pm


Work & Life essay and PDP due by midnight on 10/07

Week 8


PDP Presentations

During Live Chat Session on

Wednesday, October 11th



Assignment Details

Get Acquainted Posting

It is very helpful to know something about the other students enrolled in this course. Post your brief bio to the classroom Discussion Board topic entitled “Get Acquainted Discussion” no later than the end of the 1st week of class. The “introduction” DB can be found under in folder titled “Week One”. You will see a sample there in the form of my introduction.
Industry Analysis


The purpose of this assignment is to help you develop the business research, writing, and citation skills you will need to be successful in the ODU MBA/MHA Programs. Additionally, you will gain experience utilizing three important business databases available through the ODU Library web pages.

Industry Choices Fall I - 2017:






1. Compose a full four page paper (not including title page or reference page) that accomplishes the following:

a. Provides a summary of the history and current functioning of the industry you have been assigned. Your paper should offer a brief (a few paragraphs) industry history, external factors that impact the industry (e.g. economic trends, legislation, customer demographic trends, etc.), current products and service offerings, basis for competition in the industry (business models), description of markets served, identification of major competitors, and a brief assessment of the financial health of the industry. Given that you are limited to four full typed pages, you will need to be concise, organized, and efficient in your word choice.

b. Your paper should be supported with at least 5 in text and reference citations from different sources. You must include at least one source from each of the three data bases described below. You will be using APA citation style and may use the APA template available in Microsoft Word or one provided in PantherLearn. All APA guidelines should be followed including those related to in-text citations, cover page, reference page preparation, running head, etc.

c. Your paper will be graded based on quality of content, strength of writing skills, quality of sources, and quality of APA citation.

d. An example industry analysis paper is provided in PantherLearn.

e. Do not include an executive summary or abstract

Data Bases

1. Online Data Base: Morningstar Library Edition: This is an extensive data base focused on providing investor’s information about publically traded companies. It can be found among the business data bases on our Library’s web pages. Once you get into the data base you can type the name or “ticker” for a company in your industry in the search box. Then you can quickly find detailed information on the company. The “Analyst’s Report” is particularly helpful as it offers current information on the organization and its industry prepared by an analyst with expertise in understanding the particular industry and company. Additionally the “financial statements” and “key ratios” links offer current and historical financial information.

2. Standard and Poors Net Advantage: This is an extensive data base best known for its high quality industry information. To access this, click on the “Industries” tab (at the top) and select your industry. The information is rich and includes relevant trends, competitive environment, financial analysis “how to” information, as well as information on other relevant industry metrics. The data base also includes other information on organizations as well.

3. Business Source Complete: This is an extensive data base best known for its quick access to magazine, trade, and journal articles. The searchable data base allows you to search for articles in specific trade publications, magazines or journals relevant to your industry. In this data base you can also access SWOT analyses and Datamonitor Company or Industry profiles. These Datamonitor profiles are extensive research reports on publically traded companies or Industries.

Recommendations for Success on MBA Submissions

1. While in the MBA you will be writing numbers research/analysis assignments. Typically, in research/analysis papers you are not to include your opinions unless specifically asked for in the assignment.

2. Cite all sources using APA (American Psychological Association) citation style. You should cite both in-text and in a Reference page provided at the end of your paper. When you create a “New Document” in Word, click on “My Template” and then select “APA Format.” Use this template for building your paper to simplify all APA formatting issues. Note that APA resources can be linked through the Course Page. Your papers must include a cover sheet, body of the paper, and bibliography all APA style.

3. Writing skills are important! If you know writing skills are a growth area for you, then work with the Writing Center at ODU BEFORE turning in your papers. They can help you improve your final draft and help you further develop your writing skills at the same time.


All article essays are due on Saturday night by midnight. APA format and citation is a must. Follow formatting as is written earlier in the syllabus (times new roman font of 12, double space, one inch margins, cover page & reference page). The analysis should be written following your thorough reading of the respective article(s) and should include the following components:

· Essential content from the articles synthesized into a summary of what the author(s) had to say about the topic.

· A discussion of how the information in the articles content is useful in professional development or career planning. Feel free to use “I” statements in this section.

· Your reflections on the content in the articles from your own personal and professional experience. You may use “I” in this section.

· Write these essays as if your reader has never read the articles and is not a member of our class. Present this essay as if you were submitting it to a professional or trade journal sharing the information your garnered from your sources and integrating your own experiences.

*Essay format to include: Intro paragraph, body of the work, and a conclusion. Essays should be 3-4 pages (no more, no less), not including cover page and reference page.

Article Presentations

Students will construct, deliver and film a presentation utilizing power point (or another such product). All presentations will be approximately 5 minutes in length. Articles will be selected on the first night of class from the list provided below. In addition to presenting the article, students will write an essay about it (see section above) and submit it prior to the start of class.

Presentation Article Choices:

· Manage Your Emotional Culture, HBR, by Barsade and O’Neill, 2016

· Courage as a Skill, in Harvard Business Review by Reardon, 2007

· Can Employees Really Speak Freely, in Harvard Business Review by Detert and Burris, 2016

· Outsmart Your Own Biases, in Harvard Business Review by Soll, Milman, & Payne, 2015

· The Authenticity Paradox, in Harvard Business Review, Ibarra, 2015

· The Art of Giving and Receiving Advice, in Harvard Business Review by Garvin and Margolis, 2015

· Rethink What You “Know” about High-Achieving Women, in Harvard Business Review by Ely, Stone & Ammerman, 2014

· The Limits of Empathy, in Harvard Business Review by Waytz, 2016

· Building Resilience, in Harvard Business Review by Seligman, 2011

Professional Development Plan

The Professional Development Plan (PDP) will provide you the unique opportunity to assess your strengths, weaknesses, and undeveloped capabilities in light of your vision for your professional future. Through the use of assessment instrumentation, developmental theory, and other tools, you will formulate a personal, detailed road map that will target specific competencies for future development. Competency development will typically leverage work roles, project assignments, training opportunities, and your MBA/MHA Program to meet developmental objectives. The PDP will be amended and updated in your final MBA course, MBA 690.

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