Project: Customer Service Training Manual
Customer Service Training Manual Template
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We’ve put together this five-part template that you can use to scaffold your own training manual. Each section below contains suggestions on what you should include, but don’t hesitate to add your own sections or information to customize it for your customer service agents.
While you could create this manual as a simple text document, we strongly recommend using a learning platform to include multimedia, interactive features, social interactions, and other experiences. In addition to making the training more interesting, these methods increase retention and make it more likely that readers will return for information they didn’t retain the first time around.
1. Introduction
Your introduction sets the stage for the rest of the manual. In it, you should discuss the importance of customer service to your company.
It should answer these questions:
• Why does customer service matter? • What will this manual teach the reader? • How should the reader go through the manual?
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2. The Scope of Customer Service
While this section isn’t totally necessary, it can be useful in emphasizing the fact that customer service is important at all levels of the company. Here are a few things to address here:
• Who should read this manual? • When should employees be thinking about customer service? • What should employees do to ensure customer satisfaction?

You might address this last question in more detail later, but it’s good to emphasize up front that employees should expend a lot of effort to make sure that customers’ needs are being met.
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3. General Customer Service Practices Every company uses different customer service strategies to suit their business model. Before getting into specifics, though, it’s a good idea to offer some general statements that guide customer service.
These general practices are good for helping customer service agents make decisions when there’s no policy for a particular situation. For example, Disney instructs employees to focus on four simple points: safety, courtesy, show, and efficiency. With this information, employees know what they should do even when there’s no policy to guide their actions.
Even a single phrase will suffice, as long as it sums up your advice on customer service. If you’d like some guidance, there are several customer service models that you can use. Look up these acronyms to see if you feel that any are a good fit for your company:
• APPLE (popularized by the Apple Store) • WECARE • LEAST • GREAT • CARES • SMILE
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4. Specific Customer Services Policies
This is likely to be the longest section of your customer service training manual. You’ll want to outline all of the policies that apply to your customer service interactions, most of which will be highly specific to your company.
• Here are just a few of the things you’ll want to cover in this section: • Greeting customers • Interaction practices (tone, body language, etc.) • Acceptable wait times • How to deal with unhappy customers • How much decision-making power employees have* • When and how to escalate issues (including contacts) • Return and refund policies

All of these points will be different for your company than they are for others, so it’s worth taking the time to list and detail as much information as possible. It’s especially important to update this section as new issues arise, as well.
* Be very explicit about the decisions that employees can make and those that need to be escalated. Can customer service agents offer store credit? Can front-line employees make purchasing decisions when they’re requested by customers? This section should answer as many of these questions as possible.
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5. Tools & Resources
While the customer service training manual should be as comprehensive as possible, there’s always more information that will help your representatives do their jobs. The tools and resources listed here could be internal or external, and they can include anything that will help customer service employees in your organization.
These will also be company-specific, but here are a few things that you may have access to:
• Company databases • Sales and marketing information • Product specifications • Manufacturer trainings • Recommended readings • Digital business tools

Any resources you can think of should be listed here. It’s a great place to discuss ongoing training, corporate learning platforms, and anything else that might help your employees succeed in their roles.
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