Social Security Number (SSN): XXX-XX-2498
Claim Week 1: Mar 22, 2020 - Mar 28, 2020
Claim Week 2: Mar 29, 2020 - Apr 04, 2020
Did you work in Claim Week 1? No
Did you earn vacation or holiday pay while on temporary layoff or on vacation from a current job during Claim Week 1?
Did you work in Claim Week 2? No
Did you earn vacation or holiday pay while on temporary layoff or on vacation from a current job during Claim Week 2?
Did you receive other income from any of the sources below that you have not already reported to TWC such as Retirement or disability pension, Workers' Compensation, or Additional payment, such as severance pay or wages instead of providing advance notice of work separation?
If Yes, check all that apply:
Retirement or disability pension: (Not Checked)
Workers' Compensation: (Not Checked)
Additional payment when you left your job other than wages you had earned:
(Not Checked)
Were you physically able to work each day? Yes
Were you available to accept full-time work for all of the days and hours required for the type of work you are seeking, if it had been offered?
If No, check the reason(s) you were not available:
Transportation: (Not Checked)
Child care: (Not Checked)
Payment Request Information
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Payment Request Confirmation
If you submit your payment request after 6PM Central, TWC will process your payment in two business days.
Your Payment Request has been submitted on April 09, 2020 11:34 PM (Central time).
Work and Other Income
Work and Earnings
Claim Week 1 (Mar 22, 2020 - Mar 28, 2020)
Claim Week 2 (Mar 29, 2020 - Apr 04, 2020)
Other Income
Ability and Availability to Work
Confirmation View and Print
4/9/2020 Texas Workforce Commission's Unemployment Benefit Services - Confirmation View and Print 2/2
Out of town: (Not Checked)
Personal reasons: (Not Checked)
Job preference restrictions: (Not Checked)
Did you turn down any job offer? No
Did you turn down any job referral? No
Did you attend school or training? No
If Yes, did the school or training prevent you from accepting work? (Optional - not answered)
Are you a United States citizen? No
If No, are you legally authorized to work in the United States? Yes
Provide the number of work search contacts you made during the Claim Week(s).
Claim Week 1 (Mar 22, 2020 - Mar 28, 2020): 5
Claim Week 2 (Mar 29, 2020 - Apr 04, 2020): 5
Do you certify that this is your Social Security Number and you are the person named on this unemployment insurance claim; and do you certify the information you gave for this claim period is true and complete?
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Work Search
Number of Contacts
Certify and Submit
Giving untrue information or withholding information on any unemployment insurance claim may result in severe penalties including fines and/or imprisonment, and may also result in a loss of benefits. TWC routinely compares the amount of earnings you report on your certifications to the amount of wages your employer reports having paid you. TWC also randomly verifies that you made an adequate number of valid work search contacts.
Formal Report Checklist
Check that each item is completed satisfactorily.
FRONT MATTER (pages numbered in lower-case Roman numerals)
¨ Title Page (page number hidden)
¨ Table of Contents (created with pre-set heading styles)
¨ List of Illustrations (created by captioning graphics)
¨ Executive Summary (begins with overall recommendation in report)
REPORT (pages numbered in Arabic numbers)
¨ Title at top of first page (18-20 pt.)
¨ Clear hierarchy / structure using required report structure
¨ Documentation included
¨ Graphics identified and referenced in text
¨ Report is written TO the primary audience, not about them
¨ Works Cited / References
¨ Index
¨ Notes page
¨ Demonstrates understanding of audience