Information Security Management Case Question
Sixth Edition
Mark Ciampa
Sixth Edition
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CompTIA Security+ SY0-501 Exam Objectives
Security+ Exam Domain/Objectives Chapter Bloom’s Taxonomy 1.0: Threats, Attacks, and Vulnerabilities 1.1 Given a scenario, analyze indicators of compromise and determine the type of
malware. 2 Analyze
1.2 Compare and contrast types of attacks. 2 3 5 8
11 15
Understand Analyze Understand Apply/Understand Create Apply
1.3 Explain threat actor types and attributes. 1 Analyze/Apply 1.4 Explain penetration testing concepts. 13 Apply 1.5 Explain vulnerability scanning concepts. 13 Apply 1.6 Explain the impact associated with types of vulnerabilities. 1
3 4 5 9
Understand Understand Understand Understand Understand Understand
2.0: Technologies and Tools 2.1 Install and configure network components, both hardware- and software-based,
to support organizational security. 4 6 7 8
Apply Analyze Apply Analyze/Evaluate
2.2 Given a scenario, use appropriate software tools to assess the security posture of an organization.
8 13 14
Evaluate Analyze/Evaluate Evaluate
2.3 Given a scenario, troubleshoot common security issues. 15 Analyze 2.4 Given a scenario, analyze and interpret output from security technologies. 6
7 9
Analyze Analyze Analyze
2.5 Given a scenario, deploy mobile devices securely. 8 10 11
Apply/Evaluate Analyze/Create Analyze
2.6 Given a scenario, implement secure protocols. 4 5
Apply Analyze
3.0: Architecture and Design 3.1 Explain use cases and purpose for frameworks, best practices and secure
configuration guides. 1
15 Analyze Understand
3.2 Given a scenario, implement secure network architecture concepts. 6 7 8
Analyze Apply Apply/Evaluate Apply
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Australia • Brazil • Mexico • Singapore • United Kingdom • United States
Mark Ciampa, Ph.D.
Sixth Edition
CompTIA ®
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© 2018, 2015 Cengage Learning Unless otherwise noted, all content is © Cengage.
Security+ Guide to Network Security Fundamentals, Sixth Edition
Mark Ciampa
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ISBN: 978-1-337-28878-1 LLF ISBN: 978-1-337-68585-6
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Brief Contents INTRODUCTION.............................................................................................xv
SECURITY AND ITS THREATS ..........................................................................1
Introduction to Security ................................................................................3
Malware and Social Engineering Attacks ................................................. 51
CRYPTOGRAPHY .......................................................................................... 97
Basic Cryptography ..................................................................................... 99
Advanced Cryptography and PKI ............................................................ 145
NETWORK ATTACKS AND DEFENSES ....................................................... 189
Networking and Server Attacks .............................................................. 191
Network Security Devices, Design, and Technology ............................. 233
Administering a Secure Network ............................................................ 281
Wireless Network Security ....................................................................... 321
DEVICE SECURITY....................................................................................... 371
Client and Application Security ............................................................... 373
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Brief Contents
Mobile and Embedded Device Security ...................................................421
IDENTITY AND ACCESS MANAGEMENT ....................................................469
Authentication and Account Management ............................................471
Access Management ..................................................................................521
RISK MANAGEMENT ...................................................................................563
Vulnerability Assessment and Data Security .........................................565
Business Continuity ...................................................................................607
Risk Mitigation ...........................................................................................651
CompTIA SY0-501 Certification Exam Objectives ...................................691
GLOSSARY ......................................................................................................... 713
INDEX .................................................................................................................741
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Table of Contents INTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................xv
SECURITY AND ITS THREATS .....................................................1
Introduction to Security ...........................................................3 Challenges of Securing Information .................................................................. 8
Today’s Security Attacks ....................................................................................8 Reasons for Successful Attacks ........................................................................12 Difficulties in Defending Against Attacks ....................................................... 14
What Is Information Security? .......................................................................... 17 Understanding Security ....................................................................................18 Defining Information Security .........................................................................18 Information Security Terminology ..................................................................21 Understanding the Importance of Information Security ................................ 24
Who Are the Threat Actors? .............................................................................. 28 Script Kiddies ................................................................................................... 29 Hactivists ......................................................................................................... 29 Nation State Actors ..........................................................................................30 Insiders ............................................................................................................30 Other Threat Actors ..........................................................................................31
Defending Against Attacks ............................................................................... 32 Fundamental Security Principles .................................................................... 32 Frameworks and Reference Architectures ...................................................... 35
Chapter Summary .............................................................................................. 35
Key Terms ........................................................................................................... 37
Review Questions............................................................................................... 37
Case Projects ...................................................................................................... 46
Malware and Social Engineering Attacks .............................51 Attacks Using Malware ...................................................................................... 53
Circulation........................................................................................................ 55 Infection ........................................................................................................... 61
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Table of Contentsvi
Concealment .................................................................................................... 65 Payload Capabilities .........................................................................................66
Social Engineering Attacks ................................................................................ 73 Psychological Approaches ............................................................................... 74 Physical Procedures .........................................................................................80
Chapter Summary .............................................................................................. 82
Key Terms ........................................................................................................... 84
Review Questions .............................................................................................. 84
Case Projects ...................................................................................................... 92
CRYPTOGRAPHY ......................................................................97
Basic Cryptography .................................................................99 Defining Cryptography .................................................................................... 101
What Is Cryptography? ................................................................................... 101 Cryptography and Security ............................................................................ 105 Cryptography Constraints ...............................................................................107
Cryptographic Algorithms ............................................................................... 108 Hash Algorithms .............................................................................................110 Symmetric Cryptographic Algorithms ........................................................... 113 Asymmetric Cryptographic Algorithms ......................................................... 116
Cryptographic Attacks ..................................................................................... 123 Algorithm Attacks ........................................................................................... 123 Collision Attacks ............................................................................................. 125
Using Cryptography ......................................................................................... 126 Encryption through Software ......................................................................... 127 Hardware Encryption .....................................................................................128
Chapter Summary ............................................................................................ 130
Key Terms ......................................................................................................... 132
Review Questions............................................................................................. 133
Case Projects .................................................................................................... 142
Advanced Cryptography and PKI ........................................145 Implementing Cryptography .......................................................................... 147
Key Strength ....................................................................................................147 Secret Algorithms ...........................................................................................148
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Table of Contents vii
Block Cipher Modes of Operation ................................................................. 149 Crypto Service Providers................................................................................ 150 Algorithm Input Values .................................................................................. 151
Digital Certificates ........................................................................................... 152 Defining Digital Certificates ............................................................................ 152 Managing Digital Certificates .........................................................................154 Types of Digital Certificates ............................................................................158
Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) ....................................................................... 165 What Is Public Key Infrastructure (PKI)? ....................................................... 166 Trust Models .................................................................................................. 166 Managing PKI ..................................................................................................168 Key Management ............................................................................................ 171
Cryptographic Transport Protocols ............................................................... 174 Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) .............................................................................. 174 Transport Layer Security (TLS) ....................................................................... 175 Secure Shell (SSH) ...........................................................................................176 Hypertext Transport Protocol Secure (HTTPS) ...............................................176 Secure/Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (S/MIME) ............................ 177 Secure Real-time Transport Protocol (SRTP) .................................................. 177 IP Security (IPsec) ........................................................................................... 177
Chapter Summary ............................................................................................ 179
Key Terms ......................................................................................................... 181
Review Questions............................................................................................. 181
Case Projects .................................................................................................... 187
NETWORK ATTACKS AND DEFENSES ....................................189
Networking and Server Attacks ..........................................191 Networking-Based Attacks ............................................................................. 193
Interception ....................................................................................................194 Poisoning ....................................................................................................... 196
Server Attacks .................................................................................................. 201 Denial of Service (DoS) ...................................................................................201 Web Server Application Attacks .................................................................... 203 Hijacking ........................................................................................................209 Overflow Attacks ............................................................................................ 213 Advertising Attacks ......................................................................................... 215 Browser Vulnerabilities ..................................................................................218
Chapter Summary ............................................................................................ 222
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Table of Contentsviii
Key Terms ......................................................................................................... 223
Review Questions............................................................................................. 223
Case Projects .................................................................................................... 229
Network Security Devices, Design, and Technology .........233 Security Through Network Devices ............................................................... 235
Standard Network Devices ............................................................................ 236 Network Security Hardware .......................................................................... 246
Security Through Network Architecture ....................................................... 260 Security Zones ...............................................................................................260 Network Segregation ..................................................................................... 263
Security Through Network Technologies ...................................................... 265 Network Access Control (NAC) ...................................................................... 265 Data Loss Prevention (DLP)............................................................................ 267
Chapter Summary ............................................................................................ 269
Key Terms ......................................................................................................... 271
Review Questions............................................................................................. 271
Case Projects .................................................................................................... 279
Administering a Secure Network ........................................281 Secure Network Protocols .............................................................................. 283
Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) ........................................... 285 Domain Name System (DNS) ........................................................................ 286 File Transfer Protocol (FTP)............................................................................ 288 Secure Email Protocols ..................................................................................290 Using Secure Network Protocols ....................................................................291
Placement of Security Devices and Technologies ........................................ 292
Analyzing Security Data .................................................................................. 295 Data from Security Devices ........................................................................... 296 Data from Security Software ......................................................................... 297 Data from Security Tools ............................................................................... 298 Issues in Analyzing Security Data ................................................................. 298
Managing and Securing Network Platforms ................................................ 300 Virtualization .................................................................................................300 Cloud Computing ...........................................................................................304 Software Defined Network (SDN) ..................................................................306
Chapter Summary ............................................................................................ 309
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Table of Contents ix
Key Terms ......................................................................................................... 310
Review Questions............................................................................................. 311
Case Projects .................................................................................................... 318
Wireless Network Security ..................................................321 Wireless Attacks ............................................................................................... 324
Bluetooth Attacks........................................................................................... 324 Near Field Communication (NFC) Attacks .....................................................327 Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) Attacks ............................................. 330 Wireless Local Area Network Attacks .............................................................332
Vulnerabilities of IEEE Wireless Security ....................................................... 341 Wired Equivalent Privacy .............................................................................. 342 Wi-Fi Protected Setup .................................................................................... 343 MAC Address Filtering ................................................................................... 344 SSID Broadcasting .......................................................................................... 345
Wireless Security Solutions ............................................................................ 346 Wi-Fi Protected Access (WPA) ....................................................................... 347 Wi-Fi Protected Access 2 (WPA2) ................................................................... 349 Additional Wireless Security Protections .......................................................352
Chapter Summary ............................................................................................ 356
Key Terms ......................................................................................................... 359
Review Questions............................................................................................. 359
Case Projects .................................................................................................... 368
DEVICE SECURITY ...................................................................371
Client and Application Security ...........................................373 Client Security .................................................................................................. 375
Hardware System Security .............................................................................375 Securing the Operating System Software ...................................................... 379 Peripheral Device Security ............................................................................. 388
Physical Security .............................................................................................. 392 External Perimeter Defenses ......................................................................... 393 Internal Physical Access Security .................................................................. 395 Computer Hardware Security ....................................................................... 400
Application Security ......................................................................................... 401 Application Development Concepts ..............................................................402
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Table of Contentsx
Secure Coding Techniques .............................................................................404 Code Testing ...................................................................................................405
Chapter Summary ............................................................................................ 406
Key Terms ......................................................................................................... 409
Review Questions............................................................................................. 410
Case Projects .................................................................................................... 417
Mobile and Embedded Device Security ..............................421 Mobile Device Types and Deployment .......................................................... 423
Types of Mobile Devices ................................................................................ 424
Mobile Device Risks ......................................................................................... 432 Mobile Device Vulnerabilities........................................................................ 432 Connection Vulnerabilities ............................................................................ 436 Accessing Untrusted Content ........................................................................ 436 Deployment Model Risks ............................................................................... 438
Securing Mobile Devices ................................................................................. 439 Device Configuration ..................................................................................... 439 Mobile Management Tools ............................................................................446 Mobile Device App Security ..........................................................................448
Embedded Systems and the Internet of Things ........................................... 449 Embedded Systems........................................................................................449 Internet of Things ...........................................................................................451 Security Implications ..................................................................................... 452
Chapter Summary ............................................................................................ 455
Key Terms ......................................................................................................... 457
Review Questions............................................................................................. 457
Case Projects .................................................................................................... 465
IDENTITY AND ACCESS MANAGEMENT ................................469
Authentication and Account Management .......................471 Authentication Credentials ............................................................................ 473
What You Know: Passwords .......................................................................... 475 What You Have: Tokens, Cards, and Cell Phones .......................................... 489 What You Are: Biometrics ............................................................................. 492 What You Do: Behavioral Biometrics ............................................................ 498
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Table of Contents xi
Where You Are: Geolocation .........................................................................499
Single Sign-on ................................................................................................... 500
Account Management ..................................................................................... 502
Chapter Summary ............................................................................................ 505
Key Terms .......................................................................................................... 506
Review Questions............................................................................................. 507
Case Projects .................................................................................................... 517
Access Management .............................................................521 What Is Access Control? .................................................................................. 523
Access Control Terminology .......................................................................... 524 Access Control Models ....................................................................................527
Managing Access Through Account Management....................................... 533 Account Setup .................................................................................................533 Account Auditing ........................................................................................... 539
Best Practices for Access Control ................................................................... 540 Separation of Duties ......................................................................................540 Job Rotation ...................................................................................................540 Mandatory Vacations......................................................................................541 Clean Desk Policy ............................................................................................541
Implementing Access Control ........................................................................ 542 Access Control Lists (ACLs) ............................................................................ 542 Group-Based Access Control ......................................................................... 543
Identity and Access Services .......................................................................... 544 RADIUS ........................................................................................................... 545 Kerberos ......................................................................................................... 547 Terminal Access Control Access Control System+ (TACACS+) ...................... 548 Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) .............................................. 549 Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML) ............................................... 550 Authentication Framework Protocols ............................................................ 551
Chapter Summary ............................................................................................ 552
Key Terms ......................................................................................................... 554
Review Questions............................................................................................. 554
Case Projects .................................................................................................... 561
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Table of Contentsxii
RISK MANAGEMENT ..............................................................563
Vulnerability Assessment and Data Security ....................565 Assessing the Security Posture ...................................................................... 567
What Is Vulnerability Assessment? ............................................................... 567 Vulnerability Assessment Tools .....................................................................573
Vulnerability Scanning .................................................................................... 584
Penetration Testing ......................................................................................... 586
Practicing Data Privacy and Security ............................................................. 588 What Is Privacy? ............................................................................................. 589 Risks Associated with Private Data ...............................................................590 Maintaining Data Privacy and Security ......................................................... 592
Chapter Summary ............................................................................................ 596
Key Terms ......................................................................................................... 598
Review Questions............................................................................................. 598
Case Projects .................................................................................................... 604
Business Continuity ..............................................................607 What Is Business Continuity? ......................................................................... 609
Business Continuity Planning (BCP) .............................................................609 Business Impact Analysis (BIA) ...................................................................... 611 Disaster Recovery Plan (DRP) .........................................................................612
Fault Tolerance Through Redundancy .......................................................... 615 Servers ........................................................................................................... 616 Storage ............................................................................................................617 Networks .........................................................................................................621 Power ............................................................................................................. 622 Recovery Sites ................................................................................................ 622 Data ................................................................................................................ 623
Environmental Controls .................................................................................. 628 Fire Suppression ............................................................................................ 628 Electromagnetic Disruption Protection ..........................................................631 HVAC ...............................................................................................................631
Incident Response ........................................................................................... 633 What Is Forensics? ......................................................................................... 633
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Table of Contents xiii
Incident Response Plan ................................................................................. 633 Forensics Procedures ..................................................................................... 634
Chapter Summary ............................................................................................ 640
Key Terms ......................................................................................................... 642
Review Questions............................................................................................. 643
Case Projects .................................................................................................... 649
Risk Mitigation ......................................................................651 Managing Risk .................................................................................................. 653
Threat Assessment ........................................................................................ 654 Risk Assessment ............................................................................................ 656
Strategies for Reducing Risk ........................................................................... 664 Using Control Types.......................................................................................664 Distributing Allocation ..................................................................................666 Implementing Technology ............................................................................666
Practices for Reducing Risk............................................................................. 668 Security Policies .............................................................................................669 Awareness and Training ................................................................................ 675 Agreements .................................................................................................... 677 Personnel Management ................................................................................. 679
Troubleshooting Common Security Issues ................................................... 679
Chapter Summary ............................................................................................ 680
Key Terms ......................................................................................................... 682
Review Questions............................................................................................. 682
Case Projects .................................................................................................... 688
CompTIA SY0-501 Certification Exam Objectives ..............691
GLOSSARY ......................................................................................................... 713
INDEX ................................................................................................................. 741
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The number one concern of computer professionals today continues to be information security, and with good reason. Consider the evidence: over 1.5 billion Yahoo user accounts were compromised in just two separate attacks.1 A ransom of $1 million dollars was paid to unlock files that had been encrypted by ransomware.2 A global payment sys- tem used to transfer money between countries was compromised by attackers who stole $81 billion from the central bank of Bangladesh.3 It is estimated that global spending on products and services to prevent these attacks will exceed $1 trillion cumulatively between 2017 and 2021. But despite the huge sum spent on protection, cybercrime will still cost businesses over $6 trillion by 2021.4
As attacks continue to escalate, the need for trained security per- sonnel also increases. It is estimated that there are currently over 1.5 million unfilled security jobs worldwide and this will grow by 20 percent to 1.8 million by the year 2022.5 According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) “Occupational Outlook Handbook,” the job out- look for information security analysts through 2024 is expected to grow by 18 percent, faster than the average growth rate.6
To verify security competency, most organizations use the Comput- ing Technology Industry Association (CompTIA) Security+ certification, a vendor-neutral credential. Security+ is one of the most widely recog- nized security certifications and has become the security foundation for today’s IT professionals. It is internationally recognized as validat- ing a foundation level of security skills and knowledge. A successful Security+ candidate has the knowledge and skills required to identify threats, attacks and vulnerabilities; use security technologies and tools; understand security architecture and design; perform identity and access management; know about risk management; and use cryptography.
Security+ Guide to Network Security Fundamentals, Sixth Edition is designed to equip learners with the knowledge and skills needed to be information security professionals. Yet it is more than an “exam prep” book. While teaching the fundamentals of information security by using the CompTIA Security+ exam objectives as its framework, it takes a comprehensive view of security by examining in-depth the attacks against networks and computer systems and the necessary defense mechanisms. Security+ Guide to Network Security Fundamen- tals, Sixth Edition is a valuable tool for those who want to learn about security and who desire to enter the field of information security. It also provides the foundation that will help prepare for the CompTIA Security+ certification exam.
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Intended Audience This book is designed to meet the needs of students and professionals who want to master basic information security. A fundamental knowledge of computers and net- works is all that is required to use this book. Those seeking to pass the CompTIA Secu- rity+ certification exam will find the text’s approach and content especially helpful; all Security+ SY0-501 exam objectives are covered in the text (see Appendix A). Security+ Guide to Network Security Fundamentals, Sixth Edition covers all aspects of network and computer security while satisfying the Security+ objectives.
The book’s pedagogical features are designed to provide a truly interactive learning experience to help prepare you for the challenges of network and computer security. In addition to the information presented in the text, each chapter includes Hands-On Projects that guide you through implementing practical hardware, software, network, and Internet security configurations step by step. Each chapter also contains case stud- ies that place you in the role of problem solver, requiring you to apply concepts pre- sented in the chapter to achieve successful solutions.
Chapter Descriptions Here is a summary of the topics covered in each chapter of this book:
Chapter 1, “Introduction to Security,” introduces the network security fundamen- tals that form the basis of the Security+ certification. It begins by examining the cur- rent challenges in computer security and why security is so difficult to achieve. It then defines information security in detail and explores why it is important. Finally, the chapter looks at the fundamental attacks, including who is responsible for them, and defenses.
Chapter 2, “Malware and Social Engineering Attacks,” examines attacks that use different types of malware, such as viruses, worms, Trojans, and botnets. It also looks at the different types of social engineering attacks.
Chapter 3, “Basic Cryptography,” explores how encryption can be used to protect data. It covers what cryptography is and how it can be used for protection, and then examines how to protect data using three common types of encryption algorithms: hashing, symmetric encryption, and asymmetric encryption. It also covers how to use cryptography on files and disks to keep data secure.
Chapter 4, “Advanced Cryptography and PKI,” examines how to implement cryp- tography and use digital certificates. It also looks at public key infrastructure and key management. This chapter covers different transport cryptographic algorithms to see how cryptography is used on data that is being transported.
Chapter 5, “Networking and Server Attacks,” explores the different attacks that are directed at enterprises. It includes networking-based attacks as well as server attacks.
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Introduction xvii
Chapter 6, “Network Security Devices, Design, and Technology,” examines how to protect networks through standard network devices and network security hard- ware. It also covers implementing security through network architectures and network technologies.
Chapter 7, “Administering a Secure Network,” looks at the techniques for admin- istering a network. This includes understanding common network protocols and the proper placement of security devices and technologies. It also looks at analyzing secu- rity data and securing network platforms such as virtualization, cloud computing, and software defined networks.
Chapter 8, “Wireless Network Security,” investigates the attacks on wireless devices that are common today and explores different wireless security mechanisms that have proven to be vulnerable. It also covers several secure wireless protections.
Chapter 9, “Client and Application Security,” examines securing the client through hardware and peripherals through hardware and the operating system. It also looks at physical security to create external perimeter defenses and internal physical access security. This chapter also covers application security vulnerabilities and the development of secure apps.
Chapter 10, “Mobile and Embedded Device Security,” looks at the different types of mobile devices and the risks associated with these devices. It also explores how to secure these devices and the applications running on them. Finally, it examines how embedded systems and the Internet of Things devices can be secured.
Chapter 11, “Authentication and Account Management,” looks at authentication and the secure management of user accounts to enforce authentication. It covers the different types of authentication credentials that can be used to verify a user’s identity and how a single sign-on might be used. It also examines the techniques and technol- ogy used to manage user accounts in a secure fashion.
Chapter 12, “Access Management,” introduces the principles and practices of access control by examining access control terminology, the standard control mod- els, and managing access through account management. It also covers best practices, implementing access control, and identity and access services.
Chapter 13, “Vulnerability Assessment and Data Security,” explains what vulner- ability assessment is and examines the tools and techniques associated with it. It also explores the differences between vulnerability scanning and penetration testing. The chapter concludes with an examination of data privacy.
Chapter 14, “Business Continuity,” covers the importance of keeping business processes and communications operating normally in the face of threats and disrup- tions. It explores business continuity, fault tolerance, environmental controls, and inci- dent response.
Chapter 15, “Risk Mitigation,” looks at how organizations can establish and main- tain security in the face of risk. It defines risk and the strategies to control it. This chap- ter also covers practices for reducing risk and troubleshooting common security issues.
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Appendix A, “CompTIA SY0-501 Certification Examination Objectives,” provides a complete listing of the latest CompTIA Security+ certification exam objectives and shows the chapters and headings in the book that cover material associated with each objective, as well as the Bloom’s Taxonomy level of that coverage.
Features To aid you in fully understanding computer and network security, this book includes many features designed to enhance your learning experience.
• Maps to CompTIA Objectives. The material in this text covers all the CompTIA Security+ SY0-501 exam objectives.
• Chapter Objectives. Each chapter begins with a detailed list of the concepts to be mastered in that chapter. This list provides you with both a quick reference to the chapter’s contents and a useful study aid.
• Today’s Attacks and Defenses. Each chapter opens with a vignette of an actual security attack or defense mechanism that helps to introduce the material covered in that chapter.
• Illustrations and Tables. Numerous illustrations of security vulnerabilities, attacks, and defenses help you visualize security elements, theories, and concepts. In addition, the many tables provide details and comparisons of practical and theoretical information.
• Chapter Summaries. Each chapter’s text is followed by a summary of the concepts introduced in that chapter. These summaries provide a helpful way to review the ideas covered in each chapter.
• Key Terms. All the terms in each chapter that were introduced with bold text are gathered in a Key Terms list, providing additional review and highlighting key con- cepts. Key Term definitions are included in the Glossary at the end of the text.
• Review Questions. The end-of-chapter assessment begins with a set of review questions that reinforce the ideas introduced in each chapter. These questions help you evaluate and apply the material you have learned. Answering these questions will ensure that you have mastered the important concepts and provide valuable practice for taking CompTIA’s Security+ exam.
• Hands-On Projects. Although it is important to understand the theory behind network security, nothing can improve on real-world experience. To this end, each chapter provides several Hands-On Projects aimed at providing you with practical security software and hardware implementation experience. These proj- ects use the Windows 10 operating system, as well as software downloaded from the Internet.
• Case Projects. Located at the end of each chapter are several Case Projects. In these extensive exercises, you implement the skills and knowledge gained in the chapter through real design and implementation scenarios.
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Introduction xix
New to This Edition • Maps fully to the latest CompTIA Security+ exam SY0-501 • Completely revised and updated with expanded coverage on attacks and defenses • New chapter units: Security and Its Threats, Cryptography, Network Attacks and
Defenses, Device Security, Identity and Access Management, and Risk Management • Earlier coverage of cryptography and advanced cryptography • All new “Today’s Attacks and Defenses” opener in each chapter • New and updated Hands-On Projects in each chapter covering some of the latest
security software • More Case Projects in each chapter • Expanded Information Security Community Site activity in each chapter allows
learners to interact with other learners and security professionals from around the world
• All SY0-501 exam topics fully defined • Linking of each exam sub-domain to Bloom’s Taxonomy (see Appendix A)
Text and Graphic Conventions Wherever appropriate, additional information and exercises have been added to this book to help you better understand the topic at hand. Icons throughout the text alert you to additional materials. The following icons are0 used in this textbook:
The Note icon draws your attention to additional helpful material related to the subject being described.
Tips based on the author’s experience provide extra informa- tion about how to attack a problem or what to do in real-world situations.
The Caution icons warn you about potential mistakes or prob- lems, and explain how to avoid them.
Hands-On Projects help you understand the theory behind network security with activities using the latest security software and hardware.
The Case Projects icon marks Case Projects, which are scenario- based assignments. In these extensive case examples, you are asked to implement independently what you have learned.
Certification icons indicate CompTIA Security+ objectives covered under major chapter headings.
Hands-On Projects
Case Projects
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Instructor’s Materials Everything you need for your course in one place. This collection of book-specific lecture and class tools is available online. Please visit and log in to access instructor-specific resources on the Instructor Companion Site, which includes the Instructor’s Manual, Solutions Manual, test creation tools, PowerPoint Presenta- tions, Syllabus, and figure files.
• Electronic Instructor’s Manual. The Instructor’s Manual that accompanies this textbook includes the following items: additional instructional material to assist in class preparation, including suggestions for lecture topics.
• Solutions Manual. The instructor’s resources include solutions to all end-of- chapter material, including review questions and case projects.
• Cengage Testing Powered by Cognero. This flexible, online system allows you to do the following: • Author, edit, and manage test bank content from multiple Cengage solutions. • Create multiple test versions in an instant. • Deliver tests from your LMS, your classroom, or wherever you want.
• PowerPoint Presentations. This book comes with a set of Microsoft PowerPoint slides for each chapter. These slides are meant to be used as a teaching aid for classroom presentations, to be made available to students on the network for chapter review, or to be printed for classroom distribution. Instructors are also at liberty to add their own slides for other topics introduced.
• Figure Files. All the figures and tables in the book are reproduced. Similar to Power- Point presentations, these are included as a teaching aid for classroom presentation, to make available to students for review, or to be printed for classroom distribution.
Total Solutions For Security To access additional course materials, please visit At the home page, search for the ISBN of your title (from the back cover of your book) using the search box at the top of the page. This will take you to the product page where these resources can be found.
MindTap MindTap for Security+ Guide to Network Security Fundamentals, Sixth Edition is a per- sonalized, fully online digital learning platform of content, assignments, and services that engages students and encourages them to think critically, while allowing you to easily set your course through simple customization options.
MindTap is designed to help students master the skills they need in today’s workforce. Research shows employers need critical thinkers, troubleshooters, and creative problem solv- ers to stay relevant in our fast paced, technology-driven world. MindTap helps you achieve this with assignments and activities that provide hands-on practice, real-life relevance, and certification test prep. Students are guided through assignments that help them master basic knowledge and understanding before moving on to more challenging problems.
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Introduction xxi
The live virtual machine labs provide real-life application and practice as well as more advanced learning. Students work in a live environment via the Cloud with real servers and networks that they can explore. The IQ certification test preparation engine allows students to quiz themselves on specific exam domains, and the pre- and post-course assessments measure exactly how much they have learned. Readings, lab simulations, capstone projects, and videos support the lecture, while “In the News” assignments encourage students to stay current.
MindTap is designed around learning objectives and provides the analytics and reporting to easily see where the class stands in terms of progress, engagement, and completion rates.
Students can access eBook content in the MindTap Reader, which offers highlighting, note-taking, search and audio, as well as mobile access. Learn more at
Instant Access Code: (ISBN: 9781337289306) Printed Access Code: (ISBN: 9781337289313)
Lab Manual Hands-on learning is necessary to master the security skills needed for both Comp- TIA’s Security+ Exam and for a career in network security. Security+ Guide to Network Security Fundamentals Lab Manual, 6th Edition contains hands-on exercises that use fundamental networking security concepts as they are applied in the real world. Each chapter offers review questions to reinforce your mastery of network security topics and to sharpen your critical thinking and problem-solving skills. (ISBN: 9781337288798)
Bloom’s Taxonomy Bloom’s Taxonomy is an industry-standard classification system used to help iden- tify the level of ability that learners need to demonstrate proficiency. It is often used to classify educational learning objectives into different levels of complexity. Bloom’s Taxonomy reflects the “cognitive process dimension.” This represents a continuum of increasing cognitive complexity, from remember (lowest level) to create (highest level). There are six categories in Bloom’s Taxonomy as seen in Figure A.
In all instances, the level of coverage the domains in Security+ Guide to Network Security Fundamentals, Sixth Edition meets or exceeds the Bloom’s Taxonomy level indicated by CompTIA for that objective. See Appendix A for more detail.
Information Security Community Site Stay secure with the Information Security Community Site. Connect with students, profes- sors, and professionals from around the world, and stay on top of this ever-changing field.
Visit to: • Download resources such as instructional videos and labs. • Ask authors, professors, and students the questions that are on your mind in the
Discussion Forums. • See up-to-date news, videos, and articles.
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Domain % of Examination 1.0 Threats, Attacks & Vulnerabilities 21%
2.0 Technologies & Tools 22%
3.0 Architecture & Design 15%
4.0 Identity & Access Management 16%
5.0 Risk Management 14%
6.0 Cryptography & PKI 12%
Total 100%
• Read regular blogs from author Mark Ciampa. • Listen to podcasts on the latest Information Security topics. • Review textbook updates and errata.
Each chapter’s Case Projects include information on a current security topic and ask the learner to post reactions and comments to the Information Security Com- munity Site. This allows users from around the world to interact and learn from other users as well as security professionals and researchers.
What’s New With Comptia Security+ Certification The CompTIA Security+ SY0-501 exam was updated in October 2017. Several significant changes have been made to the exam objectives. The exam objectives have been sig- nificantly expanded to more accurately reflect current security issues and knowledge requirements. These exam objectives place importance on knowing “how to” rather than just knowing or recognizing security concepts.
Here are the domains covered on the new Security+ exam:
Produce new or original work Design, assemble, construct, conjecture, develop, formulate, author, investigatecreate
Bloom’s Taxonomy
Justify a stand or decision appraise, argue, defend, judge, select, support, value, critique, weigh
Draw connections among ideas differentiate, organize, relate, compare, contrast, distinguish, examine, experiment, question, test
Use information in new situations execute, implement, solve, use, demonstrate, interpret, operate, schedule, sketch
Explain ideas or concepts classify, describe, discuss, explain, identify, locate, recognize, report, select, translate
Recall facts and basic concepts define, duplicate, list, memorize, repeat, state
Figure A Bloom’s taxonomy
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Introduction xxiii
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About The Author Dr. Mark Ciampa is an Associate Professor of Information Systems in the Gordon Ford Col- lege of Business at Western Kentucky University in Bowling Green, Kentucky. Prior to this, he was an Associate Professor and served as the Director of Academic Computing at Vol- unteer State Community College in Gallatin, Tennessee for 20 years. Mark has worked in the IT industry as a computer consultant for businesses, government agencies, and educa- tional institutions. He has published over 20 articles in peer-reviewed journals and is also the author of 25 technology textbooks, including Security+ Guide to Network Security Fun- damentals 6e, CWNA Guide to Wireless LANs 3e, Guide to Wireless Communications, Security Awareness: Applying Practical Security in Your World 5e, and Networking BASICS. Dr. Ciampa holds a PhD in technology management with a specialization in digital communication systems from Indiana State University and has certifications in Security+ and HIT.
Acknowledgments A large team of dedicated professionals all contributed to the creation of this book. I am honored to be part of such an outstanding group of professionals. First, thanks go to Product Manager Kristin McNary for giving me the opportunity to work on this project and for providing her continual support, and to Associate Product Manager Amy Savino for answering all my questions. Also thanks to Senior Content Developer Michelle Ruelos Cannistraci who was very supportive, to Senior Content Product Manager Brooke Green- house who helped keep this fast-moving project on track, and to Dr. Andy Hurd who performed the technical reviews. To everyone on the team I extend my sincere thanks.
Special recognition again goes to the very best developmental editor, Deb Kaufmann, who is a true professional in every sense of the word. She made many helpful suggestions, found all my errors, watched every small detail, and even took on additional responsibilities so that this project could accelerate to be completed even before its deadlines. Without question, Deb is simply the very best there is.
And finally, I want to thank my wonderful wife, Susan. Her love, interest, support, and patience gave me what I needed to complete this project. I could not have written this book without her.
Dedication To Braden, Mia, Abby, Gabe, Cora, and Will.
To The User This book should be read in sequence, from beginning to end. Each chapter builds on those that precede it to provide a solid understanding of networking security funda- mentals. The book may also be used to prepare for CompTIA’s Security+ certification exam. Appendix A pinpoints the chapters and sections in which specific Security+ exam objectives are covered.
Hardware and Software Requirements Following are the hardware and software requirements needed to perform the end-of- chapter Hands-On Projects.
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• Microsoft Windows 10 • An Internet connection and web browser • Microsoft Office
Free Downloadable Software Requirements Free, downloadable software is required for the Hands-On Projects in the following chapters.
Chapter 1: • Microsoft Safety Scanner • Oracle VirtualBox
Chapter 2: • Irongeek Thumbscrew • Refog Keylogger
Chapter 3: • OpenPuff Steganography • HashCalc • Jetico BestCrypt
Chapter 4: • Comodo Secure Email Certificate
Chapter 5: • Qualys Browser Check • GRC Securable
Chapter 6: • GlassWire • K9 Web Protection
Chapter 7: • VMware vCenter Converter • VMware Workstation Player
Chapter 8: • Xirrus Wi-Fi Inspector • Vistumbler
Chapter 9: • EICAR AntiVirus Test File
Chapter 10: • Prey Project • Bluestacks • Andy Android emulator • Lookout Security & Antivirus
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Chapter 11: • Hashcat • HashcatGUI • BioID Facial Recognition Authenticator • GreyC-Keystroke • KeePass
Chapter 13: • Flexera Personal Software Inspector • Macrium Reflect • Nmap
Chapter 14: • Directory Snoop • Nmap
Chapter 15: • Browzar • UNetbootin • Linux Mint
References 1. Newman, Lilly, “Hack brief: Hackers breach a billion Yahoo accounts,” Wired, Dec. 14, 2016,
retrieved Jul. 3, 2017, 2. Chang, Ziv, Sison, Gilbert, Jocson, Jeanne, “Erebus resurfaces as Linux ransomware,”
TrendLabs Security Intelligence Blog, Jun. 19, 2017, retrieved Jul. 3, 2017, http://blog.trendmicro .com/trendlabs-security-intelligence/erebus-resurfaces-as-linux-ransomware/.
3. Corkery, Michael, and Goldstein, Matthew, “North Korea said to be target of inquiry over $81 million cyberheist,” New York Times, Mar. 22, 2017, retrieved Jul. 3, 2017, https://www. -over-81-million-cyberheist.html.
4. “Cybersecurity market report,” Cybersecurity Ventures, Q2 2017, retrieved Jul. 3, 2017,
5. Nash, Kim, “Firms vie in hiring of cyber experts,” Wall Street Journal, May 15, 2017, retrieved Jul. 10, 2017, good-cyber-chief-is-hard-to-find-1494849600.
6. “Information security analysts: Occupational outlook handbook,” Bureau of Labor Statistics, Dec. 17, 2015, retrieved Jul. 3, 2017, -technology/information-security-analysts.htm.
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SECURITY AND ITS THREATS Chapter 1 Introduction to Security Chapter 2 Malware and Social Engineering Attacks
The security of the data and information contained on computers and digital devices today is threatened more than ever before, and the attacks are escalating every day. The chapters in this part introduce security and outline many of these threats. The chapters in later parts will give you the understanding and tools you need to defend against these attacks.
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After completing this chapter you should be able to do the following:
Explain the challenges of securing information
Define information security and explain why it is important
Identify the types of threat actors that are common today
Describe how to defend against attacks
Today’s Attacks and Defenses
Almost everyone would assume that the director of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) would be well-versed in security procedures and would practice these to the letter of the law. This is because of the extreme danger that would result from a compromise or theft of highly classified information about active CIA agents or sensitive activities that are underway. The exposure of this information could result in a serious international incident or even the capture and torture of secret agents. However, a former CIA director who failed to follow basic security procedures put sensitive CIA information at risk.
Former CIA Director John Brennan had recently completed a sensitive 47-page SF-86 application to update his own top-secret government security clearance. These applications are used by the federal government for conducting a background check on individuals
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CHAPTER 1 Introduction to Security4
requesting such a security clearance. The forms contain a wealth of sensitive data about the person—criminal history, psychological records, any past drug use, information about the applicant’s interactions with foreign nationals—as well as information on their spouses, family members, and even friends. In the wrong hands this information could easily be used as blackmail material. Despite government restrictions Brennan routinely forwarded classified emails from his CIA email account to his less-secure personal AOL email account. One of the emails contained his own SF-86 application as an attachment, a serious breach of CIA security protocol.
An attacker who claimed to be under the age of 20 along with two friends decided to see if they could uncover classified CIA documents. The attacker first did a reverse lookup of Brennan’s public phone number to reveal that the phone was served by the carrier Verizon Wireless. The attacker called Verizon’s customer service number and pretended to be a Verizon technician. He said he had a customer lined up on a scheduled callback but was unable to access Verizon’s customer database on his own because “our tools were down.” So, could Verizon customer service give him the email address that was linked to Brennan’s phone number? The friendly and helpful Verizon customer service representative said, “Sure, no problem.” The pretender then asked if the Verizon representative would also give him the last four digits of the customer’s bank card that was on file. Once again, the representative was glad to help. By the time the call was over the pretender had Brennan’s Verizon account number, his four-digit personal identification number, the backup private mobile cellphone number on the account, his AOL email address, and the last four digits on his bank card.
The attacker now had the information that he needed. Knowing that Brennan had an AOL email account he next called AOL and said he was locked out of that account. The AOL representative asked him to verify his identity by answering two questions: the name and phone number associated with the account and the last four digits of the bank card on file— all of which had been provided by Verizon. The AOL representative then reset the password on the email account to a new password for the attacker.