Chapter 13: Fostering Inclusion from the Inside Out to Create an Inclusive Workplace
Define Racism, Sexism, LGBTQIA
Support for individuals with disabilities
Describe the Socialization Process of Sexism
Explain the Eight Dimensions of “ISM’S”
Strategies for Non-Racist and Non-Sexist Leadership
Exclusion in the workplace
The world is changing quite rapidly, with unprecedented economic, demographic, social, and legislative trends leading to increased diversity in both our communities and our workplaces. This increased diversity is fertile ground for heightened collaboration and inclusion on one hand, and intergroup conflict and exclusion on the other (Mor Barak & Travis, 2013).
Take out your phones or computers and let’s take this test found at:
or go to google and type: pbs are you sexist quiz
Does the test reveal you have been socialized by sex?
Can we now have some of the difficult discussions facing leaders?
We have not really addressed some of these harder hitting topics, let’s define them now.
Define Race and What is Racism…Explain what is meant by Ethnic
Race is a division of mankind which have sufficient constant inheritable traits that is sufficient to characterize it as a distinct human type.
Ethnic refers to or of relating to large groups or people classified according to common racial, national, tribal, religious, linguistic, or cultural origin or background.
Racism is any attitude, action (conscious or unconscious) of a person or institutional structure that subordinates and subjucates a person or group because of race.
The components of racism are prejudice and discrimination.
Describe Two Forms of Racism. . .
Personal - Individual Racism - Refers chiefly to the prejudicial beliefs and discriminatory behavior of individuals toward groups of people.
Institutional/Systemic Racism - Refers to the policies of institutional communities such as schools, sport organizations, businesses, the military, and other groups and organizations that restrict the opportunities of individuals and groups which may or may not violate the statutory laws prohibiting such policies and conduct. These policies may or may not have been intentionally written to practice discrimination.
What is Sexism. . . .
Sexism is any attitude, action, or institutional structure which subordinates and subjucates a person or group because of gender (sex).
The components of sexism are prejudice and discrimination.
Where sexual harassment is often based on power.
Racism, sexism, racial profiling, harassment are part of exclusionary tactics
# Me Too Sexual Harassment
Do individuals have the right to protest against these injustices? Should only those impacted protest?
Personal: An individual belief or action.
Institutional: Practices, policies, or behaviors of individuals acting for organizations that discriminate.
Overt: Out in the open, easy to identify.
Covert: Unstated, unwritten, hidden practices.
Intentional: Individual or institutions actions focused on expected outcome
Unintentional: Actions not consciously intended to be racist or sexist, but having the same effect as intentional discrimination.
Active: Taking part in an activity that is doing or talking.
Passive: allowing actions or statements go unchallenged. (Perpetrates the “Status Quo”)
How does a leader utilize the eight dimensions to eradicate isms?
Based upon the previous slide, describe which of the eight dimensions apply to the following:
Unconscious Bias
Sexual gestures, touch or forced rape in the workplace
Water fountain that is higher than 40 inches from ground
Organization that does not have gender neutral restrooms
flying the confederate flag
Having a workplace meeting at Hooters
Requiring an ACT/SAT score at 80% when lower performing schools do not have ACT test prep or training or offer advanced math, science or English classes.
Hiring women for support jobs, Blacks and latinos for janitorial jobs, Asians for tech jobs only, disabled for low skilled jobs
Talking to someone assuming they are heterosexual
Sexism in the workplace
What would an diversity and inclusion leader do about the issues of sexism?
Sexism or sexual harassment is defined as discrimination or abusive behavior toward an individual that is based on gender and that violates the victim's dignity, or behavior that creates an intimidating and hostile environment for the victim. Sexism is defined not by the perpetrator's intention but by the impact of that person's behavior upon the victim.
What if I have also experienced sexual harassment from the suspect?If you have experienced any form of harassment from a member of your team, you should not be involved in the investigation, as you are a victim yourself.
Women & Sexism in silicon valley
Let’s review this interview.
What is your response to the interview
Do you agree or disagree with the perspective, why.
How does what they are saying contribute to sexism.
How do you eradicate issues like sexism and racism in the workplace and organizations despite their being laws against this type of treatment?
Sexual harassment
The first step in dealing with sexism in the workplace is to take preventative measures in an attempt to ensure that serious incidents do not occur. Maintaining a focus on ways in which your organization can prevent sexism will not only have a preventative effect but will also ensure that you are fully prepared to deal with an incident should it occur. Be proactive and make it your responsibility as a manager to generate an anti-harassment culture.
In order to ensure that you are fully aware of what is and is not acceptable and how you can deal with sexism in the workplace you should familiarize yourself with your company's harassment policy and grievance management procedure.
Sexual harassment/anti-harassment
Communicate the company policy to your employees and ensure that it is always visible and accessible.
Be certain that they have a good understanding of the policy.
Why train on this topic?
What if you get a complaint? Follow company policy, Know what are the complainant's wishes and expectations about the outcome? Has it happened before
Lesbian, Gay, Bi-sexual, Transgender, Queer/Questioning, Intersex, Asexual
What do these terms stand for or mean?
What policies should be in place to support this community? support
Individuals with disabilities
The business case
Fostering inclusion from the inside out
Requires fixing the inside then moving to the outside. It works when you are valuing your employees who can then value their community.
Fostering inclusion from inside out Mor Barak, 2011
Understanding your surrounding community and the reciprocity embedded in the relationship.
An exclusionary workplace has minimal to no connection to its community.
Typical connections to community include: volunteer work, corporate philanthropy, corporate social responsibility, corporate inclusion strategy
Involves treating the community like a stakeholder
Respecting the community’s right to self-determination in identifying inclusive projects.
Involving employees who are local residents to work with the community.
Why does community involvement matter?