Evidence vs. ArtifactsEvidence:Definition-Dictionary:1a:an outward sign :indication1b:something that furnishes proof :testimony; specifically:something legally submitted to a tribunal to ascertain the truth of a matter2a:one who bears witness; especially:one who voluntarily confesses a crime and testifies for the prosecution against his accomplicesDefinition-WAC 392-191A"Evidence" means observed practice, products or results of a certificated classroom teacher or certificated principal's work that demonstrates knowledge and skills of the educator with respect to the four-level rating system.Artifact:Definition-Dictionary:1a:something created by humans usually for a practical purpose; especially:an object remaining from a particular period 1b:something characteristic of or resulting from a particular human institution, period, trend, or individual 2a:a product of artificialcharacter (as in a scientific test) due usually to extraneous (as human) agencyExperience:Examine the student work on display in the halls. Some of the work has augmented labels to further describe the context, purpose and reflections of the students.Discussion question:What characteristics of these displays constitute ‘artifacts of learning’ and what characteristics of these displays constitute ‘evidence of student learning’?Clarifying Activity: With a partners compare and contrast evidence and artifacts in the context of TPEP. How are these concepts similar, and how are they different? What are the implications for your team’s work?