This activity will be a discussion to help your peers get to know you and your background is public health as well as to get you thinking about public health and its role in your backgrounds. First, why did you select public health as your major? What is your concentration? If you're major is not public health, why did you decide to take this course? Second, based on the information you reviewed in this module, “What is Public Health?” Develop your own definition of public health. Remember this definition will change as you continue to learn more about the field and grow as a public health professional.
Review the information found in the fact sheet on Adolescents: health risks and solutions webpage (WHO, 2018).
Using Blackboard's Blog Tool linked here, create a blog with two posts. In the first post, briefly (at least 80 words) describe a main health issue that contributes to adolescent mortality. In your second blog posting, briefly (at least 80 words) identify and describe a related intervention that might help reduce the number of adolescent deaths.
Include one additional in-text citation from the textbook or other assigned reading that references this issue as well. Watch this quick video "Blogs in Plain English," for more information on creating Blogs.
Include at least two different in-text reference citations. In-text reference citations e.g., (Author, Date) should be used for attribution when summarizing content (see the guidance provided in the Additional Resources folder on the course home page). A full reference citation is not required for this assignment.
Module 9 Activity & Discussion
Activity Instructions
- View the study scenarios presented in the document titled “M9 Activity – Analytic Study Designs” which describes three separate studies for you to design.
- Discuss the scenarios with your assigned group. Consider the various aspects to designing such studies, including those aspects posed in the questions outlined in the document. Suggest design ideas and discuss their implications. You must provide at least one substantive group discussion post by Thursday at 11:59PM ET.
- Then, suggest and discuss the definitions of particular data variables that should be measured to effectively assess the relationship between the proposed exposures and diseases. You must provide at least one additional group discussion post by Sunday at 11:59PM ET.
Consider some of the disaster events we have experienced or that you have seen in the news during the past few years, occurring locally, across a state, nationally, or globally. What event do you think is most likely to be the next "big" disaster? Tell why you chose this event, and what you think the Public Health Response system's role should be in responding to it. In your follow up response to a classmate: compare and contrast what you discussed with that of a classmate.
This discussion is worth 50 points and focuses on MLO1 and 4. Original response is due Thursday by 11:59 PM Eastern Standard Time and replies to one other students by due Sunday at 11:59 pm Eastern Standard Time.
Background: An important competency for educated citizens and public health professionals is the ability to critique information published in the popular media about environmental health. Read the popular media article about Jeni’s Splendid Ice Cream located in the course E-Reserves, accessible on the left panel of the course website. Next, click on the link to access the related fact sheet from the U.S. Center of Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and read the information about Listeria Monocytogenes FAQ sheet at: Note: To receive credit, you must critique the popular media article about Jeni’s Splendid Ice Cream for this discussion and not simply write a report about Lysteria.
Based upon information from the CDC factsheet, answer and discuss the following questions:
- Describe what health-related information about Listeria Monocytogenes is included in the media article. Is this health-related information in the media article accurate?
- What information does the media article include to address prevention? Does this information go far enough to promote primary public health prevention?
- What else could the media article have included to actually help the public to prevent themselves from contracting Listeria Monocytogenes, not just from the specific contaminated food reported in this article, but from their own home kitchens in the future?
Resource: US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (2016). Listeriosis: Questions and Answers. Last reviewed on December 12, 2016. Accessed at:
In this assignment, you are going to create your initial preparedness plan and a "virtual" go-bag, sometimes referred to as a "bug-out bag" or survival bag based on what we know so far (or what we think we know, though things might change later) about the zombie outbreak that has just begun. First, ask yourself, are we really sure that whatever the outbreak is that it is being spread by “zombies”? Where will you get your information?Use the Use the resources in this module, including the planning documents in this assignment to help you develop your initial preparedness plan, and your virtual go bag. When developing your “virtual” go bag/bug out/survival bag for the first 72 hours of the outbreak, you are not required to create a real bag or purchase any materials, but rather, develop the bag on paper based on what you think you will need. Be realistic, and be sure to consider if you are also preparing for family members, roommates, etc.The personal preparedness plan should include the following:
- Where you are getting your information to inform your individual preparedness planning. What information could the field of public health provide you?
- What your plan is for the first 0-3 hours, then 3-12 hours, and then 12-72 hours, i.e., the first three days. Are you staying or sheltering in place, and what happens if you need to leave suddenly. Where will you go? Again, be realistic!
- Anticipate and discuss what potential problems you would envision possibly happening across the first 72 hours.
The virtual go bag should include the following:
- All elements for your bag per hour time per the bag template

- Cost of items- individually and total for all items
- Weight of items- individually and total for all items
Use the Family Emergency Plan and the Family Communications Plan as sample tools when developing your personal preparedness plan.
Your personal preparedness plan and virtual go bag will be evaluated based upon the instructions and the assignment grading rubric, as well as standard formatting using logical progression, correct grammar and syntax, citations referenced per APA style within text and a list of references, font size, page number, etc. Your total assignment should be 2-4 pages, not including cover page and list of references page per APA format. Feel free to include a picture of bag, or other items you plan to use, but include them as an appendix to the assignment.
Submit your completed work as an attachment to this Dropbox in Blackboard and include your last name in the name of your file