Create or design an aesthetically pleasing visualization of an astronomical topic
Apply astronomical imaging skills to an independent project
Synthesize concepts presented in lecture to complete an astronomically relevant imaging project
Describe in their own words the source and relevance of the image(s) used in the project
Due Friday, Feb. 8: A description of what you plan to do for your project submitted via Canvas. Your plan should include enough detail that the scope and content of your project can be evaluated. Your description should state clearly what the topic of your project will be, why you are choosing it, what images you will create, how you plan to obtain the images needed for the project, and what the form of your project will be - a poster, slideshow, an original color image, etc. Include a timeline with milestones for your work on the final project so that you will be able to track your own progress. Remember that most final projects should be submitted as single PDF files and must contain original, digital images. It should be possible to describe your project in no more than 250 words. 100 words is probably too few for the level of detail expected.
Due Friday, March 22: A draft of your project, submitted via Canvas, including drafts of the digital images you are creating. Also describe the work that still needs to be completed. Your draft project should include enough detail that your progress can be evaluated. Be sure to identify the sources of the images you are using. With additional text, evaluate your progress in meeting the timeline submitted with the project plan. It should be possible to describe your progress in no more than 250 words. 100 words is probably too few for the level of detail expected. (Hint: review the grading rubric to see how your project measures up...)
Due Friday, April 26: Your final project, submitted via Canvas. Most projects should be submitted as a single PDF file. You may also upload jpg files of your original images.