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Nursing Leadership and Management REVIEW MODULE EDITION 8.0
Contributors Honey C. Holman, MSN, RN
Debborah Williams, MSN, RN
Sheryl Sommer, PhD, RN, CNE
Janean Johnson, MSN, RN, CNE
Brenda S. Ball, MEd, BSN, RN
Terri Lemon, DNP, MSN, RN
Consultants Tracey Bousquet, BSN, RN
Julie Traynor, MSN, RN
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IMPORTANT NOTICE TO THE READER Assessment Technologies Institute, LLC, is the publisher of this publication. The content of this publication is for
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Director of content review: Kristen Lawler
Director of development: Derek Prater
Project management: Tiffany Pavlik, Shannon Tierney
Coordination of content review: Honey C. Holman, Debborah Williams
Copy editing: Kelly Von Lunen, Bethany Phillips, Kya Rodgers
Layout: Spring Lenox, Maureen Bradshaw, Bethany Phillips
Illustrations: Randi Hardy
Online media: Brant Stacy, Ron Hanson, Britney Fuller, Barry Wilson
Cover design: Jason Buck
Interior book design: Spring Lenox
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User’s Guide Welcome to the Assessment Technologies Institute®
Nursing Leadership and Management Review Module Edition 8.0. The mission of ATI’s Content Mastery Series®
Review Modules is to provide user-friendly compendiums of nursing knowledge that will:
● Help you locate important information quickly. ● Assist in your learning efforts. ● Provide exercises for applying your nursing knowledge. ● Facilitate your entry into the nursing profession as a
newly licensed nurse.
This newest edition of the Review Modules has been redesigned to optimize your learning experience. We’ve fit more content into less space and have done so in a way that will make it even easier for you to find and understand the information you need.
ORGANIZATION Chapters in this Review Module use a nursing concepts organizing framework, beginning with an overview describing the central concept and its relevance to nursing. Subordinate themes are covered in outline form to demonstrate relationships and present the information in a clear, succinct manner. Some chapters have sections that group related concepts and contain their own overviews. These sections are included in the table of contents.
Each chapter includes opportunities for you to test your knowledge and to practice applying that knowledge. Active Learning Scenario exercises pose a nursing scenario and then direct you to use an ATI Active Learning Template (included at the back of this book) to record the important knowledge a nurse should apply to the scenario. An example is then provided to which you can compare your completed Active Learning Template. The Application Exercises include NCLEX-style questions (multiple- choice and multiple-select items), providing you with opportunities to practice answering the kinds of questions you might expect to see on ATI assessments or the NCLEX. After the Application Exercises, an answer key is provided, along with rationales.
NCLEX® CONNECTIONS To prepare for the NCLEX, it is important to understand how the content in this Review Module is connected to the NCLEX test plan. You can find information on the detailed test plan at the National Council of State Boards of Nursing’s website, www.ncsbn.org. When reviewing content in this Review Module, regularly ask yourself,
“How does this content fit into the test plan, and what types of questions related to this content should I expect?”
To help you in this process, we’ve included NCLEX Connections at the beginning of each unit and with each question in the Application Exercises Answer Keys. The NCLEX Connections at the beginning of each unit point out areas of the detailed test plan that relate to the content within that unit. The NCLEX Connections attached to the Application Exercises Answer Keys demonstrate how each exercise fits within the detailed content outline.
These NCLEX Connections will help you understand how the detailed content outline is organized, starting with major client needs categories and subcategories and followed by related content areas and tasks. The major client needs categories are: ● Safe and Effective Care Environment
◯ Management of Care ◯ Safety and Infection Control
● Health Promotion and Maintenance ● Psychosocial Integrity ● Physiological Integrity
◯ Basic Care and Comfort ◯ Pharmacological and Parenteral Therapies ◯ Reduction of Risk Potential ◯ Physiological Adaptation
An NCLEX Connection might, for example, alert you that content within a chapter is related to:
● Management of Care ◯ Advance Directives
■ Provide clients with information about advance directives.
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QSEN COMPETENCIES As you use the Review Modules, you will note the integration of the Quality and Safety Education for Nurses (QSEN) competencies throughout the chapters. These competencies are integral components of the curriculum of many nursing programs in the United States and prepare you to provide safe, high-quality care as a newly licensed nurse. Icons appear to draw your attention to the six QSEN competencies.
Safety: The minimization of risk factors that could cause injury or harm while promoting quality care and maintaining a secure environment for clients, self, and others.
Patient-Centered Care: The provision of caring and compassionate, culturally sensitive care that addresses clients’ physiological, psychological, sociological, spiritual, and cultural needs, preferences, and values.
Evidence-Based Practice: The use of current knowledge from research and other credible sources, on which to base clinical judgment and client care.
Informatics: The use of information technology as a communication and information-gathering tool that supports clinical decision-making and scientifically based nursing practice.
Quality Improvement: Care related and organizational processes that involve the development and implementation of a plan to improve health care services and better meet clients’ needs.
Teamwork and Collaboration: The delivery of client care in partnership with multidisciplinary members of the health care team to achieve continuity of care and positive client outcomes.
ICONS Icons are used throughout the Review Module to draw your attention to particular areas. Keep an eye out for these icons.
This icon is used for NCLEX Connections.
This icon indicates gerontological considerations, or knowledge specific to the care of older adult clients.
This icon is used for content related to safety and is a QSEN competency. When you see this icon, take note of safety concerns or steps that nurses can take to ensure client safety and a safe environment.
This icon is a QSEN competency that indicates the importance of a holistic approach to providing care.
This icon, a QSEN competency, points out the integration of research into clinical practice.
This icon is a QSEN competency and highlights the use of information technology to support nursing practice.
This icon is used to focus on the QSEN competency of integrating planning processes to meet clients’ needs.
This icon highlights the QSEN competency of care delivery using an interprofessional approach.
This icon appears at the top-right of pages and indicates availability of an online media supplement (a graphic, animation, or video). If you have an electronic copy of the Review Module, this icon will appear alongside clickable links to media supplements. If you have a hard copy version of the Review Module, visit www.atitesting.com for details on how to access these features.
FEEDBACK ATI welcomes feedback regarding this Review Module. Please provide comments to comments@atitesting.com.
As needed updates to the Review Modules are identified, changes to the text are made for subsequent printings of the book and for subsequent releases of the electronic version. For the printed books, print runs are based on when existing stock is depleted. For the electronic versions, a number of factors influence the update schedule. As such, ATI encourages faculty and students to refer to the Review Module addendums for information on what updates have been made. These addendums, which are available in the Help/FAQs on the student site and the Resources/eBooks & Active Learning on the faculty site, are updated regularly and always include the most current information on updates to the Review Modules.
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Table of Contents
NCLEX® Connections 1
CHAPTER 1 Managing Client Care 3
Leadership and management 3
Critical thinking 4
Assigning, delegating, and supervising 7
Staff education 10
Quality improvement 11
Performance appraisal, peer review, and disciplinary action 13
Conflict resolution 14
Resource management 17
NCLEX® Connections 21
CHAPTER 2 Coordinating Client Care 23
NCLEX® Connections 33
CHAPTER 3 Professional Responsibilities 35
Client rights 35
Advocacy 35
Informed consent 36
Advance directives 37
Confidentiality and information security 38
Information technology 40
Legal practice 40
Disruptive behavior 45
Ethical practice 45
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NCLEX® Connections 49
CHAPTER 4 Maintaining a Safe Environment 51
Culture of safety 51
QSEN competencies in nursing programs 52
Handling infectious and hazardous materials 52
Safe use of equipment 53
Specific risk areas 53
Home safety 55
Ergonomic principles 58
NCLEX® Connections 63
CHAPTER 5 Facility Protocols 65
Reporting incidents 65
Disaster planning and emergency response 65
Security plans 71
References 75
Active Learning Templates A1 Basic Concept A1
Diagnostic Procedure A3
Growth and Development A5
Medication A7
Nursing Skill A9
System Disorder A11
Therapeutic Procedure A13
Concept Analysis A15
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NCLEX® Connections
When reviewing the following chapter, keep in mind the relevant topics and tasks of the NCLEX outline, in particular:
Management of Care ASSIGNMENT, DELEGATION AND SUPERVISION Evaluate delegated tasks to ensure correct completion of activity.
Evaluate effectiveness of staff members� time management skills.
CASE MANAGEMENT: Practice and advocate for cost effective care.
CONCEPTS OF MANAGEMENT Manage conflict among clients and health care staff.
Identify roles/responsibilities of health care team members.
ESTABLISHING PRIORITIES Apply knowledge of pathophysiology when establishing priorities for interventions with multiple clients.
Prioritize the delivery of client care.
PERFORMANCE IMPROVEMENT (QUALITY IMPROVEMENT): Participate in performance improvement projects and quality improvement processes.
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CHAPTER 1 Managing Client Care
Managing client care requires leadership, management skills, and knowledge to effectively coordinate and carry out client care.
To effectively manage client care, a nurse must develop knowledge and skills in several areas, including leadership, management, critical thinking, clinical reasoning, clinical judgment, prioritization, time management, assigning, delegating, supervising, staff education, quality improvement, performance appraisal, peer review, disciplinary action, conflict resolution, and cost-effective care.
Leadership and management ● Management is the process of planning, organizing,
directing, and coordinating the work within an organization.
● Leadership is the ability to inspire others to achieve a desired outcome.
● Effective managers usually possess good leadership skills. However, effective leaders are not always in a management position.
● Managers have formal positions of power and authority. Leaders might have only the informal power afforded them by their peers.
● One cannot be a leader without followers.
LEADERSHIP STYLES Most can be categorized as authoritative, democratic, or laissez-faire. The nurse might need to use any of these leadership styles depending on the situation.
Authoritative ● Makes decisions for the group. ● Motivates by coercion. ● Communication occurs down the chain of command, or
from the highest management level downward through other managers to employees.
● Work output by staff is usually high: good for crisis situations and bureaucratic settings.
● Effective for employees with little or no formal education.
Democratic ● Includes the group when decisions are made. ● Motivates by supporting staff achievements. ● Communication occurs up and down the chain
of command. ● Work output by staff is usually of good quality when
cooperation and collaboration are necessary.
Laissez-faire ● Makes very few decisions, and does little planning. ● Motivation is largely the responsibility of individual
staff members. ● Communication occurs up and down the chain of
command and between group members. ● Work output is low unless an informal leader evolves
from the group. ● Effective with professional employees.
CHARACTERISTICS OF LEADERS ● Initiative ● Inspiration ● Energy ● Positive attitude ● Communication skills ● Respect ● Problem-solving and critical-thinking skills ● A combination of personality traits and leadership skills ● Leaders influence willing followers to move
toward a goal. ● Leaders have goals that might differ from those of
the organization. ● Transformational leaders empower and inspire
followers to achieve a common, long-term vision. ● Transactional leaders focus on immediate problems,
maintaining the status quo and using rewards to motivate followers.
● Authentic leaders inspire others to follow them by modeling a strong internal moral code.
Emotional intelligence ● Emotional intelligence is the ability of an individual to
perceive and manage the emotions of self and others. ● The nurse must be able to perceive and understand their
own emotions and the emotions of the client and family in order to provide client-centered care.
● Emotional intelligence is also an important characteristic of the successful nurse leader.
● Emotional intelligence is developed through understanding the concept and applying it to practice in everyday situations.
The emotionally intelligent leader: ● Has insight into the emotions of members of the team. ● Understands the perspective of others. ● Encourages constructive criticism and is open to
new ideas. ● Manages emotions and channels them in a positive
direction, which in turn helps the team accomplish its goals.
● Is committed to the delivery of high-quality client care. ● Refrains from judgment in controversial or emotionally-
charged situations until facts are gathered.
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MANAGEMENT The five major management functions are planning, organizing, staffing, directing, and controlling.
PLANNING: The decisions regarding what needs to be done, how it will be done, and who is going to do it
ORGANIZING: The organizational structure that determines the lines of authority, channels of communication, and where decisions are made
STAFFING: The acquisition and management of adequate staff and staffing mix
DIRECTING: The leadership role assumed by a manager that influences and motivates staff to perform assigned roles
CONTROLLING: The evaluation of staff performance and evaluation of unit goals to ensure identified outcomes are being met
CHARACTERISTICS OF MANAGERS ● Hold formal positions of authority and power ● Possess clinical expertise ● Network with members of the team ● Coach subordinates ● Make decisions about the function of the organization,
including resources, budget, hiring, and firing
Critical thinking Critical thinking is used when analyzing client issues and problems. Thinking skills include interpretation, analysis, evaluation, inference, and explanation. These skills assist the nurse to determine the most appropriate action to take.
● Critical thinking reflects upon the meaning of statements, examines available data, and uses reason to make informed decisions.
● Critical thinking is necessary to reflect and evaluate from a broader scope of view.
● Sometimes one must think “outside the box” to find solutions that are best for clients, staff, and the organization.
Clinical reasoning ● Clinical reasoning is the mental process used when
analyzing the elements of a clinical situation and using analysis to make a decision. The nurse continues to use clinical reasoning to make decisions as the client’s situation changes.
● Clinical reasoning supports the clinical decision-making process by: ◯ Guiding the nurse through the process of assessing
and compiling data. ◯ Selecting and discarding data based on relevance. ◯ Using nursing knowledge to make decisions
about client care. Problem solving is a part of decision-making.
Clinical judgment ● Clinical judgment is the decision made regarding a
course of action based on a critical analysis of data. ● Clinical judgment considers the client’s needs when
deciding to take an action, or modify an intervention based on the client’s response.
● The nurse uses clinical judgment to: ◯ Analyze data and related evidence. ◯ Ascertain the meaning of the data and evidence. ◯ Apply knowledge to a clinical situation. ◯ Determine client outcomes desired and/or achieved as
indicated by evidence-based practices.
● Nurses must continuously set and reset priorities in order to meet the needs of multiple clients and to maintain client safety.
● Priority setting requires that decisions be made regarding the order in which:
◯ Clients are seen. ◯ Assessments are completed. ◯ Interventions are provided. ◯ Steps in a client procedure are completed. ◯ Components of client care are completed.
● Establishing priorities in nursing practice requires that the nurse make these decisions based on evidence obtained:
◯ During shift reports and other communications with members of the health care team.
◯ Through careful review of documents. ◯ By continuously and accurately collecting client data.
PRIORITIZATION PRINCIPLES IN CLIENT CARE Prioritize systemic before local (“life before limb”).
Prioritizing interventions for a client in shock over interventions for a client who has a localized limb injury
Prioritize acute (less opportunity for physical adaptation) before chronic (greater opportunity for physical adaptation).
Prioritizing the care of a client who has a new injury/ illness (mental confusion, chest pain) or an acute exacerbation of a previous illness over the care of a client who has a long-term chronic illness
Prioritize actual problems before potential future problems.
Prioritizing administration of medication to a client experiencing acute pain over ambulation of a client at risk for thrombophlebitis
Listen carefully to clients and don’t assume.
Asking a client who has a new diagnosis of diabetes mellitus what they feel is most important to learn about disease management.
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Recognize and respond to trends vs. transient findings.
Recognizing a gradual deterioration in a client’s level of consciousness and/or Glasgow Coma Scale score
Recognize indications of medical emergencies and complications vs. expected findings.
Recognizing indications of increasing intracranial pressure in a client who has a new diagnosis of a stroke vs. the findings expected following a stroke
Apply clinical knowledge to procedural standards to determine the priority action.
Recognizing that the timing of administration of antidiabetic and antimicrobial medications is more important than administration of some other medications
Maslow’s hierarchy (1.1)
The nurse should consider this hierarchy of human needs when prioritizing interventions. For example, the nurse should prioritize a client’s: ● Need for airway, oxygenation (or breathing), circulation,
and potential for disability over need for shelter. ● Need for a safe and secure environment over a need
for socialization.
Airway breathing circulation (ABC) framework ● The ABC framework identifies, in order, the three basic
needs for sustaining life. ◯ An open airway is necessary for breathing, so it is the
highest priority. ◯ Breathing is necessary for oxygenation of the
blood to occur. ◯ Circulation is necessary for oxygenated blood to reach
the body’s tissues. ● The severity of manifestations should also be
considered when determining priorities. A severe circulation problem can take priority over a minor breathing problem.
● Some frameworks also include a “D” for disability and “E” for exposure.
◯ Identify an airway concern (obstruction, stridor). ◯ Establish a patent airway if indicated. ◯ Recognize that 3 to 5 min without oxygen