Download a copy of the assignment template. Use this template to record your solutions. The assignment template contains digital signature unique to this term's section of BA 380. Submission of an assignment in a workbook other than in this template is NOT acceptable and will receive NO credit.
Please read the policy on assignments detailed in the class syllabus.
Use this format in assigning name to your file: Assignment 1 - Your Last Name(s) First Name(s) A 5 percentage point penalty will be assigned for not following this instruction.
The key to this assignment, as well as the submission link, are found below.
Word of Advice: Start working on the assigned problems as soon as you can.
The entire assignment set will take several hours to complete. The assigned problems (each problem is found in a separate worksheet) are similar to the problems discussed in class (Face2Face), which are also presented in the digitized lectures found in Moodle (for online students). It is strongly suggested that you work on the assigned problems incrementally, that is, work on and complete several problems each week. Working on the entire assignment only days before the due date will create all sorts of issues for you.