Strategic Management
Strategic Management – MGT 451: Mid-term Exam
Your mid-term exam’s deliverable is a written report addressing the question: What is Blue Ocean Strategy (BOS)?
In preparation of your paper, read relevant articles and or books preferable produced by the authors of Blue Ocean Strategy:
W. Chan Kim and Renée Mauborgne. To access key material visit Marymount library (physically and/or online). Also, I
strongly recommend to visit the following websites where you can find a detailed description of BOS and multiple articles:
In your written report balance the opinions of scholars (quotes, citations, etc.) with your own analytical reflections (opinions,
views, etc.). Blogs ARE NOT allowed to be cited unless they are written by a scholar or prominent business figure.
A. Essay Content and Structure:
The length of your exam should fluctuate between 12 to 15 pages. 8 pages correspond to content addressing the topic
of Blue Ocean Strategy; the remaining pages should be used for cover, references, annexes, see below.
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1 Cover: Include your name, course name, school, university, professor name, and date.
1 Table of Contents: Consider the headings and page numbers included in your paper
8 Blue Ocean Strategy – Report. Points a) to f) below must be addressed in your exam. In parenthesis, I include some
illustrative questions to guide your analysis; feel free to use those or other questions / ideas to produce your report.
a) Creating Blue Oceans (What are red and blue oceans? Why blue oceans are critical? How can firms create blue oceans? etc.)
b) Blue Ocean Principles (What ideas underpin Blue Ocean Strategy? How these principles are different from other approaches? etc.)
c) The Concept of Value Innovation (What does Value Innovation mean? Why Value Innovation is crucial for Business Success? How do firms adopt Value Innovation to ensure competitiveness? etc.)
d) The Six Paths to Reconstruct Market Boundaries (How do firms reconstruct their business environment? Why do firms need to evaluate the six paths to attain success?)
e) Frameworks & Tools to succeed in Blue Oceans: From the table below choose and explain three tools. When describing each tool consider: 1) Purpose of the tool, 2) Type of Information Needed, 3) Potential limitations, and
4) Visual/graph
Strategy Canvas Four Actions Framework ERRC Grid
Visualizing Strategy Pioneer Migrator Settler Map Three Tiers of Noncustomers
Sequence of Blue Ocean Strategy Buyer Utility Map Price Corridor of the Mass
Four Hurdles to Strategy Execution Tipping Point Leadership Fair Process
f) Lessons Learned (What have you learned about Blue Ocean Strategy? How have your views on Blue Ocean Strategy changed? What is the most surprising aspect you have found in your research?
1 - 2 References: Include all references you have used to support your arguments in the report
1 - 3 Annexes: Consider additional tables, graphs, diagrams, charts, and other relevant visuals. Make sure to make references to ideas discussed in the body of the report.
B. Format:
File: Microsoft Word Font: Times Roman 12 Space: Double space Margin: 0.5” all around
Feel free to include tables, graphs, and other visuals either in the body or in the annexes to support your answers
Proofread your paper before submission.
Remember plagiarism is a grave offense.
Due date: Tuesday, October 17. Bring a hard copy to class and submit it to:
Prof. Guillermo Rivero
School of Business Administration
Marymount University
Note: Please, follow the above report guidelines to maximize your grading. Good luck with your Mid-term Exam!