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""" File: breezypythongui.py Version: 1.0 Copyright 2012 by Ken Lambert Resources for easy Python GUIs. LICENSE: This is open-source software released under the terms of the GPL (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html). Its capabilities mirror those of BreezyGUI and BreezySwing, open-source frameworks for writing GUIs in Java, written by Ken Lambert and Martin Osborne. PLATFORMS: The package is a wrapper around tkinter (Python 3.X) and should run on any platform where tkinter is available. INSTALLATION: Put this file where Python can see it. """ import tkinter import tkinter.simpledialog N = tkinter.N S = tkinter.S E = tkinter.E W = tkinter.W CENTER = tkinter.CENTER END = tkinter.END NORMAL = tkinter.NORMAL DISABLED = tkinter.DISABLED NONE = tkinter.NONE WORD = tkinter.WORD VERTICAL = tkinter.VERTICAL HORIZONTAL = tkinter.HORIZONTAL RAISED = tkinter.RAISED SINGLE = tkinter.SINGLE ACTIVE = tkinter.ACTIVE class EasyFrame(tkinter.Frame): """Represents an application window.""" def __init__(self, title = "", width = None, height = None, background = "white", resizable = True): """Will shrink wrap the window around the widgets if width and height are not provided.""" tkinter.Frame.__init__(self, borderwidth = 4, relief = "sunken") if width and height: self.setSize(width, height) self.master.title(title) self.grid() # Expand the frame within the window self.master.rowconfigure(0, weight = 1) self.master.columnconfigure(0, weight = 1) self.grid(sticky = N+S+E+W) # Set the background color and resizability self.setBackground(background) self.setResizable(resizable) def setBackground(self, color): """Resets the window's background color to color.""" self["background"] = color def setResizable(self, state): """Resets the window's resizable property to True or False.""" self.master.resizable(state, state) def setSize(self, width, height): """Resets the window's width and height in pixels.""" self.master.geometry(str(width)+ "x" + str(height)) def setTitle(self, title): """Resets the window's title to title.""" self.master.title(title) # Methods to add widgets to the window. The row and column in # the grid are required arguments. def addLabel(self, text, row, column, columnspan = 1, rowspan = 1, sticky = N+W, font = None, background = "white", foreground = "black"): """Creates and inserts a label at the row and column, and returns the label.""" label = tkinter.Label(self, text = text, font = font, background = background, foreground = foreground) self.rowconfigure(row, weight = 1) self.columnconfigure(column, weight = 1) label.grid(row = row, column = column, columnspan = columnspan, rowspan = rowspan, padx = 5, pady = 5, sticky = sticky) return label def addButton(self, text, row, column, columnspan = 1, rowspan = 1, command = lambda: None, state = NORMAL): """Creates and inserts a button at the row and column, and returns the button.""" button = tkinter.Button(self, text = text, command = command, state = state) self.rowconfigure(row, weight = 1) self.columnconfigure(column, weight = 1) button.grid(row = row, column = column, columnspan = columnspan, rowspan = rowspan, padx = 5, pady = 5) return button def addFloatField(self, value, row, column, columnspan = 1, rowspan = 1, width = 20, precision = None, sticky = N+E, state = NORMAL): """Creates and inserts a float field at the row and column, and returns the float field.""" field = FloatField(self, value, width, precision, state) self.rowconfigure(row, weight = 1) self.columnconfigure(column, weight = 1) field.grid(row = row, column = column, columnspan = columnspan, rowspan = rowspan, padx = 5, pady = 5, sticky = sticky) return field def addIntegerField(self, value, row, column, columnspan = 1, rowspan = 1, width = 10, sticky = N+E, state = NORMAL): """Creates and inserts an integer field at the row and column, and returns the integer field.""" field = IntegerField(self, value, width, state) self.rowconfigure(row, weight = 1) self.columnconfigure(column, weight = 1) field.grid(row = row, column = column, columnspan = columnspan, rowspan = rowspan, padx = 5, pady = 5, sticky = sticky) return field def addTextField(self, text, row, column, columnspan = 1, rowspan = 1, width = 20, sticky = N+E, state = NORMAL): """Creates and inserts a text field at the row and column, and returns the text field.""" field = TextField(self, text, width, state) self.rowconfigure(row, weight = 1) self.columnconfigure(column, weight = 1) field.grid(row = row, column = column, columnspan = columnspan, rowspan = rowspan, padx = 5, pady = 5, sticky = sticky) return field def addTextArea(self, text, row, column, rowspan = 1, columnspan = 1, width = 80, height = 5, wrap = NONE): """Creates and inserts a multiline text area at the row and column, and returns the text area. Vertical and horizontal scrollbars are provided.""" frame = tkinter.Frame(self) frame.grid(row = row, column = column, columnspan = columnspan, rowspan = rowspan, sticky = N+S+E+W) self.columnconfigure(column, weight = 1) self.rowconfigure(row, weight = 1) xScroll = tkinter.Scrollbar(frame, orient = HORIZONTAL) xScroll.grid(row = 1, column = 0, sticky = E+W) yScroll = tkinter.Scrollbar(frame, orient = VERTICAL) yScroll.grid(row = 0, column = 1, sticky = N+S) area = TextArea(frame, text, width, height, xScroll.set, yScroll.set, wrap) area.grid(row = 0, column = 0, padx = 5, pady = 5, sticky = N+S+E+W) frame.columnconfigure(0, weight = 1) frame.rowconfigure(0, weight = 1) xScroll["command"] = area.xview yScroll["command"] = area.yview return area def addListbox(self, row, column, rowspan = 1, columnspan = 1, width = 10, height = 5, listItemSelected = lambda index: index): """Creates and inserts a scrolling list box at the row and column, with a width and height in lines and columns of text, and a default item selection method, and returns the list box.""" frame = tkinter.Frame(self) frame.grid(row = row, column = column, columnspan = columnspan, rowspan = rowspan, sticky = N+S+E+W) self.columnconfigure(column, weight = 1) self.rowconfigure(row, weight = 1) yScroll = tkinter.Scrollbar(frame, orient = VERTICAL) yScroll.grid(row = 0, column = 1, sticky = N+S) listBox = EasyListbox(frame, width, height, yScroll.set, listItemSelected) listBox.grid(row = 0, column = 0, sticky = N+S+E+W) frame.columnconfigure(0, weight = 1) frame.rowconfigure(0, weight = 1) yScroll["command"] = listBox.yview return listBox def addCanvas(self, canvas = None, row = 0, column = 0, rowspan = 1, columnspan = 1, width = 200, height = 100, background = "white"): """Creates and inserts a canvas at the row and column, and returns the canvas.""" if not canvas: canvas = EasyCanvas(self, width = width, height = height, background = background) canvas.grid(row = row, column = column, rowspan = rowspan, columnspan = columnspan, sticky = W+E+N+S) self.columnconfigure(column, weight = 10) self.rowconfigure(row, weight = 10) return canvas def addScale(self, row, column, rowspan = 1, columnspan = 1, command = lambda value: value, from_ = 0, to = 0, label = "", length = 100, orient = HORIZONTAL, resolution = 1, tickinterval = 0): """Creates and inserts a scale at the row and column, and returns the scale.""" scale = tkinter.Scale(self, command = command, from_ = from_, to = to, label = label, length = length, orient = orient, resolution = resolution, tickinterval = tickinterval, relief = "sunken", borderwidth = 4) self.rowconfigure(row, weight = 1) self.columnconfigure(column, weight = 1) scale.grid(row = row, column = column, columnspan = columnspan, rowspan = rowspan, sticky = N+S+E+W) return scale def addMenuBar(self, row, column, rowspan = 1, columnspan = 1, orient = "horizontal"): """Creates and inserts a menu bar at the row and column, and returns the menu bar.""" if not orient in ("horizontal", "vertical"): raise ValueError("orient must be horizontal or vertical") menuBar = EasyMenuBar(self, orient) menuBar.grid(row = row, column = column, rowspan = rowspan, columnspan = columnspan, sticky = N+W) return menuBar def addCheckbutton(self, text, row, column, rowspan = 1, columnspan = 1, sticky = N+S+E+W, command = lambda : 0): """Creates and inserts check button at the row and column, and returns the check button.""" cb = EasyCheckbutton(self, text, command) self.rowconfigure(row, weight = 1) self.columnconfigure(column, weight = 1) cb.grid(row = row, column = column, columnspan = columnspan, rowspan = rowspan, padx = 5, pady = 5, sticky = sticky) return cb def addRadiobuttonGroup(self, row, column, rowspan = 1, columnspan = 1, orient = VERTICAL): """Creates and returns a radio button group.""" return EasyRadiobuttonGroup(self, row, column, rowspan, columnspan, orient) # Added 12-18-2012 def addPanel(self, row, column, rowspan = 1, columnspan = 1, background = "white"): """Creates and returns a panel.""" return EasyPanel(self, row, column, rowspan, columnspan, background) # Method to pop up a message box from this window. def messageBox(self, title = "", message = "", width = 25, height = 5): """Creates and pops up a message box, with the given title, message, and width and height in rows and columns of text.""" dlg = MessageBox(self, title, message, width, height) return dlg.modified() # Method to pop up a prompter box from this window. def prompterBox(self, title = "", promptString = "", inputText = "", fieldWidth = 20): """Creates and pops up a prompter box, with the given title, prompt, input text, and field width in columns of text. Returns the text entered at the prompt.""" dlg = PrompterBox(self, title, promptString, inputText, fieldWidth) return dlg.getText() # Classes for easy widgets class AbstractField(tkinter.Entry): """Represents common features of float fields, integer fields, and text fields.""" def __init__(self, parent, value, width, state): self.var = tkinter.StringVar() self.setValue(value) tkinter.Entry.__init__(self, parent, textvariable = self.var, width = width, state = state) def setValue(self, value): self.var.set(value) def getValue(self): return self.var.get() class FloatField(AbstractField): """Represents a single line box for I/O of floats.""" def __init__(self, parent, value, width, precision, state): self.setPrecision(precision) AbstractField.__init__(self, parent, value, width, state) def getNumber(self): """Returns the float contained in the field. Raises: ValueError if number format is bad.""" return float(self.getValue()) def setNumber(self, number): """Replaces the float contained in the field.""" self.setValue(self._precision % number) def setPrecision(self, precision): """Resets the precision for the display of a float.""" if precision and precision >= 0: self._precision = "%0." + str(precision) + "f" else: self._precision = "%f" class IntegerField(AbstractField): """Represents a single line box for I/O of integers.""" def __init__(self, parent, value, width, state): AbstractField.__init__(self, parent, value, width, state) def getNumber(self): """Returns the integer contained in the field. Raises: ValueError if number format is bad.""" return int(self.getValue()) def setNumber(self, number): """Replaces the integer contained in the field.""" self.setValue(str(number)) class TextField(AbstractField): """Represents a single line box for I/O of strings.""" def __init__(self, parent, value, width, state): AbstractField.__init__(self, parent, value, width, state) def getText(self): """Returns the string contained in the field.""" return self.getValue() def setText(self, text): """Replaces the string contained in the field.""" self.setValue(text) class TextArea(tkinter.Text): """Represents a box for I/O of multiline text.""" def __init__(self, parent, text, width, height, xscrollcommand, yscrollcommand, wrap): tkinter.Text.__init__(self, parent, width = width, height = height, wrap = wrap, xscrollcommand = xscrollcommand, yscrollcommand = yscrollcommand) self.setText(text) def getText(self): """Returns the string contained in the text area.""" return self.get("1.0", END) def setText(self, text): """Replaces the string contained in the text area.""" self.delete("1.0", END) self.insert("1.0", text) def appendText(self, text): """Inserts the text after the string contained in the text area.""" self.insert(END, text) class EasyListbox(tkinter.Listbox): """Represents a list box.""" def __init__(self, parent, width, height, yscrollcommand, listItemSelected): self._listItemSelected = listItemSelected tkinter.Listbox.__init__(self, parent, width = width, height = height, yscrollcommand = yscrollcommand, selectmode = SINGLE) self.bind("<>", self.triggerListItemSelected) def triggerListItemSelected(self, event): """Strategy method to respond to an item selection in the list box. Runs the client's listItemSelected method with the selected index if there is one.""" if self.size() == 0: return widget = event.widget index = widget.curselection()[0] self._listItemSelected(index) def getSelectedIndex(self): """Returns the index of the selected item or -1 if no item is selected.""" tup = self.curselection() if len(tup) == 0: return -1 else: return int(tup[0]) def getSelectedItem(self): """Returns the selected item or the empty string if no item is selected.""" index = self.getSelectedIndex() if index == -1: return "" else: return self.get(index) def setSelectedIndex(self, index): """Selects the item at the index if it's in the range.""" if index < 0 or index >= self.size(): return self.selection_set(index, index) def clear(self): """Deletes all items from the list box.""" while self.size() > 0: self.delete(0) def getIndex(self, item): """Returns the index of item if it's in the list box, or -1 otherwise.""" tup = self.get(0, self.size() - 1) if item in tup: return tup.index(item) else: return -1 class EasyRadiobuttonGroup(tkinter.Frame): """Represents a group of radio buttons, only one of which is selected at any given time.""" def __init__(self, parent, row, column, rowspan, columnspan, orient): tkinter.Frame.__init__(self, parent) self.grid(row = row, column = column, rowspan = rowspan, columnspan = columnspan, sticky = N+S+E+W) self._commonVar = tkinter.StringVar("") self._buttons = dict() self._orient = orient self._buttonRow = self._buttonColumn = 0 def addRadiobutton(self, text, command = lambda : 0): """Creates a button with the given text and command, adds it to the group, and returns the button.""" if text in self._buttons: raise ValueError("Button with this label already in the group") button = tkinter.Radiobutton(self, text = text, value = text, command = command, variable = self._commonVar) self._buttons[text] = button button.grid(row = self._buttonRow, column = self._buttonColumn, sticky = N+W) if self._orient == VERTICAL: self.rowconfigure(self._buttonRow, weight = 1) self._buttonRow += 1 else: self.columnconfigure(self._buttonColumn, weight = 1) self._buttonColumn += 1 return button def getSelectedButton(self): if not self._commonVar.get() in self._buttons: raise ValueError("No button has been selected yet.") return self._buttons[self._commonVar.get()] def setSelectedButton(self, button): self._commonVar.set(button["value"]) class EasyCheckbutton(tkinter.Checkbutton): """Represents a check button.""" def __init__(self, parent, text, command): self._variable = tkinter.IntVar() tkinter.Checkbutton.__init__(self, parent, text = text, variable = self._variable, command = command) def isChecked(self): """Returns True if the button is checked or False otherwise.""" return self._variable.get() != 0 class EasyMenuBar(tkinter.Frame): """Represents a menu bar.""" def __init__(self, parent, orient): self._orient = orient self._row = self._column = 0 tkinter.Frame.__init__(self, parent, relief = RAISED, borderwidth = 1) def addMenu(self, text, state = NORMAL): """Creates and inserts a menu into the menubar, and returns the menu.""" menu = EasyMenubutton(self, text, state = state) menu.grid(row = self._row, column = self._column) if self._orient == "horizontal": self._column += 1 else: self._row += 1 return menu class EasyMenubutton(tkinter.Menubutton): """Represents a menu button.""" def __init__(self, menuBar, text, state): tkinter.Menubutton.__init__(self, menuBar, text = text, state = state) self.menu = tkinter.Menu(self) self["menu"] = self.menu self._currentIndex = -1 def addMenuItem(self, text, command, state = NORMAL): """Inserts a menu option in the given menu.""" self.menu.add_command(label = text, command = command, state = state) self._currentIndex += 1 return EasyMenuItem(self, self._currentIndex) class EasyMenuItem(object): """Represents an option in a drop-down menu.""" def __init__(self, menu, index): self._menu = menu self._index = index def setState(self, state): """Sets the state of the item to state.""" self._menu.menu.entryconfigure(self._index, state = state) class EasyCanvas(tkinter.Canvas): """Represents a rectangular area for interactive drawing of shapes. Supports simple commands for drawing lines, rectangles, and ovals, as well as methods for responding to mouse events in the canvas.""" def __init__(self, parent, width = None, height = None, background = "white"): tkinter.Canvas.__init__(self, parent, width = width, height = height, background = background) self.bind("", self.mouseDoubleClicked) self.bind("", self.mousePressed) self.bind("", self.mouseReleased) self.bind("", self.mouseDragged) # Mouse event handling methods. One or more of these methods can # be overridden in the subclass to implement the required actions. # The event argument can be used to extract the current mouse # cursor coordinates (event.x and event.y). def mouseDoubleClicked(self, event): """Triggered when the mouse is double-clicked in the area of this canvas.""" return def mousePressed(self, event): """Triggered when the mouse is pressed in the area of this canvas.""" return def mouseReleased(self, event): """Triggered when the mouse is released in the area of this canvas.""" return def mouseDragged(self, event): """Triggered when the mouse is dragged in the area of this canvas.""" return def getWidth(self): """Returns the width of the canvas.""" return self["width"] def getHeight(self): """Returns the height of the canvas.""" return self["height"] def drawLine(self, x0, y0, x1, y1, fill = "black", width = 1): item = self.create_line(x0, y0, x1, y1) self.itemconfig(item, fill = fill, width = width) return item def drawRectangle(self, x0, y0, x1, y1, outline = "black", fill = None): """Draws a rectangle with the given corner points, outline color, and fill color.""" item = self.create_rectangle(x0, y0, x1, y1) self.itemconfig(item, outline = outline, fill = fill) return item def drawOval(self, x0, y0, x1, y1, outline = "black", fill = None): """Draws an ovel within the given corner points, with the given outline color and fill color.""" item = self.create_oval(x0, y0, x1, y1) self.itemconfig(item, outline = outline, fill = fill) return item def drawText(self, text, x, y, fill = "black"): """Draws the given text (a string) at the given coordinates with the given fill color. The string is centered vertically and horizontally at the given coordinates.""" item = self.create_text(x, y) self.itemconfig(item, text = text, fill = fill) return item def drawImage(self, image, x, y, anchor = CENTER): """Draws the given image (a PhotoImage) at the given coordinates. The image is centered at the given coordinates by default.""" item = self.create_image(x, y, image = image, anchor = anchor) self.itemconfig(item, image = image, anchor = anchor) return item def deleteItem(self, item): """Removes and erases the shape with the given item number from the canvas.""" self.delete(item) # Support classes for dialogs. class MessageBox(tkinter.simpledialog.Dialog): """Represents a message dialog with a scrollable text area.""" @classmethod def message(cls, title = "", message = "", width = 25, height = 5): MessageBox(tkinter.Frame(), title, message, width, height) def __init__(self, parent, title, message, width, height): """Set up the window and widgets.""" self._message = message self._width = width self._height = height self._modified = False tkinter.simpledialog.Dialog.__init__(self, parent, title) def body(self, master): self.resizable(0, 0) yScroll = tkinter.Scrollbar(master, orient = VERTICAL) yScroll.grid(row = 0, column = 1, sticky = N+S) output = tkinter.Text(master, width = self._width, height = self._height, padx = 5, pady = 5, wrap = WORD, yscrollcommand = yScroll.set) output.grid(row = 0, column = 0, sticky = N+W+S+E) output.insert("1.0", self._message) output["state"] = DISABLED yScroll["command"] = output.yview return output def buttonbox(self): '''add standard button box. override if you do not want the standard buttons''' box = tkinter.Frame(self) w = tkinter.Button(box, text="OK", width = 10, command = self.ok, default = ACTIVE) w.pack() self.bind("", self.ok) box.pack() def apply(self): """Quits the dialog.""" self._modified = True def modified(self): return self._modified class PrompterBox(tkinter.simpledialog.Dialog): """Represents an input dialog with a text field.""" @classmethod def prompt(cls, title = "", promptString = "", inputText = "", fieldWidth = 20): """Creates and pops up an input dialog.""" dlg = PrompterBox(tkinter.Frame(), title, promptString, inputText, fieldWidth) return dlg.getText() def __init__(self, parent, title, promptString, inputText, fieldWidth): """Set up the window and widgets.""" self._prompt = promptString self._text = inputText self._width = fieldWidth self._modified = False

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