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Part 3: Using the color coding for resistors, determine the resistance and the tolerance for the following 3 resistors: exornn Rbolor coding: brown, black, yellow, gold Rgcolor coding: red, violet, orange, gold Rocolor coding: orange, orange, orange, gold The chage nowng thonuh a sece is every themes Find out the outest throsgh the sistance is diven e well se the colot code fur esch of the resistors
4-Band-Code 2%, 5%, 10% 560k Ω 5% 1ST BAND | 2ND BAND 3RD BAND TOLERANCE COLOR Black Brown Red Orange Yellow Green Blue Violet Grey White Gold Silver MULTIPLIER 10 102 1000 1% (F) 4 5 6 3 4 5 4 5 6 10ΚΩ 100KO ±0.5% 0.25% 0.10% +0.05% (D (C) (B 8 9 8 9 8 9 0.1Ω 0.01Ω 5% (J (K) 10% 0.1%, 0.25%, 0.5%, 1% 237 Ω 1% 5-Band-Code
Resistor Color Code 4-band color code 10K Ohms ± 5% 5-band color code 47.5 K Ohms ± 1% 6-band color code 276 Ohms ± 5% Multiplier SLV 0.01 GLD 0.1 BLK-1 BRN-10 RED-100 ORN-1K YEL-10K GRN-100K BLU-1M VIO-10M Tolerance SLV ± 10% GLD± 5% First Digit BLK-0 BRN-1 RED-2 ORN-3 YEL-4 GRN-5 BLU-6 ViO-7 GRY-8 WHT-9 Second Digit BLK-0 BRN-1 RED-2 ORN-3 YEL4 GRN-5 BLU-6 VIO-7 GRY-8 WHT-9 hird Digit Temperature Coefficient BRN-100ppm RED-50ppm ORN-15ppm YEL-25ppm BLK-0 BRN-1 RED-2 ORN-3 YEL-4 GRN-5 BLU-6 VIO-7 GRY-8 WHT-9 BRN ± 1% RED ± 2% GRN ± 0.5% BLU-± 0.25% VIO ± 0.1%
Part 3: Using the color coding for resistors, determine the resistance and the tolerance for the following 3 resistors: exornn Rbolor coding: brown, black, yellow, gold Rgcolor coding: red, violet, orange, gold Rocolor coding: orange, orange, orange, gold The chage nowng thonuh a sece is every themes Find out the outest throsgh the sistance is diven e well se the colot code fur esch of the resistors
4-Band-Code 2%, 5%, 10% 560k Ω 5% 1ST BAND | 2ND BAND 3RD BAND TOLERANCE COLOR Black Brown Red Orange Yellow Green Blue Violet Grey White Gold Silver MULTIPLIER 10 102 1000 1% (F) 4 5 6 3 4 5 4 5 6 10ΚΩ 100KO ±0.5% 0.25% 0.10% +0.05% (D (C) (B 8 9 8 9 8 9 0.1Ω 0.01Ω 5% (J (K) 10% 0.1%, 0.25%, 0.5%, 1% 237 Ω 1% 5-Band-Code
Resistor Color Code 4-band color code 10K Ohms ± 5% 5-band color code 47.5 K Ohms ± 1% 6-band color code 276 Ohms ± 5% Multiplier SLV 0.01 GLD 0.1 BLK-1 BRN-10 RED-100 ORN-1K YEL-10K GRN-100K BLU-1M VIO-10M Tolerance SLV ± 10% GLD± 5% First Digit BLK-0 BRN-1 RED-2 ORN-3 YEL-4 GRN-5 BLU-6 ViO-7 GRY-8 WHT-9 Second Digit BLK-0 BRN-1 RED-2 ORN-3 YEL4 GRN-5 BLU-6 VIO-7 GRY-8 WHT-9 hird Digit Temperature Coefficient BRN-100ppm RED-50ppm ORN-15ppm YEL-25ppm BLK-0 BRN-1 RED-2 ORN-3 YEL-4 GRN-5 BLU-6 VIO-7 GRY-8 WHT-9 BRN ± 1% RED ± 2% GRN ± 0.5% BLU-± 0.25% VIO ± 0.1%