Assessment 2
Coaching demonstration
BSBMGT403 Implement continuous improvement Page 1 of 3
Assessment 2 – Coaching demonstration
Assessment purpose
This assessment requires you to make plans to improve performance by changing
processes and procedures. You should take into account the current performance at
Australian Hardware’s Wollongong store and formulate and communicate
recommendations for improving customer service at the Wollongong store.
You are strongly encouraged to complete all activities within the student workbook
before attempting assessment activities.
Required evidence
You must submit a:
1. recording of yourself leading a coaching or mentoring session following your
developed plans and measures
2. coaching or mentoring notes based on data and performance measures
3. list of recommendations for changes to operations to improve customer service
at Australian Hardware’s Wollongong store.
Submit all required evidence (videos and documents) electronically via Moodle:
● Files must be named, saved, and uploaded as
For example: BSBMGT403-Assessment2-Coaching Notes-JM
● For instructions to record and upload video recordings, see
Your trainer will be looking for:
● use of data and documents created and recorded during your investigations
into the Wollongong store to accurately reflect the performance measures (for
example, of customer services processes to meet the five strategic goals):
○ increase sales revenue and gross profit
○ maintain or increase market share
○ control direct and indirect operational costs
○ maintain superior product and service quality standards
○ establish Australian Hardware’s reputation as a socially and
environmentally responsible company
● reference to the Wollongong store operational plan, with its goals, operational
objectives and performance measures (such as marketing and sales KPIs) as
well as action plans
Assessment 2
Coaching demonstration
BSBMGT403 Implement continuous improvement Page 2 of 3
● appropriate references, as the source of data, to one or more data monitoring
tools, with samples for evidence
● appropriate use of the data provided and one or more analytical tools, to
review current processes to determine where improvements can be made
● use of one or more appropriate tools to analyse barriers to improved performance
● your recommendations, which are consistent with the data and analysis and the
organisation’s goal and customer requirements as well as standards and
regulations for customer service
● appropriate prioritisation of recommendations
● evidence that you have taken into account what is required to communicate to the team
effectively and change people’s behaviour in creating the implementation plan.
Assessment instructions
You will, on the basis of provided data such as KPIs, implement continuous improvement
processes by preparing and delivering a coaching or mentoring session. In this session,
you will recommend changes to operational processes to improve the customer service
of Australian Hardware’s Wollongong store and obtain feedback data. You will make
recommendations for further process and procedure changes, if necessary, to improve
delivery of strategic goals.
With prior consultation with your trainer, the role-plays (for the coaching and
mentoring session) can be adjusted. Your trainer may play multiple roles to assist
you complete this unit assessment. The role-play for this task can be varied to take
place using Skype conferencing (or any other video conferencing tool available to
both you and the trainer).