BSBMKG507 - Interpret market trends and developments (For students ONLY)/Learning Material/BSBMKG507 Lesson Plan.docx
Lesson Plan: BSBMKG507 Interpret market trends and developments
Lesson Plan
Interpret market trends and developments
Table of Contents
Table of Contents 2
Overview 3
Resources 4
Preparation 5
Conducting Lessons 6
Induction 7
Session 1: Introduction 8
Session 1: Topic 1 Interpret trends and market developments 11
Session 2: Topic 1 Interpret trends and market developments 14
Session 3: Topic 2 Analyse qualitative results 18
Session 4: Topic 2 Analyse qualitative results 20
Session 5: Topic 3 Report on market data 23
Session 6: Topic 3 Report on market data 26
Session 7, 8, 9 and 10: Review and Assessment 28
BSBMKG507 Interpret market trends and developments
6 weeks Content delivery: 3 weeks
Assessment: 3 weeks
Suggested Delivery
Week 1
Session 1: Introduction
Topic 1 – Interpret trends and market
Session 2: Topic 1 – Interpret trends and market
Week 2
Session 3: Topic 2 – Analyse Qualitative Results
Session 4: Topic 2 – Analyse Qualitative Results
Week 3
Session 5: Topic 3 – Report on Market Data
Session 6: Topic 3 – Report on Market Data
Week 4 - 6
Session 7, 8, 9, 10: Review and assessment
Recommended texts
Pride, Ferrell, Lukas, Schemer, Niininen, Casidy. Marketing Principles. 3rd Asia-Pacific Ed. Cengage Learning (2018)
Chapter 1 Key concepts in Marketing
Chapter 4 Marketing research and information systems
The following slideshows can be used to support the delivery of this lesson: BSBMKG507 Slideshow.pptx
Each topic for the unit is summarised, following the content presented in the lesson plan, with notes for the trainer/assessor where appropriate. Trainer’s can adapt the slideshow to suit his or her own teaching methods.
Web links:
Internet links to sources of information, videos or documents are also provided throughout the lesson plan.
If the links are broken, copy and paste them into your web browser.
Lesson Preparation
Before you commence delivery of these lessons, take the time to undertake the following: