Write a full five pages essay. Below are two readings that need to be connect and compare with each other. In the essay, there are a few points should be include:
1. A clear, arguable thesis in the introduction paragraph.
2. Three Topic sentences that reflect the thesis in three body paragraph.
3. Each body paragraph should contain two quotes, one quote from one reading and one from the other.
4. Introducing the quote first and explain it. Then, find out if the connections between two quotes from two authors.( It could be similarities or contradictions).
Here is the Prompt Question
How can we live "authentic"(in Turkle's definition) lives in a world increasingly mediated by technology and structured by a "grid of business"? In answering this question, put Adam Gopink's "Bumping into Mr. Ravioli" in conversation with Sherry Turkle's " Alone Together". Who offers the better to this question, and how can their views be used to re -frame the examples given by the other writer?