USING MICROSOFT EXCEL 2016 Guided Project 8-3
Guided Project 8-3 Courtyard Medical Plaza has new worksheets for weight loss workshops. You use Solver with sample data and add
scenarios and data tables to complete a sample set. You also create PivotTables to analyze dental insurance data.
Skills Covered in This Project • Create and manage scenarios.
• Use Solver in a worksheet to find a solution.
• Build a one-variable data table.
• Build a two-variable data table.
• Create and customize a PivotTable.
• Insert a slicer in a PivotTable.
• Insert a PivotChart.
• Generate Descriptive Statistics for a set of data.
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1. Open the CourtyardMedical-08 workbook and click the Enable Editing button. The file will be
renamed automatically to include your name.
2. Install Solver and the Analysis ToolPak.
a. Select the Options command [File tab].
b. Click Add-Ins in the left pane.
c. Click Go near the bottom of the window.
d. Select the Solver Add-in box.
e. Select the Analysis ToolPak box.
f. Click OK.
3. Click the Workout Plan worksheet tab and select cell E10. Five activities are included in this plan to
burn calories for weight loss. This cell includes a SUM formula.
4. Add scenarios in a worksheet.
a. Click the What-if Analysis button [Data tab, Forecast group] and select Scenario Manager.
b. Click Add.
c. Type Basic Plan as the name.
d. Click the Changing cells box, select cells D5:D9, and click OK.
e. Do not edit the Scenario Values and click OK.
f. Click Add to add another scenario.
g. Type Double as the name, keep the
Changing cells as is, and click OK.
h. Change the values to 2, 2, 4, 2, 2, doubling
each current value, in the Scenario Values
dialog box and click OK (Figure 8-96).
i. Click Close.
5. Use Solver to find a target calorie burn.
a. Click the Solver button [Data tab, Analyze
b. Select cell E10, the cell with a SUM formula,
for the Set Objective box.
c. Click the Value Of radio button and type
3500 in the entry box.
d. Click the By Changing Variable Cells box and select cells D5:D7. Solver finds how many times
each activity should be performed to burn 3,500 calories subject to the constraints.
Step 1: Download start file
Excel 2016 Chapter 8 Exploring Data Analysis and Business Intelligence Last Updated: 4/20/18 Page 2
USING MICROSOFT EXCEL 2016 Guided Project 8-3
6. Add constraints to a Solver problem.
a. Click Add to the right of the Subject to the Constraints box.
b. Select cell D5 for the Cell Reference box.
c. Choose >= as the operator.
d. Click the Constraint box and type 2. The constraint requires that the exercise be done at least
twice a week.
e. Click Add to add each of the five remaining constraints shown here:
D5 <=4
D6 <=3
D6 >=1
D7 <=4
D7 >=1
f. When all constraints are identified,
click OK in the Add Constraint
dialog box.
g. Choose GRG Nonlinear for the
Select a Solving Method.
h. Confirm that the Make
Unconstrained Variables Non-
Negative box is selected (Figure 8-
i. Click Solve. A solution displays in
the worksheet, and the Solver
Results dialog box is open.
7. Save Solver results as a scenario.
a. Click Save Scenario in the Solver
Results dialog box.
b. Type 3500 Burn as the scenario
c. Click OK to return to the Solver
Results dialog box.
d. Click the Restore Original Values
e. Select Answer in the Reports list.
f. Click OK. The generated report is inserted, and the original values are restored in the
IMPORTANT: Be sure that you create the Answer report as the grading for the Solver Scenarios is
dependent on the information in the report. If you skip this step you will not receive any points for
instructions 6.g and 6.h.
8. Create a scenario summary report.
a. Click the What-if Analysis button [Data tab, Forecast group] and select Scenario Manager.
b. Click the Summary button.
c. Verify that the Scenario summary button is selected.
d. Click the Result cells box, select cells D5:D9, type a comma, and then select cell E10.
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USING MICROSOFT EXCEL 2016 Guided Project 8-3
e. Click OK in the Scenario Summary
dialog box. The report is generated in
a new worksheet. Since the results cells
are named, the range names appear
in the report (Figure 8-98).
9. Create a one-variable data table to
calculate total calories if dinner calories
are adjusted.
a. Click the Calorie Journal worksheet
tab and select cell I5. The SUM formula
calculates total calories consumed
per day.
b. Select cell E15. The formula for the
data table must be one column to the
right and one row above the first input
c. Type =, click cell I5, and press Enter.
d. Select cells D15:E23 as the data table range.
e. Click the What-If Analysis button [Data tab,
Forecast group] and choose Data Table.
f. Click the Column input cell box and select cell
G5. The input values will be substituted for this
cell in the data table formula.
g. Click OK (Figure 8-99).
10. Create a two-variable data table to calculate total
calories if both lunch and dinner calories are
a. Select cell L15. A two-variable table has one
formula, one row above column inputs and
one column left of row values.
b. Type =, click cell I5, and press Enter.
c. Select cells L15:T23.
d. Click the What-If Analysis button [Data tab,
Forecast group] and choose Data Table.
e. Select cell E5 for the Row input cell box. Lunch calories are in the row of this data table.
f. Click the
Column input
cell box and
select cell G5.
Dinner calories
are in the
g. Click OK to build
the data table
(Figure 8-100).
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USING MICROSOFT EXCEL 2016 Guided Project 8-3
11. Select cell J1 and insert a page break [Page Layout tab, Page Setup group].
12. Create a PivotTable for dental insurance data.
a. Click the Dental Insurance worksheet tab and select cells A4:E35.
b. Click the Recommended PivotTables button [Insert tab, Tables group].
c. Choose Sum of Billed by Service Code and click OK. Label fields are in the Rows area, and
numeric fields are in the Values area.
d. Name the worksheet tab PivotTable 1.
e. Point to Billed in the Choose fields to add to report area and drag the field name to the
Values area to show the field twice in the PivotTable.
13. Edit value field settings.
a. Click Sum of Billed in cell B3 and click the
Field Settings button [PivotTable Tools
Analyze, Active Field group].
b. Type Total Billed as the Custom Name.
c. Click Number Format, choose Currency, set 0
(zero) decimal places, and click OK two
times to close the dialog boxes.
d. Right-click Sum of Billed2 in cell C3 and
select Value Field Settings.
e. Type Average Billed as the Custom Name.
f. On the Summarize Values By tab, choose
Average as the function.
g. Click Number Format, choose Currency, set 0
(zero) decimal places, and close the dialog
14. Use PivotTable tools to format the report.
a. Click any cell in the PivotTable and apply Teal, Pivot Style Medium 6.
Click any cell in the PivotTable and Pivot Style Medium 6.
b. Select the Banded Rows and Banded Columns boxes [PivotTable Tools Design tab, PivotTable
Style Options group].
c. Click the Grand Totals button [PivotTable Tools Design tab, Layout group] and choose Off for
Rows and Columns.
15. Select cell A1 and type Courtyard Medical Dental Services.
16. Type Billings by Service Code in cell A2.
17. Format both labels as 14 pt. (Figure 8-101).
18. Create a PivotChart.
a. Select a cell in the PivotTable and click the PivotChart button [PivotTable Tools Analyze, Tools
b. Choose Column and Clustered Column as the subtype and click OK.
c. Drag the chart object so that its top-left corner is in cell E3.
d. Size the chart object to reach cell M24.
e. Click one of the Average Billed columns and click the Change Chart Type button [PivotChart
Tools Design tab, Type group].
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USING MICROSOFT EXCEL 2016 Guided Project 8-3
f. Click the Chart Type arrow for the
Average Billed series and choose
Line with Markers (Figure 8-102).
g. Click OK.
h. Click one of the Total Billed
columns and change its Shape
Fill [PivotChart Tools Format tab,
Shape Styles group] to Teal,
Accent 5, Darker 25%.
19. Insert a slicer.
a. Click any cell in the PivotTable
and click the Insert Slicer button
[PivotTable Tools Analyze tab,
Filter group].
b. Select the Insurance box and
click OK.
c. Position the slicer so that the top-
left corner is in cell O3. Size the
slicer to reach cell Q15.
d. Format the slicer with Aqua, Slicer
Style Dark 5.
Format the slicer with Slicer Style Dark 5.
e. Click CompDent in the slicer to filter the PivotTable and PivotChart (Figure 8-103).
f. Select cell A1.
20. Generate Descriptive Statistics for a rating category.
a. Click the Dental Insurance sheet tab.
b. Click the Data Analysis button [Data tab, Analyze group].
c. Select Descriptive Statistics and click OK.
d. Select cells E4:E35 for the Input Range box.
e. Select the Labels in First Row box.
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USING MICROSOFT EXCEL 2016 Guided Project 8-3
f. Select the Output Range button.
g. Click the Output Range box and click cell G4.
h. Select the Summary statistics box and click OK.
i. AutoFit column G (Figure 8-104).
21. Save and close the workbook.
22. Upload and save your project file.
23. Submit project for grading.
Step 3: Grade my Project