Page 1of 4Queensland Inspection Services -ABN 18101951231Brisbane Bundaberg Cairns Gold Coast Rockhampton Sunshine Coast Toowoomba TownsvilleMackayThisinformation is provided for customers of Queensland Inspection Services (Q.I.S.) to ensurethey present the required documents at the time of their vehicle inspection, in order for the inspection to proceed efficiently. Documents required for a W.O.V.I. inspection will vary significantly from those needed for registration. Documents for ownership, repairs and parts must always be in the customers own name. Bookings must be made in the correct name of the actual owner of the vehicle. Q.I.S. does not accept bookings in the name ofa person just acting as an agentfor the real owner.Customers should note that a failure to provide any or all of the required information or documents, or any attempt to provide either false or misleading information or documents,will result in their vehicle not passing its inspection, and Q.I.S. reserves the right to either not pass such vehicles or not proceed with the scheduled inspection. Customers are required to present the originals of all their documents. Photocopies, scanned copies, faxed copies,or any other non-original copies are not acceptable. Customers must ensure that the particulars on alldocuments presented are correct in all details. The below is not an exhaustive list and is provided as a general guide only.Customers should be aware that any vehicle which does not pass its inspection for any reason upon first presentation will be subject to the reinspection fee of $55should the customerhave tolater present further information ordocumentation,orthe vehicle itselfis examinedagain.If you have any queries about what documents are required for your inspection please inquire with Q.I.S. Administration staff.VEHICLE PURCHASE/OWNERSHIP DOCUMENTSPurchase receipts for vehicles need to include the make, model and VIN number of the vehicle, along with the purchaser’s name, and the full details of the seller including name, address and contact phone numbers.Purchase receipts from licenced motor dealers and auction houses will always contain the above mentioned information. Purchase receipts in business/company names when the booking is in an individual’s name will need to be accompanied by documentation from A.S.I.C. or Fair Trading which show the two as the same entity, and the reverse is also applicable.If the vehicle is purchased from a private person, additional document/s will be required which prove that the seller actually owned the vehicle which they have sold. These documents include previous registrationcertificates in their name, ora previous purchase receipt from a licenced motor dealer or similar.
Page 2of 4Queensland Inspection Services -ABN 18101951231Brisbane Bundaberg Cairns Gold Coast Rockhampton Sunshine Coast Toowoomba TownsvilleMackayIf the vehicle has been retained by its owner after being written off, then an insurance letter of salvage will be required which contains the vehicle’s details, owner’s details, anda listing of the insurance payout/salvage vehicle retention by the owner.If the vehicle has been obtained as part of a deceased estate, then a copy of the certified will is required which shows the customer is the beneficiary of the estate.If the vehicle has been obtained as a result of being abandoned such as unclaimed at a workshop, then ownership can only be ascertained after the provisions of the Disposal of Uncollected Goods Act have been complied with. VEHICLE REPAIRS ANDDOCUMENTSPlease note that in all cases a repair document of some nature will be required. In an instance where a vehicle has sustained no or very little visible damage a statutory declaration will still be required stating that no repairs have been effected. (See below)Damagedvehiclesmustalwaysberepairedinaccordancewiththemanufacturer’srepairinstructionsandindustrybestpractices.Therepairerisresponsibleforobtainingthatinformationpriortorepairingthevehicle.Thevehicleshouldberepairedatanauthorisedrepairerassometypesofvehicledamagewillrequirespecialisedequipmentandknowledgetoconductthework.Ifnotrepairedcorrectly,youmayencounterdifficultyandadditionalcostsatthetimeofyourQ.I.S.inspection,andthevehiclemaynotpasstheinspectionuntilthevehicleiscorrectlyrepaired.Q.I.S.mustbeinapositiontoformallyidentifyarepairablewriteoffasaparticularvehicleinordertopassthatvehicle.Inrelationtothis,vehicleswhichhavehadsubstantialrepairseffectedinsuchamannerthatonlyaminorportionoftheoriginalrepairablewriteoffvehicleremains,maynotbepassed.Likewise,vehiclessuchasfourwheeldriveswhichhavehadacabinreplacedonachassismayalsonotbepassed.QueriesinrelationtoeitherofthesetwotypesofrepairsshouldbeaddressedwithQ.I.S.Administrationstaffforfurtheradvicepriortothevehiclebeingbookedforinspection.Therepairermustprovideavalidtaxinvoice,intermsofAustralianTaxOfficerequirements,withfulldetailsofthepartsandlabourtorepairthevehicle.Youarerequiredtoretainandpresentallrelevanttaxinvoicesatthetimeoftheinspectiontoverifythelegitimacyoftherepair.TherepairinvoicemustlistthedetailsofthevehicleincludingtheVINnumber;plusfulldetailsoftheremovalandreplacementofparts,repairofparts,refinishing(painting)ofparts,fullpartslisting,labourcontentandadetailedpartslistingforanypartsfromadonorvehiclewiththeVINnumberofthatvehicle(orvehicles)alsolistedthereon.