64DakiniOracle.org © Penny Slinger 201055 WHITE BUFFALO CALF WOMAN EAF She brings the blessing of peace, the air of higher consciousness, to earth, through the fire of the pipe of peace.Who is White Buffalo Calf Woman? The legend of White Buffalo Calf Woman is ancient (2000 years old) and is central to the spiritual practices of many Native American nations. Several versions of her story are told.In the Lakota tradition she is said to have appeared to two warriors as a white buffalo calf which changed into a beautiful young woman.She told them she would return in four days with her sacred bundle, which she did. She spent four days with the people, bestowing on them the seven sacred hoops as seven sacred ceremonies for the basis of culture. She taught them how to be caretakers of the land.The sacred bundle was the pipe, from then on known as the White Buffalo Calf Pipe. She left the pipe in the care of the people saying that one day she would return for it and bring balance and harmony to the world. The birth of a White Buffalo Calf will herald her return.White Buffalo Calf Dakini shows her returning, pregnant with the White Buffalo Calf. The Sioux describe how, amongst many other gifts of culture and spirit, she showed women how their role was of equal importance, so promoting the circle of love that holds men and women together.When she departed, she rolled over four times, each time turning into a different color and revealing that she represents all directions of the medicine wheel, all root races.Buffalo is her vehicle and totem. She brings with her archetype the landscape of North American Indians, written as an eternal cosmic signature in the mindsky.
64DakiniOracle.org © Penny Slinger 2010The Indian world envisioned as the way of culture, as balance of nature and spirit, is a vision in the smoke, a spiritual realm of reality. Location/Sphere of InfluenceNorth America. All places of peace. AlliesBuffalo, sacred smoke.Nature & Description of DakiniAs Angel represents heavenly peace, so White Buffalo Calf Dakinirepresents peace on earth –true culture disseminated amongst the peoples. She bears the buffalo horns upon her head as her crown. She is pregnant with the White Buffalo Calf. Its image decorates the white buckskin in which she is clothed She walks on clouds as she is heaven-sent. In her wake the spirits of many white buffalo can be seen, as spirit beings ready to re-enter the world of the living. She holds the chununpa, the sacred peace pipe. It is decorated with twelve eagle feathers and a thirteenth baby eagle feather to denote the White Buffalo Calf of her prophesized second coming. Seven smoke rings rise from the pipe, representing the seven golden hoops of culture that White Buffalo calf Woman brings.A bank of pinkish clouds surrounds her. This isenvisioned as a giant smoke ring that has been manifested from her prayers, emanating from her and wrapping around the whole planet to safely cocoon and be the midwife for the new era of peace which she is birthing.She is the one who brings peace to earth and executes the cosmic imprint. She is the chosen representative to usher in the new age of the RainbowTtribe, where all peoples live in peace and all colors and nations are honored as one. She is the holder of the integrated Medicine Wheel, where the four directions, the four elements, the four root races, are united in a great medicine work, the work where earthly manifestation is the mirror of Divine design. Peace and harmony can reign again in all the worlds.She offers the pipe of peace, passing thesacred smoke -representing connection to the realm of spirit -around the circle. Her circle includes all races and all peoples, as long as they honor the sacred trust, the sacred bond that recognizes and respects the spirit in all things. This is represented in the image by the habitations that extend across the vision field of the new reality she heralds. There are not only Indian dwellings, but those of different indigenous peoples from around the world, symbolizing the new harmonic which is inclusiverather than exclusive. The whole image represents a new tribalisation.As she is the heavenly gift that graced the American Indians with her presence, her rebirth is a blessing for all who hold the vibration of peace in their hearts. Divinatory Meaning