Prewriting: Classification and Division English Composition : Prewriting: Classification and Division Lesson 7 Overview In this lesson, you’ll examine several more patterns of development. You’ve probably been practicing writing and exploring various approaches to writing since at least junior high, so these techniques will no doubt look familiar. Our purpose is to help you build on what you know and to improve your writing in preparation for real-world communication requirements, as well as college writing. Exam objectives: • Identify the steps in the writing process • Use prewriting, drafting, revising, and editing to write formal, collegelevel essays • Distinguish between different patterns of development © 2020 Penn Foster Inc. English Composition (v4) : Lesson 7 : Page 1 • Apply an appropriate pattern of development to a specific purpose and audience • Write effective thesis statements • Develop paragraphs using topic sentences, adequate detail, supporting evidence, and transitions • Apply the conventions of standard written American English to produce correct, well-written essays 7.1 Use prewriting, drafting, revising, and editing to write a formal, college-level essay Prewriting: Classification and Division READING ASSIGNMENT Prewriting: Classification and Division ( 360//content/index.html#/) ENG100 Prewriting: Classification and Division Instructions VIDEO ASSIGNMENT This video walks students through the requirements for the classification and division prewriting assignment. It also includes submission instructions and grading criteria. This video walks students through the requirements for the classification and division prewriting assignment. It also includes submission instructions and grading criteria. Brightcove Video Title ( efault/index.html?videoId=6032221215001) Prewriting: Classification and Division READING ASSIGNMENT © 2020 Penn Foster Inc. English Composition (v4) : Lesson 7 : Page 2 Classification and Division Prewriting A classification and division essay breaks down a large group or subject into smaller categories to show the unique qualities of each small group. You experience classification every day; for example when you shop online or in a store. Both online and brick-and-mortar stores are classified according to the products they sell. Grocery stores are divided into produce, meat, dairy, canned goods, paper products, cleaning supplies, etc. Relevance: In your work, at some point in time you’ll need to persuade someone. Perhaps you’ll have to persuade a client to vaccinate his or her pet. This assignment serves as practice for this. Prewriting Instructions For your classification and division prewriting, you’ll choose one of the assigned topics and write an outline or graphic organizer to plan and develop your ideas and to help you draft your essay. This assignment is a persuasive assignment. Your thesis statement must present a debatable claim (argument) about your categories. Remember, your goal is to persuade your reader to agree with the argument expressed in the thesis statement. Your characteristics will have to support this argument. Since characteristics are defining qualities, they should be unique to each category. © 2020 Penn Foster Inc. English Composition (v4) : Lesson 7 : Page 3 You don’t need to use text boxes or create flowcharts for your exam. Refer to the sample graphic organizer included in these exam instructions and type your work in a word-processed document. Topic Choose one of the following topics: Music or books or fashion Types of friends Types of activities or hobbies Types of food Places you’ve lived or visited or vacationed Use the Classification and Division Worksheet on your student portal to help you organize your ideas. NOTE: The information you use to prepare your graphic organizer should be based on your own knowledge and experience of your subject. Research isn’t required. However, if you do research or incorporate information from outside or secondary sources, you’re required to cite your sources using APA citation and documentation style. Sample Graphic Organizer Avoid using text boxes, arrows, lines, or flowcharts for your graphic organizer.