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Round: 1 Dec. 31, 2021
The Sixth Sense
Andrews Meghan Brown
Selected Financial Statistics Andrews Baldwin Chester Digby Erie Ferris ROS -2.1% 5.6% 2.6% 4.5% 3.7% 5.1% Asset Turnover 0.88 1.11 1.08 1.08 0.98 1.24 ROA -1.9% 6.3% 2.8% 4.9% 3.6% 6.4% Leverage (Assets/Equity) 2.7 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 ROE -5.0% 12.2% 5.7% 9.7% 7.3% 12.5% Emergency Loan $11,138,525 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Sales $137,570,647 $122,730,173 $117,178,866 $114,897,261 $110,522,189 $111,459,100 EBIT $6,302,931 $16,725,011 $10,756,166 $13,907,850 $12,655,144 $13,784,590 Profits ($2,910,210) $6,901,749 $3,043,885 $5,182,460 $4,111,875 $5,735,317 Cumulative Profit $1,278,298 $11,090,257 $7,232,392 $9,370,967 $8,300,382 $9,923,824 SG&A / Sales 17.3% 12.5% 12.5% 14.0% 9.9% 14.4% Contrib. Margin % 29.9% 32.6% 28.5% 32.8% 28.9% 33.0%
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Stocks & Bonds C116053_044 Round: 1
December 31 , 2021
Stock Market Summary
Company Close Change Shares MarketCap ($M) Book Value PerShare EPS Dividend Yield P/E
Andrews $22.23 ($12.03) 2,379,521 $53 $24.39 ($1.22) $0.00 0.0% -18.2 Baldwin $43.88 $9.63 2,046,274 $90 $27.58 $3.37 $0.00 0.0% 13.0 Chester $36.39 $2.13 2,069,366 $75 $25.79 $1.47 $0.00 0.0% 24.7 Digby $40.52 $6.27 2,015,280 $82 $26.62 $2.57 $0.00 0.0% 15.8 Erie $38.51 $4.25 2,128,085 $82 $26.52 $1.93 $0.00 0.0% 19.9 Ferris $40.65 $6.39 2,000,000 $81 $22.99 $2.87 $3.85 9.5% 14.2
Bond Market Summary Company Series# Face Yield Close$ S&P Andrews 11.0S2022 $6,950,000 11.2% 98.23 C 12.5S2024 $13,900,000 12.6% 98.82 C 14.0S2026 $20,850,000 13.5% 103.52 C 11.3S2031 $18,000,000 12.4% 90.78 C Baldwin 11.0S2022 $993,022 11.1% 99.46 B 12.5S2024 $13,900,000 12.2% 102.18 B 14.0S2026 $20,850,000 12.9% 108.74 B Chester 11.0S2022 $1,788,091 11.1% 99.28 B 12.5S2024 $13,900,000 12.3% 101.69 B 14.0S2026 $20,850,000 13.0% 107.97 B Digby 12.5S2024 $13,828,904 12.3% 101.93 B 14.0S2026 $20,850,000 12.9% 108.35 B Erie 11.0S2022 $3,809,769 11.1% 99.28 B 12.5S2024 $13,900,000 12.3% 101.69 B 14.0S2026 $20,850,000 13.0% 107.97 B Ferris 12.5S2024 $5,899,561 12.3% 101.93 B 14.0S2026 $20,850,000 12.9% 108.35 B
Next Year's Prime Rate 7.50% CAPSTONE® COURIER Page 2
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Financial Summary C116053_044 Round: 1December 31, 2021
Cash Flow Statement Survey Andrews Baldwin Chester Digby Erie Ferris Cash flows from operating activities Net Income (Loss) ($2,910) $6,902 $3,044 $5,182 $4,112 $5,735 Adjustment for non-cash items: Depreciation $9,560 $7,553 $7,573 $7,267 $7,987 $5,853 Extraordinary gains/losses/writeoffs $0 $178 $210 $234 $131 $774 Changes in current assets and liabilities: Accounts payable $4,130 $313 $440 ($153) ($60) ($410) Inventory ($39,752) ($2,459) ($3,101) ($2,284) ($2,101) ($1,612) Accounts receivable ($3,000) ($1,780) ($1,324) ($1,136) ($777) ($854) Net cash from operations ($31,972) $10,706 $6,843 $9,110 $9,291 $9,488
Cash flows from investing activities Plant improvements (net) ($29,600) ($3,875) ($4,770) ($800) ($9,080) $15,220 Cash flows from financing activities Dividends paid $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 ($7,699) Sales of common stock $13,000 $1,585 $2,376 $523 $4,387 $0 Purchase of common stock $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Cash from long term debt issued $18,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Early retirement of long term debt $0 ($5,926) ($5,135) ($6,988) ($3,124) ($15,211) Retirement of current debt $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Cash from current debt borrowing $16,000 $11,359 $11,359 $11,359 $11,359 $11,359 Cash from emergency loan $11,139 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
Net cash from financing activities $58,139 $7,017 $8,599 $4,894 $12,622 ($11,551) Net change in cash position ($3,434) $13,849 $10,672 $13,204 $12,833 $13,156
Balance Sheet Survey Andrews Baldwin Chester Digby Erie Ferris Cash $0 $17,282 $14,106 $16,638 $16,267 $16,590 Accounts Receivable $11,307 $10,087 $9,631 $9,444 $9,084 $9,161 Inventory $48,369 $11,077 $11,718 $10,901 $10,718 $10,229 Total Current Assets $59,676 $38,446 $35,456 $36,982 $36,069 $35,980 Plant and equipment $143,400 $113,300 $113,600 $109,000 $119,800 $87,800 Accumulated Depreciation ($47,493) ($41,320) ($40,773) ($39,867) ($42,987) ($33,520) Total Fixed Assets $95,907 $71,980 $72,827 $69,133 $76,813 $54,280 Total Assets $155,583 $110,426 $108,282 $106,116 $112,882 $90,260