HCS351 – Assignment 5 – AGENCY ANALYSIS
The purpose of this assignment is to develop a profile of the agency students are completing a placement with.
The main objective is to identify and describe the following elements: (i) the historical context of the organisation, (ii) its vision and mission, (iii) the organisational type, structure and culture, (iv) its primary beneficiaries or clients, (v) the main services it offers, (vi) and the ways it delivers its services.
Besides clearly articulating on the elements individually, students will also have to draw consistencies and linkages between them. Students need to discuss how the organisations fits into the broader field/system of human services, social work, community development or international development aid and humanitarian assistance.
Students will be able to critically reflect on and understand the nature of the organisation by undertaking an agency analysis through writing an investigative report.
P/F (40%)
2,000 words (maximum of 10% leeway, excluding list of references).
Due date
No later than one week after placement completion.
Submit via Learnline Assignment 3: Agency Analysis submission point.
Font: Times New Roman, Arial or Century Gothic
Font size: 12
Alignment: Justify
Line spacing:1.5
List of references: Minimum of six academic references
Referencing style: CDU APA 6th
Format: Analytical report format & structure (cover page, table of contents, (executive summary), introduction, body, conclusion, (appendix/annex), list of references.
Study Skills Help
CDU’s Academic Language and Learning Success Program (ALLSP) provides assistance through free tutorials and online seminars regarding academic writing:
Pay special attention to the information provided on this website regarding academic report writing:
The below listed factors may guide you when designing your report. You may focus on specific elements and add additional ones where required. Be mindful of using an academic report format (a report is not an essay) and make sure you do not simply identify and describe the factors listed below. It is expected that you also analyse them to draw consistencies and linkages.