JWI 555: Organizational Change and Culture Academic Submissions and Evaluation Assignment 1: Change Management Simulation: Power and Influence Due Week 3, Day 7 (Weight: 15%) "Don't manage - lead change before you have to." Jack Welch While change is inevitable in business, it is not easy. To lead and manage change, you will need to understand the power of the change agent, urgency, and how to apply the appropriate tools to mobilize commitment to a change initiative. For this assignment, you will evaluate power and influence in building urgency and creating a change coalition to adopt a new initiative. Week 1 - Activities 1. Register for Simulation a. Click on the Run Simulation link b. After you register, your Instructor can assign all 4 scenarios to you so that you can play Week 2 - Activities 2. Play through each of the 4 simulation scenarios (30-45 minutes per scenario). a. Your role and goal: You will adopt the role of CEO or Director of Product Innovation in each scenario. Your goal is to convince a critical mass of key employees to adopt a sustainability initiative. b. How to play: i. Setup – Log in to the simulation, choose one of the 4 scenarios, and explore the site. ii. Prepare – Read the scenario introduction and “how to play” pages iii. Analyze Reports – View a dashboard of company information iv. Decide – Choose the first scenario and play by selecting change levers v. Review Results and Repeat – Continue to analyze and make decisions until 96 weeks occur or the initiative is adopted. c. Play all scenarios. Complete the steps above for each of the 4 scenarios. In 2 scenarios, your role is CEO; in the other 2 scenarios, your role is Director of Product Innovation. © Strayer University. All Rights Reserved. This document contains Strayer University confidential and proprietary information and may not be copied, further distributed, or otherwise disclosed, in whole or in part, without the expressed written permission of Strayer University. This course guide is subject to change based on the needs of the class. 555 Assignment 1 (1182) Page 1 of 5 JWI 555: Organizational Change and Culture Academic Submissions and Evaluation 3. In your Team Workspace, use the Discuss Simulation Experience forum to discuss and debrief your simulation experience with your assigned team. Alternatively, you may hold an online meeting and exchange your ideas. a. Discuss these questions with your team: i. Why were some of you more successful than others? ii. What seemed to work? What didn’t? iii. Were there any common missteps? iv. Did you take any time to diagnose and strategize before you began to act? v. What levers did you find yourself using first? How about later? vi. Takeaways: What things should you do and not do as a CEO? As a Director? Week 3 – Assignment 1 After you have finished your team discussion, write a 3 to 4 page paper that addresses each question below. This is an individual assignment and should synthesize and demonstrate application of your learning from playing the simulation, the team discussion, and course material. 1. Summarize the results you achieved while playing the simulation. a. What did you do well and what were some areas that needed improvement? b. What were the important differences demonstrated from each of the four scenarios? 2. Analyze and discuss at least 3 comparisons between the simulation and what we have learned in the course. 3. How can you apply what you learned in this experience to the company you work for? Disuss at least 2 different applications. 4. What were the similarities and differences between how you did and how others on your team did? What were your biggest takeaways from your team discussion.