Change Management: Power and Influence
Scenario 4: CEO
You are the CEO and founder of Spectrum Sunglass Company. As Spectrum enters its second decade of
operations, its immediate future is looking bright. Externally, the consumer sunglass market is growing
again, and competitive pricing pressures have subsided. Spectrum recently rehired some of the workers
laid off during the last recession, and many departmental budgets have been restored to well-funded,
pre-recession levels. A potential new product design has received positive focus group feedback after the
first phase of development; furthermore, some exciting branding deals with Hollywood celebrities are
under negotiation. Everyone at Spectrum is looking forward to growth and enhanced earnings.
While you generally feel good about the state of the business, you just turned 60 years old, and are
beginning to think about your legacy. You are reading more and more professional articles emphasizing
the importance of sustainable development for business and linking the themes of sustainability and
innovation, such as “Why Sustainability Is Now the Key Driver of Innovation.” At work, you are
frustrated that you don’t have any new sunglass products to offer to the vocal customers who
increasingly express concerns about Spectrum’s environmental impact. Not only does sustainable
development make sense to you personally, from both a moral and an economic standpoint, but you also
see this as an opportunity to differentiate Spectrum’s products and overall company from your
competitors, who focus primarily on price and design. Fortunately, something happens at a trade show
that enables you to act.
At a Spectrum executive strategy retreat in October, you ask for a special, unplanned session to discuss
the conversations you recently had with the company’s largest retail customer, BigMart, which has more
than 1,000 locations across the continental United States. Sales to BigMart constitute 30% of Spectrum’s
annual revenues, representing the company’s top account. Recently, at the annual sunglass-industry
trade show in Las Vegas, a BigMart vice president approached Spectrum’s booth. The executive
explained that he was now in charge of national sunglass procurement for BigMart and that BigMart
Online Simulation Foreground Reading—Change Management Simulation: Power and Influence
recently started an in-house labeling program whereby products that received a "Green Stamp"
manufacturing certification for environmental friendliness would get special promotion. BigMart’s in-
house market research revealed that even its most price-sensitive consumers were starting to prefer green
products within their price range. The VP explained that BigMart was now considering recommending
that all its suppliers go through the Green Stamp certification process.
As your colleagues at the Spectrum retreat listen to your presentation, they become increasingly agitated.
To the CFO’s question of what BigMart’s specific terms are, you reply that Big Mart wants Spectrum to
reduce its dependence on petrochemical raw materials (such as polycarbonate plastics) in the sunglass
manufacturing process from 90% to 50% within two years. The company has also given Spectrum a
quantitative target and deadline to meet. Furthermore, BigMart’s VP not-so-subtly threatened that if
Spectrum doesn’t respond within three months with a detailed implementation plan of how it is going to
reduce its manufacturing dependence on petroleum, then BigMart will consider cancelling its contracts
with Spectrum and shift business to a competitor that has indicated its willingness to comply with these
After you lay out the demands from BigMart, you state that while the timing is unexpected, you think
this is a positive growth opportunity for Spectrum to develop a unique product line for a mass-market
customer base and that you think Spectrum is up to the challenge. At this point, Spectrum’s Sales and
Marketing VP, Leslie Harris, enthusiastically chimes in, agreeing with your perspective. She says that a
sustainability feature will help distinguish the company in the long term and that this marketing angle
may open up new consumer markets for Spectrum’s products (such as exporting to more
environmentally conscious countries in Europe), as well as strengthen its brand among U.S. consumers.
However, Paul D’Arcy, the CFO, cuts short Leslie Harris’ explanation, angrily commenting that Spectrum
can’t afford to start a sustainability project just because BigMart demands it. Because Spectrum is highly
levered, a drop in profitability might put at risk the company’s ability to meet its debt covenants. The
CFO thinks that any green raw material substitutes for petroleum would likely be too expensive for
Spectrum’s manufacturing process, and with no pricing flexibility it would negatively impact Spectrum’s
profit margins. Just when you start to think up counter-arguments to the CFO, you get a double whammy
in the form of Luke Filer, VP of Operations, who says that there is no way that the production operation
will support another major change in raw material inputs. The Spectrum plant has just spent the past 12
months undergoing a grueling Six Sigma quality certification process, and the Spectrum Production
Manager is extremely reluctant to retrain, retool and retest to accommodate the use of "unproven"
environmentally friendly raw material substitutes. Adding fuel to the fire, Louise Orysh, the Benefits
Administrator, comments that Spectrum is still recovering from the recession and has only recently
begun hiring back workers and therefore a dramatic shift to focus on sustainability may be premature.
Breaking the impasse, Mary Gopinath, the VP of Human Resources, suggests that Spectrum needs to give
the BigMart request serious thought and proposes that you, the CEO, head a cross-functional task force to
come to a compromise solution. You agree, suggesting the following plan for the team’s work: (1) that the
four additional members come from Marketing, R&D, Finance, and Production; (2) that they devote at
least 75% of their time to developing a proposal for BigMart that is acceptable to all four departments; (3)
that you will devote 50% of your time to the task force, while juggling your responsibilities as CEO; and
(4) that the task force will present Spectrum’s senior management team with a financially acceptable plan
to use petrochemical alternatives within three months.
The management team at the retreat concurs with your task force proposal. As the retreat ends and
everyone heads to dinner, you start pondering the numerous issues and obstacles to overcome in
developing an acceptable plan for BigMart within three months. Your central challenge is to convince
your team that a dramatic change in the organization’s strategy and products is necessary and that
environmental sustainability is critical to the firm’s future – no small task in a relatively short period of
time. However, when BigMart tells Spectrum to jump, the usual response is to ask, "How high?"
Fortunately, you also have the formal authority and widespread respect throughout the organization to
tackle this challenge in a meaningful way.
Online Simulation Foreground Reading—Change Management Simulation: Power and Influence
Scenario 4: Organizational Structure for Spectrum Sunglass
YOU Chief Executive Officer
Paul D'Arcy
Chief Financial Officer
Bob Ingram Corporate Controller
Walt James
Director, Information Systems
Deborah Edge
VP, R & D
Nancy Kerr
Director, Product Innovation
Yao Li
Director, Process Innovation
Luke Filer
VP, Operations
Diane McNatt
Plant Manager
Mark Roberto
Paul Schenian
Mary Gopinath
VP, Human Resources
Ian Newman
Director, Health &
Louise Orysh
Director, Benefits Administration
Leslie Harris
VP , Sales & Marketing
Sam Puffer
Director, Marketing
Regina Quinn
Director, Sales
Anne Thompson
Manager, Customer Relations
Michelle Barth Administrative Assistant
Andrew Chen
General Counsel
Applied Sciences
Architecture and Design
Business & Finance
Computer Science
Environmental science
Human Resource Management
Information Systems
Political Science
Social Science
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