Word/Excel/Access 2013: Integrated Project 4
Integrated Project 4
For this project, you create a brochure for Placer Hills Real Estate using information from an Access database and Excel workbook. You create a report and parameter query in Access and use formulas, functions, and formatting in Excel.
[Student learning outcomes Word - 1.1, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5, 1.6, 2.1, 2.7, 4.1, 4.2, 4.3; Excel – 1.1, 1.2, 1.4, 1.5, 1.6, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4; Access – 1.1, 1.2, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5, 3.6, 4.4, 4.6]
Files Needed PHRE-ListingsBrochure.docx , PHRE-Logo.png , PHRE-Listings.accdb , PHRE-Sales.xlsx, Completed Project File Names: [your initials] Integrated Project 3a.docx , [your initials] Integrated Project 3b.accdb , and [your initials] Integrated Project 3c.xlsx .
Skills Covered in this Project
Change page orientation and margins.
Apply a style to selected text.
Modify and update a style.
Apply a Theme and Style Set.
Insert and position a picture.
Use the Report Wizard to create a report in Access.
Add fields, define a group level, and sort a report.
Use AutoFit Column Width.
Create a query in Design view.
Add criteria and a parameter to a query.
Sort the query.
Type a parameter value on a parameter query.
Copy query results and paste into Word.
Create and copy a formula in Excel.
Insert the AVERAGE function.
Apply formatting and Cell Styles to a worksheet.
Copy data from Excel and paste the data into Word.
Delete a row in a table.
Apply a table style and change table style options.
Change row height and cell alignment.
1. Open the PHRE-ListingsBrochure document from your student data files and save it as [your initials] Integrated Project 4a .
2. Change page layout, apply formatting and styles, and modify styles.
a. Change the page orientation to Landscape.
b. Change the top margin to 0.75” and the bottom margin to 0.5”.
c. Apply the Title style to the first line of text.
d. Apply the Heading 1 style to each of the other headings; don’t apply the style to the blank line below each heading.
e. Apply the Circuit theme and Shaded style set to the document.
f. Select the title, change the font size to 20 pt., change the font color to Black, Text 1, apply bold formatting, center the title.
g. Delete the space between “Rocklin” and “Listings” in the title and insert a line break (Shift+Enter) between these two words.
h. Select the first heading with the Heading 1 style applied, change the font color to Black, Text 1, apply bold formatting, center the text, and apply 12 pt. before and after paragraph spacing.
i. With the text still selected, update the Heading 1 style to match the selection. The other headings should change to the updated Heading 1 style.
3. Insert and position a picture.
a. Move your insertion point to the beginning of the document.
b. Insert the PHRE-Logo picture from your student data files.
c. Change the text wrapping to In Front of Text.
d. Change the Horizontal Absolute position to 8.7” to the right of Page.
e. Change the Vertical Absolute position to 0.2” below Page.
4. Save the document and leave it open.
5. Open the PHRE-Listings Access database from your student data files and save it as [your initials] Integrated Project 4b .
6. Create a report based on a table using the Report Wizard.
a. Use the Report Wizard to create a report using fields from the Listings table.
b. Use the following fields in the report: ListPrice, Address, City, SqFt, Beds, Baths, Garage, and YearBuilt.
c. Add City as a grouping level.
d. Sort first by Beds in descending order and then SqFt in descending order.
e. Select Outline layout, change the orientation to Landscape, and check the box to adjust the field widths so all fields fit on one page (if it is not already selected).
f. Title the report PHRE Listings by City.
g. Finish and preview the report.
h. Close the report.
7. Create a parameter query with multiple criteria.
a. Create a new query in Design view using fields from the Listings table.
b. Use the following fields in the query: ListingID, DateListed, ListPrice, Address, City, SqFt, Beds, Baths, Garage, and YearBuilt.
c. Add criteria to query for homes with a list price of less than $400,000 (don’t use $ or thousands separator) and between 3 and 4 bedrooms.
d. Sort by SqFt in descending order.
e. Add a parameter to the query in the City field that prompts users for a parameter value. Type [Enter the City] as the parameter.
f. Save the query as CityListings.
8. Run the query and copy results to the open Word document.
a. Run the CityListings query and type Roseville when prompted to enter a parameter value. Only those listings in Roseville that are less than $400,000 and have 3 or 4 bedrooms are displayed (Figure 1).
b. Select and copy the results of the query. Don’t include the last mostly blank row.
Figure 1 Integrated Project 4b, CityListing query, Roseville parameter
c. Return to the Word document, place your insertion point on the blank line below the first city heading, and use Ctrl+V to paste the results.
d. Repeat steps 8a-c to query for Rocklin and paste the results in the appropriate area in the Word document.
9. Save and close the Access database.
10. Open the PHRE-Sales Excel workbook from your student data files and save it as [your initials] Integrated Project 4c .
11. Insert a formula and function and copy the formulas to other cells.
a. Select cell K3 and create a formula to calculate price per square feet based on the selling price.
b. Copy this formula to K4:K10.
c. Select cell A11 and type Averages.
d. Insert an AVERAGE function to calculate the average Days On The Market.
e. Copy this function to calculate the averages of SqFt, List Price, Sell Price, and Price per SqFt.
12. Format the worksheet.
a. Format the calculated values in the Averages row consistent with the values above them; make them consistent in number format, decimal places, and alignment.
b. Merge & Center the first row and apply the Heading 1 cell style.
c. Apply the 40% - Accent1 cell style and bold formatting to the column headings in the second row.
d. Apply the Total cell style to the last row.
e. Rename the worksheet tab November Sales (Figure 2).
Figure 2 Integrated Project 4c completed
13. Copy A2:K11 and paste it below the last heading (“November Sales”) in the Word document.
14. Return to the Excel workbook and save and close it.
15. Return to the Word document and customize the tables.
a. Delete the first row containing “CityListings” from each of the first two tables.
b. Select the first table, change the font size to 10 pt., and AutoFit Window.
c. Apply the Grid Table 2 table style, and select Header Row and Banded Rows as the table style options; all other options should be deselected.
d. Repeat steps 15b and c on each of the other two tables.
e. Select the last table, change the row height to 0.14”, and select Total Row in the table style options.
f. In the last table, select the first row, and use the Table Properties dialog box to align text in these cells at the Bottom; don’t change the horizontal alignment of these column headings.
16. Delete the blank line below each of the first two tables.
17. Save and close the Word document (Figure 3).
Figure 3 Integrated Project 4a completed
Office 2013: In Practice Word/Excel/Access—Integrated Project 4 Page 4 of 4