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Charles darwin university apa referencing quiz

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NUR341 Assessment Guide pg. 0 Charles Darwin University, 2017


NUR341 Healthy Ageing

Assessment Guide

NUR341 Assessment Guide pg. 1 Charles Darwin University, 2017


NUR341 Assessment Overview ............................................................................................................... 1

Summary of Key Concepts from the NUR341 Unit Outline .................................................................... 2

NUR341 Learning Outcomes ................................................................................................................... 2

Semester 1, 2017 Weekly Plan ............................................................................................................... 3

Collaborate Classes ................................................................................................................................. 4

Discussion Board Part A: Stereotyping the Older Adult in Healthcare ................................................... 5

Discussion Board Part A Marking Rubric ................................................................................................. 6

Written Assignment: Concept Collation and Amalgamation .................................................................. 7

Written Assignment Marking Rubric ...................................................................................................... 8

Written Assignment Template Required for Submission ....................................................................... 9

Discussion Board Part B: Quality Care of the Older Adult .................................................................... 10

Discussion Board Part B Marking Rubric ............................................................................................... 11

Case Study: Promoting Lola’s Independence ....................................................................................... 12

Case Study Marking Rubric ................................................................................................................... 13

Health Assessment for 75+: MBS 703 .................................................................................................. 14

Commonly Used Acronyms in Health Assessment ............................................................................... 18

Case Study Template Required for Submission .................................................................................... 19

CDU APA 6th Referencing Style Fundamentals: ..................................................................................... 20

NUR341 Assessment Overview

Description Topic Word Count

% Week Due Date

Discussion Board Post A [DBA]

Stereotyping the OA in Healthcare 500 10% 3 17th March, 4pm

Written Assignment [WA]

Concept Collation and Amalgamation

2000 40% 6 7th April, 4pm

Discussion Board Post B [DBB]

Quality Care of the Older Adult 500 10% 9 5th May, 4pm

Case study [CS] Promoting Lola’s Independence 2000 40% 11 19th May, 4pm

NUR341 Assessment Guide pg. 2 Charles Darwin University, 2017

Summary of Key Concepts from the NUR341 Unit Outline

PASSING NUR341: In order to pass NUR341 you must receive an overall grade of 50%, without exception.

RESUMBISSIONS: Resubmissions after failing an assessment piece are NOT offered in this unit, without exception.

PLAIGIARISM: Any evidence of plagiarism will be subject to the CDU Student Breach of Academic Integrity policy. The NUR341 Unit Coordinator has a zero-tolerance policy for plagiarism.

DISCUSSION BOARD: Extensions or late submissions are NOT offered or accepted for either Discussion Board posts, without exception. Technical issues can occur with last minute submissions – students are advised to organise their time effectively to avoid this possibility. The submission portal will disappear at 4pm CST sharp on due dates – please convert this time for your individual time- zone.

EXTENSIONS: Extensions to the written assignment or case study must be:

a. Requested prior to the due date and time; b. Requested for reasons that meet the acceptable extension criteria of the CDU

Higher Education Assessment Procedures (p6 & 7), and c. Supported with documented evidence of the reason (i.e. medical certificate,

email from employer, statutory declaration), and d. Accompanied by a copy of your rough draft, and e. Accompanied by proof of interaction with the “unpacking” collaborate classes.

NUR341 Learning Outcomes

On completion of NUR341, a student should be able to:

1. Demonstrate knowledge of the ageing process and associated complexities and relevant

nursing care. 2. Demonstrate an awareness of personal, cultural and ethnicity attitudes and beliefs and how

they affect nursing care. 3. Identify the range of services available to older people across the continuum of care. 4. Initiate and implement the nursing process to deliver appropriate, quality nursing care to

older persons displaying different conditions and in a range of environments. 5. Examine comprehensive assessments of the older person 6. Assess the importance of the role of the nurse in the interdisciplinary approach to care

planning and implementation of care.

NUR341 Assessment Guide pg. 3 Charles Darwin University, 20172017

Semester 1, 2017 Weekly Plan


Week 1 27th Feb

Lecture: Introduction to Healthy Ageing

Tutorial – internal


Week 2 6th March

Lecture: Normal Changes of Ageing

Tutorial – internal


Week 3 13th March

Lecture: Assessment Of The Older Adult

Collaborate: Unpacking the

NUR341 Written Assignment [WA] (ESSENTIAL) 1pm

Collaborate: Researching for the

NUR341 WA 1pm


Collaborate: Academically Writing the

NUR341 WA 1pm

Discussion Board Part A 4pm

Week 4 20th March

Lecture: Healthy Ageing Principles &


Tutorial – internal students

Week 5 27th March

Lecture: Pharmacology and the Older Adult


“Question Time: WA” 7pm


Week 6 3rd April

Lecture: Cognitive & Sensory Changes

Tutorial – internal


Written Assignment (WA)


Week 7 10th April

Lecture: Mobility, Safety & Elimination

Tutorial – internal


Semester Break


Week 8 24th April

Lecture: Skin Integrity, Nutrition And


Collaborate: Unpacking the

NUR341 CS 1pm


Week 9 1st May

PUBLIC HOLIDAY Lecture: Concepts

Affecting Quality Of Life

Tutorial – internal students

Discussion Board

Part B 4pm

Week 10 8th May

Lecture: Supporting Older Adults In


Collaborate: “Question Time: CS”

7pm Tutorial – internal


Week 11 15th May

Online Learning Modules: PCC4U

Tutorial – internal


Case Study 4pm

Week 12 22nd May


NUR341 Assessment Guide pg. 4 Charles Darwin University, 2017

Collaborate Classes

Six collaborate classes will be offered this semester, in addition to the weekly content lectures, in order to assist you to be successful in passing the NUR341 major assessment pieces. All collaborate sessions will be recorded and available a few hours after the live class. Please take into account your individual time zone (and daylight savings) and convert as needed.

•This class will be hosted by the CDU School of Health Librarian, Ms Lisa Ban, and will aim to show you how to locate relevant academic sources for the WA. If you are rusty on ‘what’ academically appropriate resources are, and how to find them, this is the session for you!

•DATE: 15th March, 1pm CST


•This interactive session will be hosted by Amanda Janssen, from the CDU Academic Language and Learning and Success Program (ALLSP). The session will demonstrate how to write your WA with appropriate academic structure, including topic sentences and supporting sentences. Take advantage of the hints and tricks that Amanda will share with you to increase your marks!

•DATE: 16th March, 1pm CST


•These unstructured sessions are an opportunity for you to ask your unit coordinator questions directly about the major assessment pieces for NUR341, and to learn collaboratively with your peers. Plenty of hints are given in these sessions. All participants are expected to have watched the relevant “unpacking session” prior to participating in these classes. These classes are held after hours to allow more students to participate and interact. External students are very much encouraged to attend.

•WA Date: 29th March, 7pm CST

•CS Date: 10th May, 7pm CST


•These sessions explain how to approach the major assessment peices and further explanations and examples of expectations. Essential viewing for both internal and external students. In order to apply for an extension for the WRITTEN ASSIGNMENT and/or CASE STUDY you will need to provide proof of your engagement with the unpacking lectures – further information is provided within the unpacking collaborate classes.

•WA Date: 14th March, 1pm CST

•CS Date: 26th April, 1pm CST


•Your computer will need to have Java and the Blackboard Collaborate Launcher downloaded and installed. It’s a good idea to download these programs and confirm tech stuff 24 hours prior to the scheduled session.

•For instructions on getting started go to: learnline.cdu.edu.au/learnline/onlineclassroom.

•Should you have any problems with any tech aspects, phone the lovely people at the 24 hour LearnLine Support Hotline on 1800 559 347


NUR341 Assessment Guide pg. 5 Charles Darwin University, 20172017

Discussion Board Part A: Stereotyping the Older Adult in Healthcare

Word Limit 500 words: a. Includes in-text references, excludes reference list or headings b. 400 words are to be in your initial post c. 1 x 100 word commentary on other students’ post

Value 10%

Due Date Week 3: Friday, 17th March 2017 4pm CST (sharp) NB: No extensions or late submissions are accepted for this assessment (except in circumstances of late enrolment (Monday, Week 2 and later) to the unit at the UC discretion). The discussion board will disappear at 4pm sharp on the due date.

DB Rationale Despite the commonality of active, independent older adults, negative stereotypes and preconceptions of older adults are common in our society. This assessment will increase your awareness of how stereotypes of ageing shape our perceptions of older adults. Clinically, this awareness will allow you to provide accurate and safe care that is unbiased by stereotypes.

Learning Outcomes 1, 2, 4

Relevant Lectures Week 1 and Week 2

DB Task

Two nurses are receiving handover of an 87-year-old gentleman from a theatre RN after major surgery. The senior nurse says to the other ward nurse ‘I don’t know why surgeons keep insisting on doing these big surgeries on such old people!’ PART A – 400 words Use research to answer the following questions:

a. What do you think this opinion is based on? b. Discuss how this scenario could affect the patient. Include both short term effects,

during the acute admission and the longer-term effects after discharge. c. What are the ramifications of a senior nurse expressing this opinion? d. How would you respond to this statement?

PART B – 100 words x 1 Reply to another student post on how they would choose to respond to the statement. Use research to further support their response.

Presentation Use clear, coherent English that demonstrates progression towards the standard for written communication for professional nursing practice in Australia; remember that your ability to write clearly, correctly and unambiguously relates to your ability to write clear and safe patient notes. Type your post directly into the space provided – Do not attach a word document. Students are expected to follow reference list presentation conventions, however the unit coordinator understands that the discussion board can occasionally alter the presentation and formatting of submitted posts – don’t panic!

References Referencing Style: APA 6th as per the CDU Guidelines Minimum 3 academic quality references, dated between 2010 – 2017 only Peer reviewed research articles or NUR341 prescribed/recommended text only – no consumer websites NB: The unit coordinator of NUR341 has a zero-tolerance policy for plagiarism.

NUR341 Assessment Guide pg. 6 Charles Darwin University, 2017

Discussion Board Part A Marking Rubric

Criteria Below Standard At Standard Exceeds Standard

Q u

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4 M

ar ks

Demonstrates limited understanding of clinical

stereotypes and/or insufficient/no rationale provided to justify an understanding of the effect of

stereotypes in healthcare. And/or inability to answer all parts of the

question. (0)

Developing understanding of the clinical impact of stereotypes and

the impact on society. Satisfactory rationale provided to justify

understanding. All parts of the question addressed to a

satisfactory level, with the demonstration of broad

understanding of concepts in context. (1-2)

Insightful understanding of clinical impacts and societal

impacts of stereotyping. Accomplished understanding of

the ageing process and/or exceptional rationale provided.

All elements of the question addressed with well-considered

and relevant responses. Creative and original response. (3-4)

A ca

d em

ic L

it er

ac y:

2 M

ar ks

Poor written expression. Word count insufficient or excessive. Ambiguous or unclear syntax. Frequent spelling, grammar or

punctuation errors. (0)

Written expression and clarity of ideas is satisfactory and within word count. Minimal spelling,

grammar, punctuation and syntax errors. (1)

Writing is eloquent and within word count. Excellent attention

to correct spelling, grammar, punctuation and syntax. (2)

R ep

ly Q

u al

it y:

2 M

ar ks

Reply postings had questionable relationship to topic under

discussion and/or superficial feedback with little or no evidence of thoughtful evolution of concepts

with research. (0)

Concepts and insights were adequately incorporated into

responses. Effort and research support is evident in the evolution

of the concepts. (1)

Concepts and broader insights were eloquently incorporated into responses. Significant and

substantial effort is evident in the reply post, reflecting a deeper

understanding of the issues. (2)

A ca

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R ef

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2 M

ar ks

Consistent minimal attempts at APA referencing with consistent non-adherence to guidelines. (0)

Satisfactory use of CDU APA 6th guidelines. (1)

Exceptional CDU APA 6th referencing of publication quality.


How to Post to the Discussion Board A: 1. Click the relevant assessment link on the left-hand side in NUR341 (i.e. “1. Discussion Board A”)

2. Click “Discussion Board Part A – Submission”

3. Click the grey Create Thread button

4. Enter the Subject and Message you would like to post in the appropriate text boxes

5. Click the Submit button to post your message (Note: If you click on Save Draft the message will be saved, but

will not be posted for other participants to see.).

How to Reply to a Post: 1. Click Discussion Board A on the left-hand side in NUR341

2. Click Discussion Board Part A - Submission

3. Review other students’ posts

4. Select the green Reply button to reply to another students’ post.

NB: You will not be able to see your posts until they have been marked as 'read.' Do not panic! If you wish to confirm

that you have submitted your three posts successfully, please repeat step one of “how to post.” Once you have 2

postings (one is your initial post, and the other is a reply to another student) on the discussion board submitted

successfully, you will see a “receipt of submission message”

NUR341 Assessment Guide pg. 7 Charles Darwin University, 2017

Written Assignment: Concept Collation and Amalgamation

Word Limit 2000 words (+/- 10%) including in-text referencing, excluding reference list

Value 40%

Due Date Week 6: Friday, 7th April 2017, 4pm CST

WA Rationale

Nursing is set to undergo fundamental changes in response to Australia’s ageing population. These changes are largely driven by an ageing cohort whose characteristics differ substantially from those of previous generations (Gemici, 2016). This WA (written assignment) will give you the opportunity to gain a deeper understanding of the first 5 weeks of concepts discussed in NUR341. Completing this WA will further develop your critical thinking skills, strengthen your ability to document clearly and concisely, and will allow you to reflect on the specific skills and knowledge that you will need in order to meet the needs of an ageing demographic.

Learning Outcomes 1, 3, 4, 5, 6

Relevant Lectures Weeks 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5

Documents Required

1. Written Assignment Template 2. Separate Submission NUR341 WA Reference List

WA Task

1. View the pre-recorded lecture for Weeks 1 – 5 for NUR341. The links for these lectures will be sent to

your student email account each Monday, or you can move ahead by accessing all links via the “Lectures and Materials” link on the NUR341 Learnline site. Please note that the Lecture for Week 1 will include both housekeeping and concept content. This housekeeping section is not to be included in the WA.

2. Identify 5 concise key messages, or most important points, of each lecture (5 messages per lecture). 3. From each key message, identify the relevant key words (1-3 words per key message). 4. Analyse and apply each key message to the clinical area. Support each concise statement with

academic research. Steps 2, 3 & 4 should total 1000 words. 5. Analyse and evaluate the concepts of the previous week’s lecture/s and link them to the concepts

outlined in the next lecture. Write an academically structured paragraph (250 words each) outlining how the concepts are related, supported by academic research. Step five needs to be completed for weeks 2, 3, 4 and 5 only.

IMPORTANT: There will be a collaborate session to unpack this assessment further and it is essential that all

students, internal and external, view this.

Presentation Font: Size 10 Calibri.

Spacing: single

Footer: Name, student number and phone number e.g. Peta Harbour_s1410204_0404 123 123.

This assessment must be presented on a pre-formatted template, available via “Assessment Overview.” Do not use bullet points

Word (or equivalent) document. PDF documents will not be accepted.

Use clear, coherent English that demonstrates progression towards the standard for written communication

for professional nursing practice in Australia; remember that your ability to write clearly, correctly

and unambiguously relates to your ability to write clear and safe patient notes.

References Referencing Style: APA 6th as per the CDU Guidelines

Minimum 14 academic quality references dated between 2011 – 2017.

Peer reviewed research articles or NUR341 prescribed/recommended text only – no consumer websites. Reference list is to be submitted in a separate document under the “Reference List - WA” portal.

A draft submission portal is available to check your work for accidental plagiarism prior to submission.

NUR341 Assessment Guide pg. 8 Charles Darwin University, 20172017

Written Assignment Marking Rubric


Well Below Standard

Below Standard

At Standard

Above Standard

Exceeds Standard

K e

y M

es sa


Id e

n ti

fi ca

ti o


: 5

M ar

ks Key concepts and messages

presented are regularly irrelevant or poorly connected to weekly topics. (0 – 1)

Key messages concepts presented are mostly relevant to weekly topics. (2)

Key messages and concepts presented are a satisfactory capture of weekly topics. (3)

Key messages and concepts presented are mostly an accurate collection of weekly topics. (4)

Key messages and concepts are consistently and accurately captured each week. (5)

A n

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is a

n d


p p

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1 0

M ar

ks Work shows a superficial

understanding of key messages as application of the messages to the clinical area is extremely poor. (0 - 2)

Work shows a limited understanding of key messages on application to the clinical area. (3-4)

Work shows a developing understanding of key messages in relation to the clinical application. (5 - 6)

Work demonstrates a good understanding of key messages by thoughtful interpretation and application to a clinical area. (7 - 8)

Work demonstrates a confident understanding and interpretation of key messages by creative and insightful application to the clinical area. (9 - 10)

Sy n

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si zi

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an d


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1 5

M ar


Consistent unexplained, unsupported, or superficial inferences regarding connections between topics, reflects little to no comprehension of unit resources. (0 – 2)

Uses superficial interpretation to force connections between topics; reflecting a limited comprehension of unit resources. (3 – 5)

Interprets information from a few sources to a satisfactory standard to develop connections between topics; comprehends basic meaning of unit resources. (6 – 9)

Accurately interprets information from multiple credible academic sources to support consistent & appropriate connections between topics; demonstrates comprehension of deeper meaning of unit resources. (10 – 12)

Insightfully interprets information from credible academic sources to support original, insightful and creative connections between topics; outstanding comprehension of unit resources. (13 – 15)

A ca

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ra cy

: 1

0 M

ar ks

Poor written expression that lacks clarity of ideas. Frequent errors in spelling, grammar, punctuation, syntax or paragraph structure. Template not used. Syntax is consistently flowery or ambiguous. Excessive or insufficient word count. (0 - 1)

Awkward written expression with limited ability to express ideas clearly. Insufficient attention to proofreading spelling, grammar, punctuation and syntax. Below standard academic paragraph structure. Syntax is flowery in parts or direct quotes detract from word count. (2)

Written expression and clarity of ideas is generally satisfactory. Spelling, grammar, punctuation and syntax need more consistency. Attempt at academic paragraph structure, some errors. Word count within academic standard with consistent attempts at concise writing with some errors. (3)

Written expression is clear, able to express ideas readily. Consistent attention to correct spelling, grammar, punctuation, syntax and academic paragraph structure. Inconsistent minimal errors. Syntax is mostly concise and cohesive. (4)

Excellence demonstrated in expression of ideas. Writing is eloquent and sophisticated; a joy to read. Excellent attention to correct spelling, grammar, punctuation and syntax. Outstanding academic paragraph structure. Syntax is consistently concise, clear and cohesive. (5)

A ca

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R e

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5 m

ar ks

Consistent minimal attempts at APA referencing with consistent non-adherence to guidelines. (0 - 1)

Substantial amount of missing in-text citations o unsatisfactory use of CDU APA 6th guidelines. (2)

Satisfactory use of CDU APA 6th guidelines. (3)

Excellent and consistent referencing using CDU APA 6th guidelines. (4)

Exceptional CDU APA 6th referencing of publication quality. (5)

NUR341 Assessment Guide pg. 9 Charles Darwin University, 20172017

Written Assignment Template Required for Submission

Key Word/s Key Messages Relevance To The Clinical Area Link To Previous Lecture/s

Week One: Introduction to Healthy Ageing




Week Two: Normal Changes of Ageing

Week Three: Assessment of the Older Adult

Week Four: Healthy Ageing Principles and PHC

Week Five: Pharmacology and the Older Adult

Use the separate document, avaliable in the zipped

file to complete your assessment.

NUR341 Assessment Guide pg. 10 Charles Darwin University, 20172017

Discussion Board Part B: Quality Care of the Older Adult

Word Limit 500 words:

a. Includes in-text references, excludes reference list b. 400 words in your initial post c. 100 word commentary on another students post

Value 10%

Due Date Week 9: Friday, 5th May 2017, 4pm CST (sharp) NB: No extensions or late submissions are accepted for this assessment

DB Rationale Registered nurses play a significant role in ensuring that the outcomes of care enhance the quality of life for older adults. Attitudes and approaches towards patients are often informed by societal, cultural and personal beliefs, which at times can affect the quality of care provided. Having a sound awareness of these issues will promote the provision of consistent quality nursing care to the older adult (Bernoth & Winkler, 2017).

Learning Outcomes 1, 2, 4

Relevant Lectures Week 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 & 7

DB Task Choose ONE of the following issues, relevant to the OLDER ADULT:

Poor pain management of patients with Dementia Nursing home patients in acute care wards Late administration of Parkinson’s medications Care rationing: mouth cares Tick & flick approaches to falls assessment documentation Bedpan or pads instead of regular toileting Poor communication between hospital and GP’s on discharge Delirium assumed to be Dementia

Identify the impact on patients from your chosen issue. Why are older adult patients more susceptible to this issue? How do we, as new registered nurses, prevent these issues from ‘becoming the norm’ in an acute hospital setting? Your arguments must be supported by research. (400 words) Respond to one other topic, different to the one you posted, as presented by another student. Include in your response further strategy to avoid/manage these situations, informed by research. (100 words)

Presentation Type your post directly into the space provided – Do not attach a word document. The same formatting considerations apply from Discussion Board Post A

References Referencing Style: APA 6th as per the CDU Guidelines Minimum 3 academic quality references, dated between 2011 – 2017 only NB: The unit coordinator of NUR341 has a zero-tolerance policy for plagiarism.

How to Post to the Discussion Board B (NB – this is slightly different from posting for Part A!!) 1. Click the relevant assessment link on the left-hand side in NUR341 (i.e. 1. Discussion Board B)

2. Click Discussion Board Part B – Submission

3. Click on the issue you have chosen to write about

4. Click the GREEN Reply button on the topic on the original post from Peta Harbour 5. Enter the Subject and Message you would like to post in the appropriate text box

6. Click the Submit button to post your message (Note: If you click on Save Draft the message will be saved for

you to work on, but will not be posted for marking).

How to Reply to a Post: 1. Click Discussion Board B on the left-hand side in NUR341

2. Click Discussion Board Part B - Submission

3. Choose a thread on a topic different to the one you originally posted in and review posts.

4. Select the green Reply button to reply to another students’ post.

NB: You will not be able to see your posts until they have been marked as 'read' by the unit coordinator. Do not panic! If

you wish to confirm that you have submitted your three posts successfully, please repeat step one of “how to post.”

Once you have 3 postings on the discussion board submitted successfully, you will see a “receipt of submission message”

NUR341 Assessment Guide pg. 11 Charles Darwin University, 20172017

Discussion Board Part B Marking Rubric

Criteria Below Standard At Standard Exceeds Standard

Q u

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4 M

ar ks

Understanding of the of overall issue or assignment criteria is

limited, superficial or of a poor quality. Insufficient/no rationale

provided to demonstrate understanding, lack of connections

between research and patient ramifications. Inability to answer

all parts of the question. (0)

Developing ability to interpret and address overall issue and assignment

criteria. Satisfactory rationale provided to justify developing

understanding. Developing ability to apply research to specific issue. All

parts of the question addressed to a satisfactory level. (1 – 3)

Demonstrated accomplished ability to interpret and address risks, ramifications and assignment

criteria. All elements of the question addressed with well-considered and

well justified responses linked to patient outcomes. (3 – 4)

A ca

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2 M

ar ks

Poor written expression. Word count insufficient or excessive. Ambiguous or unclear syntax.

Frequent spelling, grammar and/or punctuation errors. (0)

Written expression and clarity of ideas is satisfactory and within word count. Minimal spelling, grammar, punctuation and syntax errors. (1)

Writing is eloquent and within word count. Excellent attention to correct spelling, grammar, punctuation and

syntax. (2)

R e

p ly

Q u

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2 M

ar ks

Reply postings had questionable relationship to topic under

discussion and/or superficial feedback with little or no evidence

of thoughtful evolution of concepts (0)

Concepts and insights were adequately incorporated into

responses. Effort is evident in the evolution of concepts (1)

Broader insights were eloquently incorporated into responses.

Significant and substantial effort is evident in the evolution of concepts that reflects a deeper understanding

of the issues. (2)

A ca

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2 M

ar ks

Consistent minimal attempts at APA referencing with consistent non-adherence to guidelines. (0)

Satisfactory use of CDU APA 6th guidelines. (1)

Exceptional CDU APA 6th referencing of publication quality. (2)

NUR341 Assessment Guide pg. 12 Charles Darwin University, 20172017

Case Study: Promoting Lola’s Independence

Word Limit 2000 words +/- 10%; including in-text referencing, excluding reference list.

Value 40%

Due Date Week 11: Friday, 19th May 2017, 4pm CST

Case Study Rationale

An RN’s role in healthy ageing is to identify and utilise the functional strengths of the older person, assist them to maximise their independence and to minimise the impacts of disability and disease (Moyle, Parker and Bramble, 2014). This case study will develop your ability to identify factors that inhibit independence and diminish quality of life in the older adult, and advocate for community based strategies or supports that will increase your patients’ holistic wellbeing.

Learning Outcomes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6

Relevant Lectures All lectures.

Documents Required

1. Lola’s completed over 75 Health Assessment (page 14 of this document) 2. Case Study Template 3. Separate Submission NUR341 CS Reference List

Case Study Question

Mrs Lola Anderson presents to her GP clinic and has completed her over 75 annual health assessment with her regular GP (see page 14 of this document). As the practice RN, you are asked to review this assessment and identify four (4) main issues that are affecting your patients’ independence or wellbeing. An appropriate issue to be chosen is one that:

a. is currently affecting Lola’s independence or wellbeing, and/or b. will affect her future independence or wellbeing and/or c. there is solid research evidence regarding the risk and the impact on older adults.

Your ability to link concepts will be essential when completing this template, as Lola will present with secondary signs and symptoms, in addition to an established past medical history, both of which will need to be considered and integrated into your template. Evidence based practice and basic nursing principles must inform both your primary health care interventions and rationale.

Your mapping should consider Lola’s holistic wellbeing, and have a primary health care focus. For each issue identified, one referral must be included to a service that is available in your community (total 4 referrals), that will assist Lola’s independence or wellbeing. You are required to outline the referral process for each service. One of your referrals must be to CHSP, choosing one service that is available.

You may use poetic license (that still reflects the information within the health assessment) to expand on details of your patients’ life, in order to complete a holistic plan to promote Lola’s independence.

IMPORTANT: There will be a lecture to unpack this question further and it is essential that all

students, both internal and external, view this.

Presentation Font: Size 10 Calibri. Spacing: single Footer: Name, student number and phone number e.g.: Peta Harbour_s1410204_0404 123 123. This assessment must be presented on a pre-formatted template, available via “Assessment Overview.” Do not use bullet points Word (or equivalent) document. PDF documents will not be accepted. Use clear, coherent English that demonstrates progression towards the standard for written

communication for professional nursing practice in Australia; remember that your ability to write clearly, correctly and unambiguously relates to your ability to write clear and safe patient notes.

Acronyms and abbreviations accepted within the template if required.

References Referencing Style: APA 6th as per the CDU Guidelines. Minimum 14 academic quality references dated between 2011 – 2017. Peer-reviewed research articles or prescribed texts must be used, with the only exception being

consumer websites relevant to the “referrals” section. Reference list is to be submitted in a separate document via the “Reference List – CS” portal A draft submission portal is available to check your work for accidental plagiarism prior to submission.

NUR341 Assessment Guide pg. 13 Charles Darwin University, 20172017

Case Study Marking Rubric

Criteria Well Below Standard

Below Standard

At Standard

Above Standard

Exceeds Standard

Key Issue Identificatio n: 5 Marks

Inability to identify appropriate key issues. Or multiple issues identified that are well managed and do not affect the patients’ independence, to the exclusion of key issues.

Demonstrated limited ability to identify issues. Some issues identified are well managed do not affect the patients’ independence. Key issues only briefly identified as a concern.

Basic identification of mostly key issues affecting the patients’ independence.

Proficient identification of most key issues/problems, with all areas affecting the patients’ independence.

Demonstrates excellence in identification all key issues affecting the patients’ independence.

PHC Nursing Intervention

s: 5 Marks

Inappropriate acute care focus, not reflective of PHC understanding. And/or interventions are inappropriate, superficial or unrealistic for the key issues, and/or do not reflect person-centred care. Interventions do not promote independence, or holistic wellbeing.

Mostly descriptive interventions with limited explanation included. And/or focus of interventions leans frequently towards acute care. And/or interventions are at times inappropriate for key issues, limited inclusion of person-centred care.

Basic interventions developed, suggesting a growing understanding of key health care focus. Interventions demonstrate a growing understanding of principles of person-centred care. Interventions demonstrate an attempt holistic wellbeing management.

Interventions demonstrate ability to critically analyse and identify appropriate and achievable PHC focussed interventions with a person-centred focus. Basic nursing principles reflected. Interventions demonstrate a good understanding of promoting holistic wellbeing.

Key health care focus is consistently evident, with appropriate and realistic interventions that reflect person-centred care. Basic nursing principles are proficiently reflected in order to achieve best outcomes for patient. Interventions are fully inclusive of promoting independence and holistic wellbeing.

Rationale and Critical Reasoning: 10 Marks

Missing research to justify interventions, and/or demographically inappropriate focus of research. And/or no integration with secondary effects of key presentation. And/or poorly integrated research to patients’ specific circumstances.

Mostly descriptive research with limited integration of evidence-based practice. And/or secondary effect or past history integration is below acceptable standard. Research has a superficial focus and does not assimilate to patient specific presentation.

Demonstrates satisfactory ability to analyse the case scenario and provide relevant evidence based rationales. Attempts to relate evidence based research to patient specific circumstances.

Demonstrates ability to critically analyse the case scenario and provide relevant evidence based rationales. Evidence based research is mostly related to patient, displaying an understanding of the patients’ presentation.

Clinical reasoning is sophisticatedly reflected with evidence based application of research integrated to the patients primarily identified issues. Evidence based research is consistently related to the patient, reflecting person-centred care.

Application and

Analysis: 5 Marks

Consistent unexplained, unsupported, or superficial inferences regarding connections between other presentation elements, reflects little to no comprehension of unit resources and or clinical knowledge.

Uses superficial interpretation to force connections between other presentation elements; reflecting a limited comprehension of unit resources and or clinical knowledge.

Interprets information from a few sources to a satisfactory standard to develop connections between other presentation elements; comprehends basic meaning of unit resources and clinical knowledge.

Accurately interprets information from multiple credible academic sources to support consistent & appropriate connections between other presentation elements; demonstrates comprehension of deeper meaning of unit resources and clinical knowledge.

Insightfully interprets information from credible academic sources to support original, insightful and creative connections between other presentation elements; outstanding comprehension of unit resources and clinical knowledge.

Referrals: 5 Marks

Inappropriate, superficial and/or unrealistic referral/s suggested that are not person- centred, nor demographic community specific. And/or CHSP referral not included. And/or referral/s promote dependence and acceptance rather than independence. And/or nil or poor research to support chosen referral/s.

Inappropriate or unrealistic referral/s suggested with minimal or inappropriate research justification. And/or not that are not person- centred, nor demographic community specific. And/or CHSP included however inappropriate choice of service with minimal or insufficient research based justification provided. And/or referral/s promote partial dependence rather than independence.

Referrals are generally appropriate to patient. CHSP referral included with satisfactorily outlined and relevant choice of service. Attempts at using research to justify this Referrals mostly promote independence and suggest a growing understanding of person- centred care. Justification of referral/s is attempted with research; attempts made to justify referral in light of other issues.

Referrals are appropriate, relevant and realistic to patient and demonstrate some research within the community. CHSP referral included. Referral/s generally promote independence, and holistic wellbeing; and generally reflective of person-centred care principles. Evidence-based research included to support chosen referral, with links made between other issues.

Referrals are creative, relevant, appropriate and realistic. Each referral indicates thorough research within the community. CHSP referral included and thoroughly outlined. Consistently promotes independence and holistic wellbeing; and reflective of person-centred care principles. Exceptional evidence-based research to support chosen referral, with exceptional links made to other issues.

Academic Literacy: 5 Marks

Poor written expression that lacks clarity of ideas. Frequent errors in spelling, grammar, punctuation or syntax. Template not used. Syntax is consistently flowery or ambiguous. Excessive or insufficient word count.

Awkward written expression with limited ability to express ideas clearly. Insufficient attention to proofreading spelling, grammar, punctuation and syntax. Syntax is flowery in parts or direct quotes detract significantly from word count.

Written expression and clarity of ideas is generally satisfactory. Spelling, grammar, punctuation and syntax need more consistency. Word count within academic standard with consistent attempts at concise writing with some errors.

Written expression is clear, able to express ideas readily. Consistent attention to correct spelling, grammar, punctuation, and syntax. Inconsistent minimal errors. Syntax is mostly concise and cohesive.

Excellence demonstrated in expression of ideas. Writing is eloquent and sophisticated; a joy to read. Excellent attention to correct spelling, grammar, punctuation and syntax. Syntax is consistently concise, clear and cohesive.

Academic Referencing:

5 Marks

Consistent minimal attempts at APA referencing with consistent non-adherence to guidelines.

Substantial amount of missing in-text citations o unsatisfactory use of CDU APA 6th guidelines.

Satisfactory use of CDU APA 6th guidelines.

Excellent and consistent referencing using CDU APA 6th guidelines.

Exceptional CDU APA 6th referencing of publication quality.

NUR341 Assessment Guide pg. 14 Charles Darwin University, 20172017

Health Assessment for 75+: MBS 703

Name ( First, M.I, Last.): Delores J.M. Anderson Male Female Trans DOB: 22 Jan 1939

Preferred Name: Lola Allergies: Coconut Milk (nausea), Band-Aids (localized redness), Clexane (hives)

Usual GP: Dr Essop Ebriham Last 75+ HA: January 2016

About this patient: Active ‘young’ lady, Positive mindset. Enjoyed yoga and art classes regularly. Public transport dependent

now. Excellent sense of humor. Retired @ age 69 from primary school teaching. Downsized home in October 2016 after

returning from a 3 year around Australia trip with Husband, Max and beloved Australian cattle dog “Duffy.” New smartphone user.

Language/s: English

Religion: Anglican

Current Health History

In general, the patient rates his/her health as: ☒Excellent ☐Very Good ☐Good ☐ Fair ☐Poor


Tetanus – booster in 2015 after laceration from caravan door.

Pneumonia – last dose 2006

Influenza – last dose 2013

Relevant Family History

Parents: Mother – dec’d 81 y.o °2 pneumonia, Father – dec’d 34 y.o °2 MVA

Sibling/s: Youngest of 6 children (5 brothers + Lola). 1 x brother dec’d °2 prostate Ca 1992, 1 x sister dec’d °2 childbirth

Children: G4P2Ao. Daughter - Sarah 47, lives close by. Son - Michael 49, interstate. Son – Hamish 50, interstate (adopted)

Grandchildren: 6 in total, ranging from 9 to 25 years old.

Surgical History

Year Description Hospital/Surgeon

1966 Caesarean section Mater Hospital, Bundaberg QLD: Dr Banks

1999 Hysterectomy (radical) King Edward Memorial Hospital, Subiaco, WA: Dr Milliton

2011 R/O BCC (shoulder) Royal Newcastle Hospital, Newcastle, NSW: Dr McKay

Current Health Problems

GORD Well controlled with PPI

HTN BP WNL past two years °2 AHTN

Shingles Last active event 2010 “worse than childbirth”

Presbycussis R =L Bilat HA

OP Last scan 2014

Community/Allied Health services / Specialists used within the last 6 months

McKenzie Simons, Audiologist, Australian Hearing – last checkup Jan 2017

Albert Wang, Pharmacist, Amcal on Smith St.

NUR341 Assessment Guide pg. 15 Charles Darwin University, 2017

Current Meds Dose & Frequency

Esomeprazole 40mg OD

Perindopril Arginine 10mg OD

Paracetamol 1g PRN

Docusate Sodium 240mg Nocte PRN

Glycerol Suppositories 1 Nocte PRN

Paraffin, liquid 40ml PO Nocte PRN

Psyllium fiber

supplements 2 packets Mane PRN

Notes: Well organized medications, within date & original packaging. Lola can identify meds by both brand and generic names.

Health Habits And Personal Safety


Do you exercise at least 30 minutes a day, most days? Yoga classes when I can, helps with constipation; sometimes maintaining garden at home which

is not hard at all now that it’s so small; walking to and from bus stop every day, carrying

groceries home from shops every day. Carries dog food home from shops weekly (doesn’t look

forward to this, but doesn’t want Duffy to miss out and doesn’t want to give him away)

☒Yes ☐No


Do you have an illness or condition that made you change the kind and or amount of food you eat?

Not an illness, there’s just no-one to cook for anymore…Max used to love my cooking…so now I

just have small easy dinners, like toast, and crumpets for breakfast, so there isn’t too many

groceries to carry home. Max used to call me the Australian Julia Child!”





Do you eat at least 3 meals per day? Somedays I’m too tired, so I might not have dinner, but

normally have it. 0 3

Do you eat fruit or vegetables most days? 0 2

Do you eat dairy products most days? 0 2

Do you have 6 – 8 cups of fluid most days (nocturnal urination avoidance) 0 1

Do you have any mouth, teeth or swallowing problems that make it hard to eat? 4 0

Do you always have enough money to buy food? 0 3

Do you eat alone most of the time? Dinner and Breakfast yes, takes sandwich to eat with Max OD 2 0

Do you take 3 or more prescribed or over the counter medicines every day? Only when my bowels are

being stubbon, otherwise just the two in the morning. 3 0

Without wanting to, have you lost or gained 5kg in the last 6 months? 2 0

TOTAL 0-5 good, 6-10 moderate, 11-24 high risk 7

ETOH ETOH OD intake? 1 small sherry at night before bed. “West Coast Coolers” on special occasions (Xmas, Easter,

Australia day - no more than 3, otherwise “I fall asleep and the grandkids put the photos on the Facebooks of me!”)

Tobacco Current smoker? Never smoked. ☐Yes ☒No

Sexual Health

Sexually active? Monogamous relationship for 54 years with “the love of my life.” Not currently

sexually active. ‘We slept in the same bed every night for 54 years’ ☐Yes ☒No

STI Prevention method used: Nil currently, not used since ‘the seventies’ (monog. R’ship).

Risk factors for sexual health: IVDU, UPSI etc. ☐Yes ☒No

Personal Safety

Current Living Arrangement:

Lives alone in 1-bedroom townhouse. Downsized and decluttered (kept bare basics only) from family home in October

2016 as Max and Lola were planning a 24-month European Holiday for 2017 (now cancelled).

Fall Hx last 3/12? Nil falls. One near-miss (Duffy was chasing a cat and ran into Lola – managed to steady herself)

Do you have an Advanced Care Directive? ☒Yes ☐No

Exposure to abusive behaviors: (verbal threats, physical or sexual abuse)

No, lives in safe area with nice neighbors, Diane and grandkids are supportive and nurturing.

Exposure to ‘foul language’ when catching the buses to see Max which is ‘disappointing.’ ☐Yes ☒No

NUR341 Assessment Guide pg. 16 Charles Darwin University, 2017


Weight 52kg Height 1.47cm (4”10) AC <80cm

BMI 24.1 GCS 15/15 Skin D & I. °Bruising °wounds

BSL 5.6mmol Vision R = L 6/6 Feet D & I. Well maintained feet & nails.


sitting standing


Bilat hearing aids.

Passed whisper test.

Hearing aids are “fancy

ones that Grandkids

hooked up to my phone

for me” Well fitted, nil


Mood /affect

Appropriate affect. Positive outlook.

Discussions of Max result in moments of

sadness, however Lola’s positive outlook

assist with this.





Sa02/RR 98% RA / RR

16 Driver’s License?

No (has never driven,

Max was the driver).

Public transport reliant

now, buses.

Urinalysis NAD

Pulse 86, Reg Oral Health ↑↓ Full plates, well fitting, well maintained. MM pink and intact.

General Physical


Well-presented and well-groomed lady, looks a little tired. Clothes well laundered and ironed. Wonderful and very

colorful hat collection. Mobilizes safety and confidently without assistance or aid. Footwear sturdy and in good

condition, square heels.

Geriatric Depression Scale & Mental Health YES NO

Are you basically satisfied with your life? 0 1

Have you dropped many of your activities or interests? “I haven’t dropped them, but don’t go as frequently as I

used to now because of changes” 1 0

Do you feel that your life is empty? “Repetitive, now, but not empty” 1 0

Do you often get bored? “Sometimes it’s a bit monotonous. Sometimes I think about the plans we had and now

we can’t do” 1 0

Are you in good spirits most of the time? “I get sad, but that is to be expected, I guess, but I still get up in the

morning…. Although the mornings are a bit harder now!” 0 1

Are you afraid that something bad is going to happen to you? “I’m tough” 1 0

Do you feel happy most of the time? “That’s a hard one. I guess I do…. But I also miss what we used to have, I

miss what we were going to do…. I miss my Max. I try to stay happy as much as I can but life is challenging

me a bit at the moment, I guess I’m just a bit tired.”

0 1

Do you feel helpless? 1 0

Do you prefer to stay at home, rather than go out and do things? Sometimes I’d like to,

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