Each student will submit:1.ThePacket Tracer file containing the configuration of the above network. Save it underyourname.pkt2.A document containing: (i) a brief descriptionof what you did to fulfill the assignment, and (ii)screenshots showing a successful ping communication: (1) between M11andM32,and(2) between M21andM41.
Foundations of Data Networks (CS 421A) Assignment #3 Assigned: Apr. 28, 2020 Due: May. 12, 2020 – 11:59 PM Description The goal of this assignment is to build and configure a network architecture with Cisco Packet Tracer Software. The assignment has two primary components: 1) familiarize yourself with Cisco Packet Tracer (on top of demos seen in class, you can google many tutorials, videos, etc. on Internet), 2) demonstrate your understanding of how to set up and configure an IP network architecture. This assignment is worth 10% of your total grade. Network architecture Consider the network architecture below. 1. 2. Build this architecture in the Cisco Packet Tracer. Make sure that all the NICs of the machines and routers are similar (I advise you to take the Fast Ethernet NIC). Use the network address and define a subnet mask that will allow you to allocate IP addresses in this network. Try to maximize the number of machines in each of the subnets S1, S2, S3 and S4. Deliverables Each student will submit: 1. The Packet Tracer file containing the configuration of the above network. Save it under yourname.pkt 2. A document containing: (i) a brief description of what you did to fulfill the assignment, and (ii) screenshots showing a successful ping communication: (1) between M11 and M32, and (2) between M21 and M41. Note Each student should complete the assignment on his own. Discussions about the assignment are allowed and encouraged, but all writing and configurations must be done individually. ...
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