The following exercises are based on the Colonial Adventure Tours database shown in Figures 1-15 through 1-19 in Chapter 1. No computer work is required.
1. Using the types of entities found in the Colonial Adventure Tours database (trips, guides, customers, and reservations), create an example of a table that is in first normal form but not in second normal form and an example of a table that is in second normal form but not in third normal form. In each case, justify your answers and show how to convert to the higher forms.
2. Colonial Adventure Tours is considering changing the way it handles reservations. Instead of storing the number of persons associated with one reservation, the company would like to store the name and address of each person associated with each reservation. If Colonial Adventure Tours decides to implement this change, the trip price and other fees amount for each trip would be dependent on only the trip ID. Determine the multivalued dependencies in the following table, and then convert this table to an equivalent collection of tables that are in fourth normal form.
Reservation (ReservationID, TripID, TripDate, TripPrice, OtherFees,
(CustomerNum, CustomerLastName, CustomerFirstName, Address,
City, State, PostalCode, Phone) )
3. Identify the functional dependencies in the following unnormalized table. Convert the table to third normal form. Is the result also in fourth normal form? Why or why not?
Trip (TripID, TripName, StateAbbreviation, StateName,
(GuideNum, GuideLast, GuideFirst) )
4. Currently, each trip is identified with only season. For example, the Arethusa Falls trip is offered only in the Summer season. Colonial Adventure Tours is considering offering the same trip in more than one season; that is, the Arethusa Falls trip could be offered in both the Summer and Late Spring seasons. Using this new information, identify all dependencies and convert the current Trip table to third normal form. You may need to make some assumptions. Identify these assumptions in your solution.