choose from. See the listing on page C-1 (Choose the COMPAQ CASE STUDY STARTING ON PAGE C-67). The cases are in order, starting on page C-15. Perform a competitive analysis of the company. There are eight parts or areas to address as described under “Analyzing a Case Study and Writing a Case Study Analysis,” page C-2.
The eight (8) areas/parts of a case study analysis are as follows (page C-3):
1. The history, development, and growth of the company overtime.
2. The identification of the company’s internal strengths and weaknesses.
3. The nature of the external environment surrounding the company.
4. A “SWOT” analysis.
5. The kind of corporate-level strategy that the company is pursuing.
6. The nature of the company’s business-level strategy.
7. The company’s structure and control systems and how they match its strategy.
8. Recommendations.
Case Study Requirements:
Please include the following:
• Cover page