Event Review Assignment
You may also go see films with significant Asian and Asian American representation in the theater as long as the viewing is after the semester has started.
Writing the Review/Criteria for Grading
1)The review should begin with a general overview/summary of the event---what it was, when and where it took place, who the speaker(s) was, the format of the event, etc. Describe the event concretely and make sure you give enough context. Your description and summary should make me feel like I was there.
2)In your body paragraphs, you should aim to use at least one to two of the class texts and apply them to specific moments or details of the event. Ideally, the sources should help to illuminate something about the event that a casual audience member might not think of otherwise. Make sure that you provide your own perspective and analysis of the event.
3)Your conclusion should gesture toward a more universal context. What does the event reveal about Asian American Studies and/or the Asian Diaspora? How and why does it matter? What did you learn?
Word Count
The review should be approximately 750-1000 words or 3-4 pages.
Formatting, Grammar, etc.
While not a huge portion of your grade, formatting, grammar, and mechanics are still important. I prefer MLA format, which means:
· A proper header with your name, professor’s name, course number, and date
· Title (Creative titles are welcome.)
· Double-spaced
· Page numbers
· 1 inch margins all around
· In-text citations
· Works Cited entries/page. You may put this after the last line of your review if there is room.
Please see the Purdue OWL website and the Sample MLA Paper, both linked on our Canvas page, if you need further assistance with MLA formatting and citing.
Clarity and organization matter; they will either contribute to or detract from your analysis and ideas.