Create an abstract class Employee. Your Employee class should include the following attributes:
First name (string)
Last name (string)
Employee id (string)
Employee home street address (string)
Employee home city (string)
Employee home state (string)
Write a constructor to initialize the above Employee attributes. Create an abstract method called earnings.
Create another class HourlyEmployee that inherits from the abstract Employee class. HourEmployee must use the inherited parent class variables and add in attributes HourlyRate and HoursWorked. Your HourEmployee class should contain a constructor that calls the constructor from the Employee class to initialize the common instance variables but also initializes the HourlyRate and HoursWorked. Implement the Employee abstract earnings method in HourlyEmployee to calculate the earnings for a week. Note that earnings is hourly rate * hours worked.
Create a test class that prompts the user for the information for two hourly employees, creates the 2 two hourly employees objects, calls the earnings method then displays the attributes and earnings for each of the two hourly.