Course Syllabus Crisis Communication
Course Length: 6 weeks: July 6 – August 15, 2020 Required Text(s)/Software/Tools:
Required Text: Crisis Communications: A Casebook Approach, 5th Edition
Kathleen Fearn-Banks, Lawrence Erlbaum Associates © 2017, ISBN: #9781138923744 Required Course Materials: Textbook, Blackboard/email access, laptop/iPad Recommended Texts & Other Readings: Additional course readings or articles will be posted on Blackboard throughout the semester. References and Citations: All student papers must be written according to the official, unmodified and most current APA format. Please consult the Library for additional information.
Course Description
This course examines the role and responsibilities of public relations professionals in promoting brand identity and organizational reputation as a key element in an organization’s business strategy. Explores the skills and knowledge required for ensuring that strategic messages resonate with target audiences, both domestic and global. Offers students an opportunity to develop a strategic public relations strategy as a signature assignment.
Program Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs)
1. Specialized Knowledge
2. Broad and Integrative Knowledge
3. Applied and Collaborative
4. Civic and Global Learning
5. Experiential Learning
6. Communicative
Incorporate communication
theory, skill development,
research findings, and best practice to assess the role of communication
in supporting organizational
performance by influencing the attitudes and behaviors of internal and
external stakeholders.
communication initiatives that
draw on the intersection of
communication at the individual, organizational,
and societal levels by using an
interdisciplinary focus and
integrative strategic
Integrate and apply
communication concepts, research,
knowledge, and skills to address a communication
challenge within a sponsoring
organization or your own
Assess communication strategies and
programs that can promote the building of
intercultural and global networks
within organizations and outside, based on
high ethical standards.
Synthesize their experience and
academic knowledge
across disciplines and perspectives
to transfer learning in new
contexts and build a personal
profile as a learner and
Demonstrate professional oral
and written communication proficiency by crafting and delivering persuasive
messages to target audiences.
Introducing Developing
Introducing Developing
Developing Introducing Developing
Introducing Developing
Developing Practicing
Course-Specific Student Learning Outcomes (COs): 1. Students will study the theories of crisis communication and their critical role in advance
preparation for, and response to crisis situations 2. Students will examine the important role of crisis communication in communicating with
internal and external audiences of diverse cultural backgrounds – both domestically and globally – to lead to public relations and organizational success in crisis situations.
3. Students will explore the application of ethical public relations, including the importance of weighing corporate and industry codes of conduct with ethical decision-making during times of crisis.
4. Students will analyze and discuss the changing nature of public relations and crisis communication management with emphasis on the roles of social media and multimedia in a global marketplace.
5. Students will use case studies and hands-on exercises to identify, describe and analyze crisis communication management and its role as a core interdisciplinary planning strategy.
6. Students will practice the analysis and strategic use of crisis communication planning for internal employee communications, corporate/organizational communications, reputation management and public relations crisis communications.
Course Methodology This course is a 6-week, intensive online course. It is an asynchronous, online format and requires extensive work in the Blackboard course each week. You are responsible for making sure your assignments are submitted on time and in the manner specified. Errors in grammar, spelling, and accuracy will be penalized. I will post announcements and send emails if any assignments have changed and I will keep the gradebook up to date as I grade assignments so you can see your standing in the course at all times. All assignments should be sent as Word (preferably) or PDF documents via the links provided for each Assignment. Assignments each week will consist of reading from the textbook, supplemental readings and completing various Blackboard assignments each week, including Discussion Forums. There will also two final projects that will be worked on throughout the semester and due in the last week of the course. To get a passing grade you MUST complete all assignments on time and participate in classroom discussions. All of your work will be assigned online. We will use Blackboard for ALL course documents, discussions, and assignments This 6-week Online course will have 2-3 synchronous online sessions via Blackboard Collaborate for those who can and want to attend. These sessions are not mandatory attendance. They are for students who want to connect live to discuss and review previous and upcoming assignments and have a synchronous Q&A session. The dates and times for these synchronous sessions will be announced via course Announcements and sent out via all-student, course email. In addition to these designated online synchronous sessions, this course will provide weekly asynchronous video lectures, supporting materials (such as PowerPoint presentations, online vide samples, case study readings and interviews), activities, assignments and discussions each week. Students should expect to spend a minimum of 7.5 - 8.0 hours of asynchronous engagement in the course each week.
Each week, you will be expected to: 1. Review the week's learning objectives. 2. Complete all assigned readings 3. Review all lecture materials (PowerPoint presentations, videos, case studies) 4. Participate in the Discussion Board
a. Follow the details as outlined on the Discussion Board Rubric provided in the Blackboard course
5. Complete and submit your weekly assignment by the end of the week
Participation/Discussion Board Discussion Forums: 4 Discussion Forums throughout the first 4 weeks; worth 9 points each = 36 points total
o Breakdown of weekly due dates / deadlines for each step of the discussion process.
1. Primary Responses Due: Thurs. 11:59 p.m. each week:
a) You will post your reply to the discussion forum question.
These posts will be based on questions that help “keep the conversation going” regarding our semester project – BATL.
2. Secondary Responses Due: Fri. 11:59 p.m. each week:
a) You are expected to post to at least 3 classmates regarding their replies to the discussion question.
3. All Final Discussions Due: Sun. 11:59 p.m. each week:
a) You are expected to respond to EVERYONE who posts to you about your own reply to the discussion question.
b) You are expected to have at least two (2) substantial, “back-and- forth” discussions with classmates throughout the week.
o Include APA citing and references back to the readings and/or outside resources to support your statements and arguments throughout your posts.
o The Discussion Board is a space for academic exchanges. As a result, you must check
for proper and exacting punctuation, spelling, and grammar.
o Please treat your classmates and the instructors with the utmost respect. Inappropriate posts will be removed immediately. The instructor reserves the right to penalize students for repeated violations of the participation policy within a course.
o In the discussion board and in class, high quality contributions advance the class
discussions and do not simply summarize the material that was assigned. Quality contributions take into account the instructor’s questions as well as your classmates’ contributions.
o *See the Discussion Forum Grading Rubric posted online for details of requirements
and expectations for discussion forums.
Communication/Submission of Work
Blackboard The syllabus and all assignments will be posted on Blackboard. Each week’s work will be contained under a folder for that week – specified by week number and dates for the module. Student work will be graded in the Gradebook and all grading comments will be housed within the grade for each assignment and discussion forum.
Written Assignments All writing assignments turned in for a grade must be double-spaced, Times New Roman, 12-point font, with 1-inch margins and submitted as a Word Document attachment so that I am able to edit and grade within the document – unless specified otherwise.
References and Citations All student papers must be written according to the official, unmodified and most current format, as is used within that discipline (APA, MLA, Chicago, etc.) as specified by the course instructor. Please consult the Library for additional information. This course will be in APA format. For APA help, you may see the APA Manual or visit: http://www.stylewizard.com/ (references)
Late Work Policy Since this is an online course, submitting work on time is critical to staying on track. The public relations profession also requires meeting all deadlines. It is for these reasons that late work will not be accepted. For any student who does not complete course work by the due date, a grade of zero will be provided. Incomplete or inferior work will receive a failing grade.
Grading/Evaluation Standards Please note: All grades for this course will be posted in the Blackboard gradebook.
1) Blackboard Assignments:
4 Blackboard Assignments: 1 per week for the first 4 weeks; 6 points each = 24 points These individual assignments will help you put theory to practice based on the lessons learned throughout the readings and case studies each week. This includes: 1. Interpreting lessons learned in the readings (crisis theories, stages of the crisis, stages in the
media, ranking of the crisis situation, etc.) 2. Ethical skill building exercises to show students how to put theory to practice, including: 3. Identifying internal and external audiences and key messages to address each, 4. Establishing informational and motivational objectives, 5. Forming strategies and tactics to attain objectives, and 6. Identifying evaluation criteria for the group crisis communication plan
2) Individual Cases Analysis Presentation of a Crisis Case Study Example,
Based on the definitions, readings and examples I have provided/discussed throughout the semester, you will work independently to write an analysis paper and create a short PPT presentation providing an example and analysis of what YOU consider to be a Good or Bad PR campaign for a crisis situation. The idea of the Case Analysis is to examine a real-life crisis, show a clear understanding of what took place, and then critique the company, individual or organization in terms of how the crisis communication was managed. You are to analyze what was done well and what perhaps could have been orchestrated better and why.
Be sure to include: - A short history of the company, the crisis and the handling of the crisis - Any supporting materials (links to a video, visuals, web site, articles, etc. necessary to describe the issue and its response)
- The theories used, the publics targeted and the key messages - The type of Mass Media coverage it received (national news, industry news (print and/or online), morning/late night TV
- The types of conversations it evoked on Social Media (with examples) - RESULTS as of today.
Use the textbook, other course material, as well as independent research to support your arguments. Use correct spelling/grammar and cite your references using APA. a) The paper you submit has a maximum of 1200 words, excluding your list of references.
- Discuss all specifications identified above and all issues raised by the case in a focused, Thorough and organized manner.
- Be creative – use your own ideas while referring to discussions and readings; don’t just rehash the case history.
Paper Evaluated on 5 Rubric Aspects: Grammar; Clarity; Organization; Analytic Quality; Recommendations
b) The presentation must use PowerPoint or similar program for presentation and has a time limit of 8 minutes max. This will be uploaded on Blackboard via the Individual Assignment Link by Thursday, 8/13 before 12:00 p.m. (Noon) .
3) Capstone Project = Final Crisis COM Plan Campaign & Creative Pieces There will be a final Crisis Communications Plan Campaign for the semester project, where you will each play an important part by developing key elements on a continuous basis throughout the semester Each student will help build on and finalize the Crisis Communication Plan and submit it as a group with their final, edited and polished, creative pieces to support the plan campaign.
Deliverables include: A Cohesive Presentation of the Crisis Communications PR Plan: Timeline of the company and the crisis; Crisis Ranking; Publics to target (internal, external, media) and their Geographic Markets; Crisis Theories; Key Messages for key audiences; a Cohesive Campaign including a combination of everyone’s Big Ideas, Communication Channels and Individual Creative Pieces.
The work will be divided between “online time,” “individual time” and “group time.” a) Online Time will be spent learning the development skills and theories involved in
building a Crisis Communication Plan. This will include reviewing previously conducted research and case studies, including leadings headlines in today’s news. identify:
b) Individual Time will be spent practicing and learning to analyze these case studies and putting them to practice on an individual basis. This includes:
1. Identifying audiences (internal, external, geographic location) 2. Ranking the crisis in terms of potential damage and news cycle 3. Identifying theories at play and analyzing their effectiveness 4. Understanding the role of key messages, strategies and tactics in building an
effective campaign 5. Assessing the importance of “big ideas” in rebuilding a company’s reputation
and success c) Group Time will be spent building on these ideas and connecting with group
members to turn individual ideas into a comprehensive, cohesive campaign. This will culminate over Discussion Forum assignments and continuous teamwork throughout the second half of the semester. o For this purpose, during Week 4, the class will be divided into two (2) groups that
will each work on expanding on their individual Crisis Communication Plans by incorporating all group members’ ideas into one cohesive campaign. These will be due by Wed., Aug. 12 by 12:00 p.m. (Noon) at the LATEST
A detailed description of each assignment will be provided in advance during class sessions and on our eLearn course site. Your assignments are evaluated on the basis of: (1) content, (2) clarity of expression, (3) extent of research, (4) analysis of material, (5) quality of writing, and (5) professional appearance. Assignments carry the following weight in determining the course grade:
Discussion Forums (4 @ 9 points each) 36 points Blackboard Assignments (4 @ 6 points each) 24 points Individual Crisis Com Presentation 15 points Final Crisis Com Plan & Creative Pieces 25 points
------------------------------- 100 Points Total
Grading Scale: The final grade reported will be broken down by the following scale:
95-100% A 87-89.9% B+ 77-79.9% C+ 69.9% or below F 84-86.9% B 74-76.9% C
90-94.9% A- 80-83.9% B- 70-73.9% C-
Class Schedule / Topical Outline
Topics of Instruction
Connections to COs &
SLOs 1 Mon.
July 6 –
Sun. Jul 12
- Course Overview: Assignments, Semester project
Ch. 1 - Crisis Communications Today 1. Define a Crisis Situation and distinguish
between a Crisis and Crisis Communications
2. Define & ID the 5 stages of a crisis 3. Identify why crisis mgt. is important 4. Describe and understand the history of
crisis communications and ID early high- profile cases
Ch. 2 - Crisis Communications Theory 1. Define and identify the 5 theories of Crisis
Communications and Management 2. Distinguish between the 5 theories -
Apologia, Image Restoration, Decision, Diffusion, Excellence Theory: (4) Models
Ch.3: Comms. to Prevent Crises 1. Define, identify the importance of The
News Media in Crisis Communications 2. Identify, understand the importance of
communicating to Internal Publics 3. Identify, understand the importance of
communicating to customers, consumers
Ch. 4 – Comms. when Crisis Strikes 1. Identify the four stages of a crisis in the
News Media 2. Define and understand the difference
between communicating with different audiences: The News Media; Lawyers; Internal Publics; External Publics; Directly with the Masses
Our discussions will (of course) include handling of the Coronavirus and the Black Lives Matter movement but we will discuss many other cases as well.
1) Read Chapters 1-4: Ch. 1: Crisis Comm. Today Ch. 2: Crisis Comm. Theory Ch. 3: Communications to Prevent Crises - read “The Nordstrom Consumer Policy” Ch. 4: Communications When Crisis Strikes 2) Review Corresponding PPT Presentations with video examples
3) Discussion Forum #1: Understanding Crisis Theories Read this article: https://www.fastcompany.com/3066 458/lessons-learned/lessons-from- three-of-2016s biggest-pr-fails - THEN… Introduce yourself and Answer the questions by Thurs. 11:59 p.m.: a) ID which theories you think ea. co. used to respond to the crisis and why you chose those theories. b) Explain if you think this was the best option – & if not, which theory you would recommend instead. - Post to at least 3 classmates
by: Fri. 11:59 p.m. - ALL final posts/discussions
by: Sun. 11:59 p.m. **SEE RUBRIC POSTED 4) BB Assignment #1: Find a story in the news about a crisis (Coronavirus; Police discrimination; Black Lives Matter movement, Presidential race, etc.) a) Source the story via direct link & state the date you found it. b) Summarize the story in 3-4 sentences. c) Specify which of the 5 stages “of the crisis” you think this event is in at this point (from Ch. 1) (it can be between stages) d) Specify which of the 4 stages “in the news media” you think this event is in at this point (Ch. 4) (it can be between stages) e) Discuss which theories you think it the situation in terms of how the national voices are handling the crisis at this point f) List the publics being targeted
(Ch. 3) Submit by Friday, July 10 by 11:59 p.m.
Topic of Instruction
Connections to COs &
SLOs 2 Mon.
July 13
– Sun. July 19
Ch. 5 - Social Media & Crisis Comm 1. Identify a number of organizations and
individuals using social media in crisis communications and management
2. Define and understand the difference between using social media to gauge sentiments, prevent or cope with crises
3. Understand the different communication challenges posed
4. Identify cases that set the stage for modern crisis management
Ch. 6 – Textbook Crises 1. Identify and understand the two top PR
Crisis Communication case studies: o Good Example: Johnson and Johnson
Tylenol case study o Worst Example: Exxon Valdex Oil Spill
(Prodrome to BP Oil Spill) 2. Define the factors that made these cases prime examples o Another Good Example: Ch.9 -
“Haagen-Dazs and Honeybees” o Corona Virus: Where does this fit?
National handling of the crisis Showcase of Examples of Individual Presentations Due Sat. 8/15, 12:00 p.m.
1) Read Chapters 5, 6 & 9 Ch. 5 - Social Media & Crisis Communications Ch. 6 – Textbook Crises Ch. 9: Haagen-Dazs and Honeybees
2) Review Corresponding PPT Presentations with video examples
3) Discussion Forum #2: After Reading Chapter 9: Haagen-Dazs and Honeybees, answer the 3 questions posed regarding what you learned from the case study. - Answer by Thurs. 11:59 p.m. - Post by: Fri. 11:59 p.m. - Finalize by: Sun. 11:59 p.m.
4) BB #2: Start Semester Project: a) USA Gymnastics Sex Abuse Scandal b) Boston Police Plan to Improve Community Relations Review articles on the issue and answer the questions posed. Submit by Friday, 7/17 by 11:59 p.m.
3 Mon. July 20
– Sun. July 26
a) Ch. 7 – Culture Crises: Domestic - Saginaw Valley State Univ. Theater
Controversy - Texas A&M Bon Fire Tragedy - Police Depts. & Community Trust
b) Individuals in Crises • Identify and understand the key issues
associated with an individual in crisis • Identify and understand the definition of a
“public person” and the different types of individuals who experience crisis (political figures, sports figures entertainment: musicians, actors…)
• Understand the importance of legal representation & public apologies in responding to an issue or scandal
Video Examples: Tiger Woods Michael Vick Houston Astros Manager
Don’t forget to work on your Individual Presentations Due Sat. 8/15 by 12:00 p.m. (Noon)
1) Read Chapters 7, 8 & article Ch. 7: Culture Crises: Domestic Ch. 8 – Culture Crisis: Foreign & International Article: PR News Case Study on International Olympics Committee Crisis Response
2) Review Corresponding PPT Presentations with video examples 3) Discussion Forum #3: Case Study: AIDS in Africa (Ch. 8) differences, similarities in plans to fight HIV/AIDS in Africa: Uganda, Botswana, S. Africa, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Swazilan
4) BB #3: Continue Semester Project: a) USA Gymnastics b) Boston Police a) Finalize key publics they should be targeting (internal, external) b) List crisis theories YOU suggest they SHOULD use (and why) c) Come up with 3 “key messages” you would recommend your “client” use to promote to their key audiences (use samples provided) Submit by Friday, July 24 by 11:59 p.m.
Topic of Instruction
Connections to COs &
SLOs 4
start group work
Mon. July 27 – Sun. Aug.
1) Ch. 14 - The Crisis Comm Plan ▪ Identify the key components of a Crisis
Communications Plan ▪ Understand how to ID & rank a crisis ▪ Understand what’s involved in
assembling a crisis team ▪ Identify key contacts for an emergency
in terms of creating a “crisis directory” ▪ Identify communication platforms for
notification according to audience
2) Review the following on Blackboard: - Big Ideas: Ford/Firestone Case study
(National Tire Pressure Safety Check Day); Dominos; Ikea; Burger King
- Crisis Com Plans & Presentation Samples
3) GROUP WORK: Create a GOOGLE DRIVE Document for the group and post this link in the General Group Discussion Area in your Group Folder – then start to work as a group to discuss and agree on the items posted individually in BB#3:
a) Finalize the timeline b) Finalize key publics they should be targeting (internal, external) c) List crisis theories your group suggests they SHOULD use (and why) d) Come up with 3-4 “key messages” your group recommends your “client” use to promote to their key audiences Feel free to set up GROUP MEETING via your Group Collaborate video conference platform or via a Zoom or Skype link.
Upload into Group File Exchange by Sun., Aug. 2, 12:59 p.m. for instructor feedback
Don’t forget to work on your Individual Presentations: Due Sat. 8/15 by 12:00 p.m.
1) Read Chapter 14 - The Crisis Communication Plan
2) Review: Corresponding PPT Presentations, Case Studies & Samples: Crisis COM Plans, Presentations
3) Group Work – Identify: Publics, Theories & Key Messages
4) Discussion Forum #4: GROUP WORK: Answer the questions posed, then discuss and work as a GROUP to build out your GROUP PLAN for: a) the Crisis Com Team and their roles & b) Strategies & Tactics for communicating to your key audiences (who you would target and how you would reach them / ie; the channels you would use to reach them)… then discuss to form these ideas and add them you’re your Group Plan. Upload into Group File Exchange by Friday, July 31, 12:59 p.m. for instructor feedback
4) BB Assignment #4: Come up with an INDIVDIUAL Big Idea for your Project Plan Is there something USA Gymnastics / Boston Police could do (like the Firestone “National Tire Pressure Safety Check Day” or a community giving campaign or a viral video)? Come up with an idea that they can promote – and explain what makes it a “big idea.” Submit by Friday, July 31, 11:59 p.m.
5 Mon. Aug 3 – Sun. Aug 10
REVIEW: Q&A with Jodi Freeman, ABC Manager, Enterprise Communications Brigham & Women’s Hospital
GROUP TIME: 1) Discuss each person’s BIG IDEAS and
work to combine and add them into one Comprehensive Group Plan that works with your existing strategies and tactics already defined.
2) Create ONE, GROUP Crisis Com Plan with all components - Timeline - Publics (internal, external) - Theories - Crisis Com Team / Roles - 2-3 Key Messages - Strategies & Tactics including Big Ideas
Upload into Group File Exchange for FINAL Submission / Grading
3) Create ONE, GROUP PPT Presentation
with embedded audio a) Put together a PowerPoint that summarizes / showcases each of the areas of the plan mentioned above
b) Each person decides on which idea(s) / tactic(s) to make Creative Pieces / Representations for to incorporate into the presentation (whether it’s your big idea or another tactic of the plan) as your portion of the GROUP project.
Each student will be responsible for doing the voice-over / embedded audio for their section/slides.
Upload into Group File Exchange for FINAL Submission / Grading
Don’t forget your Individual Presentations are due Sat. 8/15 by 12 noon
1) GROUP Work for final Plan & Presentation:
Use the Group Discussion Area and Google Drive and Collaborate Video Conferencing in your GROUP FOLDER as your forum throughout the week to work to build: a) a FINAL GROUP CRISIS COM PLAN & b) a GROUP PPT presentation with AUDIO. Each student will help mold your ideas (strategies/tactics and big ideas) to come together as one Comprehensive Group Plan (like the samples provided online).
2) INDIVIDUAL Work and Creatives for Group Presentation: a) Upload the PowerPoint slides that YOU personally created for the final, group presentation.
b) Also upload a Word Doc describing the details of your individual contributions to the final group plan (I created the template for the PPT, I organized the plan for the group, etc.)
Upload these files via the Individual Submission Link provided for the Final Presentation. (Submit as many files as necessary).
All Final Project Work Due (Group & Individual Submissions): Friday, August 7, by 11:59 p.m. (midnight) at the latest
6 Mon. Aug. 11 – Sat. Aug. 15
I will post Group Presentations so each group can review the other group’s plan. I will open an all-class Discussion Forum for questions anyone may have about either of the presentations.
Individual Crisis Communication Case Study Presentations DUE by: Friday. Aug. 14: 12:00 p.m.
Required Text(s)/Software/Tools:
Kathleen Fearn-Banks, Lawrence Erlbaum Associates © 2017, ISBN: #9781138923744
Program Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs)
Course Methodology
We will use Blackboard for ALL course documents, discussions, and assignments
Each week, you will be expected to:
Participation/Discussion Board Discussion Forums:
1. Primary Responses Due: Thurs. 11:59 p.m. each week:
2. Secondary Responses Due: Fri. 11:59 p.m. each week:
3. All Final Discussions Due: Sun. 11:59 p.m. each week:
forth” discussions with classmates throughout the week.
o Include APA citing and references back to the readings and/or outside resources to support your statements and arguments throughout your posts.
o In the discussion board and in class, high quality contributions advance the class discussions and do not simply summarize the material that was assigned. Quality contributions take into account the instructor’s questions as well as your classmates’...
Communication/Submission of Work
Written Assignments
References and Citations
Late Work Policy
Grading/Evaluation Standards
1) Blackboard Assignments:
3) Capstone Project = Final Crisis COM Plan Campaign & Creative Pieces
100 Points Total
Class Schedule / Topical Outline