1. Modify DepartmentSalesS posted on Blackboard. Add an Observer to display monthly sales in a pie chart.
You modify YDTChart.java so it will display a pie chart.
Modify SupervisorView.java to add a PieChart observer and change Layout so it has
three columns.
Follow the link to see how to draw pie chart as multiple pies.
You may use a Color array like Color[] colors= {Color.blue,Color.yellow, Color.gray, Color.green, Color.cyan, Color.red,Color.magenta, Color.orange, Color.pink, Color.darkGray, Color.black, Color.lightGray}; Before you draw the pie piece for a month i, you set color like g.setColor(colors[i]);
2. Modify ChartS posted on Blackboard. Add a PieChart to display monthly sales
You may follow the following website:
Create array of PieChart.Data using a loop. Add one a time to PieChart using a loop.
To display the tip of %, you may follow the following website
Watch my help video for this homework for details