HCA 501
Health Care in America
Text: Delivering Health Care in America
Fourth Edition, 2008
ISBN-13: 9780763745127, ISBN-10:076374512X
Leiyu Shi and Douglas A. Singh
Jones & Bartlett
Multiple Choice Questions (Enter your answers on the enclosed answer sheet)
1. Which of the following is a characteristic of a national health insurance system?
a. The government finances health care through general taxes
b. Health care is delivered by private providers
c. Both a and b
d. Neither a nor b
2. Which of the following is a characteristic of a socialized health insurance system?
a. Health care is financed through government-mandated contributions by employers and
b. Health care is delivered by government-employed providers
c. Both a and b
d. Neither a nor b
3. In 1984, Australia switched:
a. From the Medicare program to a universal national health care program
b. From a universal national health care program to a privately financed system
c. From a privately financed system to the Medicare program
d. None of the above
4. A free market in health care requires:
a. Adequate information for patients
b. I ndependent actions between buyers (patients) and sellers (providers)
c. Unencumbered interaction of the forces of supply and demand
d. All of the above
5. A multiple payer system is more cumbersome than a single payer system for all of the following reasons except:
a. There are numerous health plans, which is difficult for providers to handle
b. Payments are not standard ized across health plans
c. Some health care services are covered for people in the north, but not in the south
d. Government programs require extensive documentation proving services were provided before paying providers
6. Which of the following entities in the U.S. employs lobbyists?
a. Physicians
b. Insurance companies
c. Large employers
d. All of the above
7. The ownership of Canada's health care system is best described as:
a. Private
b. Public
c. Combination of private and public
d. None of the above
8. Supplier-induced demand is created by:
a. Patients
b. Providers
c. Health insurance companies
d. The government
9. Which country spends the most in administrative health care costs?
a. United States
b. Germany
c. UK
d. Australia
10. Demand-side rationing is the same thing as:
a. Nonprice rationing
b. Price rationing
c. Both a and b
d. Neither a nor b
11. Deontology asserts:
a. That no one has a duty to do what is right
b. That it is society's duty to do what is right
c. That it is an individual's duty to do what is right
d. None of the above
12. Utilitarianism emphasizes:
a. Happiness and welfare for the poor
b. Happiness and welfare for the deserving
c. Happiness and welfare for the most people possible
d. None of the above
13. Supply-side rationing is also referred to as:
a. Nonprice rationing
b. Price rationing
c. Planned rationing
d. Both a and c
14. The limitations of market justice include:
a. Social problems are not adequately addressed
b. Society is not always protected from the consequences of ill health
c. It leads to inequitable access to health care
d. All of the above
15. Prevalence is:
a. The number of new cases occurring during a specified period divided by the total population
b. The total number of cases at a specific point in time divided by the specified population
c. The number of new cases occurring during a specified period divided by the population at risk
d. The total number of cases at a specific point in time divided by the population at risk
16. Crude rates refer to:
a. A specific age group
b. A specific gender
c. The total population
d. None of the above
17. Holistic health adds which element to the World Health Organization definition of health?
a. Physical
b. Mental
c. Spiritual
d. Social
18. What was the main consequence of early proprietary medical schools, as opposed to state- sponsored schools, in the preindustrial era?
a. Standards were low.
b. The cost of medical education became too high.
c. Medical education became regulated.
d. Science and research became part of medical education.
19. Which of the following factors was particularly important in promoting the growth of office- based medical practice in the postindustrial period?
a. Urbanization
b. Educational reform
c. Science and technology
d. Dependency
20. When a profession's services are generally accepted and are legitimized, they impart __ to the profession.
a. Specialization
b. Organ ized strength
c. Cohesiveness
d. Cu Itural authority
21. Cultural authority was conveyed to the medical profession mainly through
a. The development of the AMA
b. Advances in medical science
c. Patients' dependency
d. Licensi ng
22. Development of the hospital and __ happened almost hand in hand in a symbiotic rela- tionship between the two.
a. Dependency of patients
b. Growth of scientific knowledge
c. Professionalization of medical practice
d. Cohesiveness of the medical profession
23. Even though hospitals incurred frequent deaths in the early 1900s, their use was on the rise mainly because
a. Most people had poor living conditions in their homes
b. People had no other choice but use the hospitals
c. A large number of immigrants were settling in American cities
d. Technology was advancing at a rapid pace
24. Why did physicians remain independent of corporate settings even after the medical profession became well recognized?
a. Hospitals were unable to pay high enough salaries to physicians.
b. Physicians disliked salary arrangements.
c. Licensure laws had not yet been passed.
d. Physicians who took up practice in a corporate setting were castigated by the medical profession.
25. Organized medicine
a. Concerted activities of physicians through the American Medical Association
b. Affiliation of physicians with medical schools
c. Standardized practice of medicine
d. Unionization of physicians
Written Assignment for Unit One
Be sure to refer to the course syllabus for instructions on format, length, and other information on how to complete th is assignment.
Please answer ONE of the following:
1. Analyze why is it important for health care managers and policy-makers to understand the intricacies of the health care delivery system.
2. The Blum model points to four key determinants of health. Examine their implications for health care delivery.
3. Evaluate, with particular reference to the roles of (a) organized medicine, (b) the middle class, and (c) American beliefs and values, why reform efforts to bring in national health insurance have been u nsuccessfu I in the United States.