High Level Overview Team Name Andrews Baldwin Chester Digby Erie Ferris Average
Sales $31,449 $68,809 $45,913 $80,152 $41,262 $48,168 $52,626
Profit $880 $6,002 $3,259 $8,211 $3,031 $3,279 $4,110
Contribution Margin
23.9% 27.4% 27.3% 29.4% 29.2% 28.5% 27.6%
Emergency Loan $8,375 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
Stock Price $9.09 $22.09 $16.65 $27.95 $15.32 $18.62 $18.29
Market Share 10.0% 21.8% 14.5% 25.4% 13.1% 15.3% 16.7%
Research and Development Use the Customer Buying Criteria, Product List and Perceptual Map to help you design products for your customers and analyze where your products are positioned relative to your competition.
Customer Buying Criteria
Low Tech
Customer Buying Criteria Importance
Price $15.00 - $35.00 41%
Age 3 Years 29%
Reliability 14,000 - 20,000 Hours
Positioning Performance 5.8 Size 14.2
High Tech
Customer Buying Criteria Importance
Positioning Performance 8.8 Size 11.2
Age 0 Years 29%
Price $25.00 - $45.00 25%
Reliability 17,000 - 23,000 Hours
Perceptual Map
S iz
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 0
Product List
Name Pfmn. Size Reliability Age Revision Date
Able 7.6 13.6 21100 2.7 15-Aug-2020
Baker 6.5 14.1 19800 2.1 8-Mar-2020
Bold 7.1 11.7 22400 0.6 15-May-2020
Cake 5.7 14.2 17000 3.3 19-Jan-2020
Cent - - - - 7-May-2021
Daze 6.6 13.6 19500 2.1 22-Apr-2020
Dabble 8 12.4 22000 0.6 11-May-2020
Eat 6 14.4 16500 3.3 15-Jan-2020
East - - - - 16-Mar-2021
Fast 8.5 11.6 22000 1.7 14-Oct-2020
Feast - - - - 23-May-2021
Marketing Look at each segment to assess how your products fit in the market. View how many units each product sold and their projected sales, and compare your product's price, promo & sales budget to the competition. The Customer Satisfaction Score tells you what your customers think of each product.
Name Price Units Sold Potential
Sold Stock Out
Sales Budget
Customer Accessibility
Promo Budget
Customer Awareness
Customer Satisfaction
Able $38.25 567 557 No $1,900 37% $350 34% 10
Baker $33.40 1,235 1,309 Yes $1,350 43% $1,350 77% 22
Bold $42.35 30 42 Yes $550 43% $550 33% 1
Cake $28.95 1,360 1,335 No $925 29% $925 56% 20
Daze $35.00 1,208 1,187 No $1,450 48% $1,450 83% 19
Eat $29.30 1,212 1,190 No $875 28% $875 54% 18
Fast $38.50 485 479 No $1,275 28% $1,500 85% 1
Low Tech Segment
Buying Criteria Importance
Price $15.00 - $35.00 41%
Age 3 Years 29%
Reliability 14,000 - 20,000 Hours 21%
Positioning Performance 5.8 Size 14.2 9%
Demand Information
Market Size 6,098
Units Sold 6,098
Growth Rate 10%
Market Share
Andrews (9.3%) Baldwin (20.7%) Chester (22.3%) Digby (19.8%) Erie (19.9%) Ferris (8%)
Name Price Units Sold Potential
Sold Stock Out
Sales Budget
Customer Accessibility
Promo Budget
Customer Awareness
Customer Satisfaction
Able $38.25 255 235 No $1,900 52% $350 34% 8
Baker $33.40 428 456 Yes $1,350 47% $1,350 77% 11
Bold $42.35 283 402 Yes $550 47% $550 33% 20
Cake $28.95 226 210 No $925 30% $925 56% 5
Daze $35.00 519 477 No $1,450 53% $1,450 83% 12
Dabble $45.00 438 436 No $750 53% $750 39% 21
Eat $29.30 196 182 No $875 28% $875 54% 4
Fast $38.50 766 713 No $1,275 38% $1,500 85% 30
High Tech Segment
Buying Criteria Importance
Positioning Performance 8.8 Size 11.2 33%
Age 0 Years 29%
Price $25.00 - $45.00 25%
Reliability 17,000 - 23,000 Hours 13%
Demand Information
Market Size 3,110
Units Sold 3,110
Growth Rate 20%