Use the following correlation chart to help answer the IR spectrum questions: small range range of values N-H -O-H-CEN usually broad peak C-o strong 1600-1660 EC-H 3250-3300 2200 1680 gco sco 2710- 2820 2 peaks 3000- 3100 CECH (N-H C-H 1730 2200 broad with spikes --3300 O-H 1600 2850- 2960 1710 broad-3300-3400 -CO-H broad-3000 1650 4000 3500 3000 2000 1500 2500 wavenumber, cm 1000 1. (2 pts.) Shown below are IR spectra of cyclohexanecarbaldehyde (I) and cyclohexene (II). Which of the spectra A and B corresponds to which structure (I or 11)? On each spectrum, identify the peaks that are associated with a specific bond vibration bond by drawing the functional group for that bond, circling the specific vibrating bond and drawing an arrow from the circled bond to the absorption peak. Include all the C-H bonds. I II cyclohexanecarbaldehyde cyclohexene A mm 681 967 2710 1461 2856 2932 1727
100 B 2659 1652 10 1137 904 1438 3023 719 2838 2985 640 허 D 4000 5000 2000 1500 1000 100