Lessons Learned From The Project Management Simulation.
project management
Senior management expects you to release a new printer which will allow you to upstage the competitor's expected new printer announcement. The target schedule is shortened to allow you to ramp up manufacturing and marketing soon enough to pre-empt the competitor announcement with an announcement of your own. The budget will support a cost structure that permits a printer profit margin which is slightly better than that of the current printer. Your own analysis of the work required and subsequent work breakdown structure has led you to conclude that these targets are difficult but achievable. You’re concerned, however, that the market intelligence gathered about your competitor’s plans might not be reliable. Management has committed to providing stable access to resources during the project.
1. Target Scope: High-Speed
You will be able to upstage the competitor's expected new product announcement. You will receive 200 points for delivering a printer with the scope requested and up to 100 points for delivering a printer with a more sophisticated scope.
2. Target Schedule: Week 17
This schedule will allow you to ramp up manufacturing and marketing soon enough to quickly match the competitor new product announcement with one of your own. You will receive 200 points for meeting your schedule goals and up to 100 points for completing ahead of schedule.
3. Target Cost: $40,700
This will support a cost structure that will enable you to release the new printer product with a profit margin higher than the competitor. You will receive 200 points for meeting your budget/resources goals and up to 100 points for completing under budget.
You may also receive up to 100 points for team process by maintaining a consistent morale of 85% - 95%.
To learn to differentiate between; symptoms (observations) that can usually be measured but usually not ‘fixed’ and the problems/underlying causes that create the observed symptoms that can be ‘fixed’, but usually can’t be measured. To find the most fundamental cause and effect relationships. To understand the difference between “correlation” and “causality.” To learn to ask ‘Why’; sometimes many times, until the most fundamental causes are identified. These will usually be behavioral in nature, as opposed to the symptoms that can usually be expressed in numbers.
b. Understanding the choice and design of operating systems and the relationships between systems design, technology and process choice, operating procedures and
productivity. Linking process design choices to market demand and business strategy.
c. Learning to MAP, analyze, execute, and improve operations
d. Developing a feeling for the problems involved in the ongoing management of operating systems, i.e.; mapping the process and “Making It Work”.
e. Gaining an appreciation of the relationship between operations/production of both ‘goods’ and ‘services’ products, factory vs. services operations, other functional areas, and Business Unit Strategy (SBU). Understanding the impact of new technology, especially computers; on traditional manufacturing systems and generalizing the lessons learned in factory settings to other operating systems such as offices, hotels, banks, etc... Understanding how operations and technology can be a source of “competitive advantage”.
f. To begin to think like an operations management executive.
g. To improve critical thinking, judgment, and communication skills.
h. To further develop your personal skills in time/work management, teamwork and leadership.
Session 1
· What is Strategy” by Michael Porter (HBR, Nov-Dec, 1996) [VERY IMPORTANT]
· “The Five Competitive Forces That Shape Strategy” by Michael Porter (HBR Jan 2008)
· “Operations Based Strategy” by Robert Hayes and David Upton (CMR vol. 40, no. 4, Summer 1998)